Status: New and slow

Most Devastated Hearts Never Heal

Chapter 7: Al and Sammy

Jacob’s POV:

I heard a car swish up into the driveway, glancing at the clock I saw it was 1:45. Quickly I silently leapt from the couch and threw open the front door. A massive sigh ripped threw my body as my eyes caught sight of Eliana emerging from Bella’s sleek sport’s car. Bella stepped out shooting me a warning glance as I swayed back and forth on the porch waiting for them to get to me. “Hi Jake” Eliana finally said softly as she stood on the little porch

Once again I sighed when her arms swung open in welcome. Gathering her in my arms I squeezed her tightly to me before saying “hi Eliana.” Finally setting her back on her feet I said “I’m so sorry”

“It is ok” was all she said as she breezed into the house. I finally looked at what she was wearing she looked like the Eliana I had grown used to seeing on Christmas cards, she looked like herself.

“She needs time” Bella reminded touching my hand as she walked into the house behind Eliana. I nodded to myself and walked in to the house behind Bella. My heart seemed to freeze as I herd Eliana packing and zipping a suitcase. I couldn’t help my self as sprinted up the stairs and gazed in on her she sat on the floor repacking one of her large suitcases

“What are you doing?” I pleaded Please Don’t let her go back to New York. That would kill dad

“I’m staying with the Cullens until school starts. Billy oked it” she said not even looking up from her packing.

My heart still hurt to know I had pushed her away so much that she needed space but I gave a deep sigh of relief and said “Ok”

“Where is she?” I tensed hearing Paul’s low growl downstairs. Glancing at Eliana I sighed seeing she hadn’t heard anything

“I’ll be down stairs” I said quickly before stiffly walking down stairs

“She doesn’t want to see you” Came Bella’s whispered snap

I stepped off the last stair into the living room and saw Bella crouched in front of the stairs and Paul shaking tremendously “Paul step outside” I commanded pointing at the door

“You aren’t Alpha pup so keep your trap shut” he whispered in a growl “I want to see her”

“Paul she doesn’t want anything to do with any of you at the moment. She doesn’t want to see Jake. Why would she want to see you?” Bella glared viciously at Paul her voice still low and cold so Eliana wouldn’t hear her.

Paul’s POV:

“Paul she doesn’t want anything to do with any of you at the moment. She doesn’t want to see Jake. Why would she want to see you?” Bella glared viciously at me. My heart sank.

She doesn’t want to see me

“But she is my imprint” I whispered my voice sounding more broken than I would have liked.

Bella relaxed slightly and took a step towards me the sickly sweet smell hurting my nose as she gently said “She is over whelmed and needs space. If you love her like you claim she needs her space.” Bella added so slow I had to strain to hear and I knew Jacob wouldn’t hear at all “Bump into her when the moving vans come. Don’t seem abrasive she needs something solid right now. Make that you” she squeezed my shoulder and stepped away.

I nodded and walked out the front door catching the strong scent from her that had alerted me to her being home “I’ll casually bump into her and ask if she needs help moving boxes inside” I smiled at me plan.

Eliana’s POV:

I took a deep shaky breath and called out “Bella will you come help me?” She appeared looking gorgeous and perfect and smiling brightly “Will you take this to the car?” I asked pointing at one filled suitcase.

“Of course” she smiled grabbing the suitcase before adding “The moving truck is at the end of the street” she smiled and then disappeared with her super speed.

One last glace around the room I grabbed my oversized tote and began bouncing down the stairs. Jake was pacing back in forth in the living room, and didn’t seem to notice me as I steppe doff the last step “Jake” I muttered. He leapt four feet in the air and let out a gasp “Sorry?” I said raising an eyebrow

“The uh truck just pulled up are you ready to start unloading” Jake asked rubbing his neck, his nervous habit.

“Yeah lets get started” I said softly walking towards the door

Bella stood in the yard talking to the main truck driver. I saw the two younger guys gazing longingly at the Porsche hooked up to the large truck. They had no idea that inside that truck was the most beautiful ’67 mustang you would ever see. “Oh here she is” Bella exclaimed making the ogling man nodded happily as he gazed at her face. “Eliana, honey, come here” She smiled waving me over

“Don’t scratch my car” I growled as one of the younger boys with shaggy gold hair went to touch my Porsche

“She means business” Jacob muttered walking over to lean against Bella’s gorgeous car.

“There is the puppy and 2 cars that need to be signed for” The older late thirties man with a bald spot said handing my some forms to sign.

“Two Cars?” the second young 20ish mover asked. I just smirked signing the sheets with a flourish “Will we have to move the stuff into the house?” The same boy asked his eyes barely straying from the car.

“Nah we can take care of it” I said to the older man “Where is my puppy?” I said anxiously

“Right here Miss” The older man smiled kindly as he walked to the front of the larger truck he opened the passenger door revealing a large black wire cage with my beautiful little puppy inside it.

“AL!!!” I squealed darting towards the truck the man barely set the cage on the ground before my fingers were frantically trying to open the cage as Al shook it in his excitement. “Al calm down I huffed mommy can’t get your cage open” Al began whining and jumping up and down more frantically. “Al!!!” I cried out “This thing is impossible”

“Let me” said a deep voice as a large russet hand pressed the cage into the ground, and another quickly unlatched the latch.

Yanking open the door I spread my arms and immediately Al was in them rubbing his head all over my chest and face as his tongue licked me wildly. “Thanks” I said looking up I was stunned to see Paul’s deep brown eyes staring down at me

“No problem” he smiled down at me. I shivered at the adoring look in his eyes and quickly stood up Al’s medium sized body wrapped tightly in my arms. “Who is this?” Paul asked looking down at Al and then me.

“This is Alejandro the love of my life” I giggled rubbing my nose op top of Al’s head.

“He is very cute” Paul smiled fondly down at Al before smiling up at me “Like his mommy”

I swallowed heavily and looked away. I didn’t like the feeling his deep brown eyes gave my stomach, I didn’t like feeling anything. “Thanks” I said stiffly before turning to look at my car. The two young men were trying to get the Porsche off the dinghy behind the truck “Be careful with that” I crumbled hurrying to shake my finger at the two stunned boys “This is car cost more than you will make in five years” I growled glaring fiercely.

“I’ll take care of it miss” the older man said his smile was slightly amused as he patted Al’s head and continue towards the boys to get my Porsche and my dad’s mustang off and out of the large truck.

“Oh No” I gasped “Jake where am I gonna put my cars” I asked hysterically looking at him wide eyed.

“I didn’t think about that” Jake said thinking hard his brow was creased “One can stay in the garage, and I will put the Rabbit out on the drive. I don’t know what to do with the other” he said scratching his head

“Since you’re staying with us you will need a car We have an extra spot in the garage I don’t think Carlisle will mind” Bella smiled happily as the two younger guys began carrying Boxes from the smaller truck. Bella came over and took Al from my arms he bristle slightly and looked at her skeptically his blue eyes taking her in.

“What?” Paul growled making one of the guys falter with a box of my clothes

“What, what?” I asked crossing my arms defensively

“You’re staying with them” Paul hissed pointing at Bella his eyes trained on me. I visibly Bristled and my gaze turned cold Paul took a deep breath before saying “I’m sorry” there was a rush of air from Jacob as he gazed stunned at Paul. “I just” Paul continued unfazed “I don’t like you being that far away from me. Will you reconsider staying around here please?” Paul actually begged making both Bella and Jacob gasp

“No” I said simply. I watched his whole face crumble into despair as his shoulders slumped forward “I’ll be back before school starts” I said softly not meeting his gaze as I turned my back on Paul.

I heard Paul’s soft sigh of relief before I felt his hot hand on my back “Can I help move the boxes into the house” he asked.

“Sure” I said gazing at the dozen or so boxes in front of the house. The Porsche slid off the dinghy barely making a noise as the older gentle man silently handed me the keys. I quickly walked to the car and hoped in throwing it into reverse and pulling it into the drive next to Bella’s care, as the engine purred enticingly

“Fucking gorgeous” the blonde shaggy haired mover said looking between the car and me.

“Who you talking about the car, or me?” I laughed pocketing the keys

“I don’t know” he said looking between the car and me once more

“Shut up Mackenzie” the older gentleman said slapping the blonde in the back of the head

“Fine” He grumbled as the darker haired young guy laughed at him. Both were silent though as the man threw open the back of the large moving truck revealing my dad’s beautiful mustang.

“Boys meet, Sammy” I muttered smirking at the two stunned young men.

“Wow” the darker haired one said as the blonde nodded mutely

“Now get it off there so I can get back to the house” I muttered patting their shoulders and walking towards Bella who was still holding and anxious Al. “Bella why don’t you let him down to go potty, and Jake, Paul, why don’t you guys start moving boxes into the house” I said leaning with Bella against her car

“Ok” Jake huffed picking up a box, as Paul silently stooped and picked one up. I heard aloud thud and flipped around towards the large moving van, Al’s head spun dizzily as I jerked to a stop.

“Be Careful” I growled at the blonde mover “That’s my daddy’s car” I hissed eyes narrowed he swallowed and nodded before they began quickly and carefully sliding it from the truck. I nodded and turned back to a puzzled Bella “What?”

“You are worse then Rose when it comes to cars” she giggled softly as Paul and Jacob emerged from the front door to silently grab another box each. “You didn’t bring much stuff,” Bella acknowledged petting Al softly and gazing at the eight remaining boxes in the yard

“I didn’t have much I wanted to keep” I muttered shrugging “I think I’m gonna keep Sammy at your house. She is more important than the Porsche” I nodded watching as the finally unhooked Sammy from the truck.

“Miss” the older man smiled while dangling the keys in the air. The trucks had been moved out of the way, and everything was almost cleared from the yard only 5 boxes remained. I squealed making Al bark happily in my arms as we bounced towards the gentleman. The two younger boys were nearly salivating glancing between the Porsche keys in one of my hands and the mustang keys in the other. They both looked torn, it was hysterical.

“Thank you” I smiled before happily yelling “Bella, Jake!!” Quickly signed for a three hundred dollar tip for the three men and smiled, as the man looked slacked jaw at the number “For my babies” I smiled. Quickly I pranced to the three waiting supernatural beings as the movers slowly almost unhappily packed up their vans. “Let’s go back to the house,” I said softly a little smile worming its way onto my face. Bella nodded and patted Al’s head before flitting to her car to waiting for me to get into Sammy.

“I’ll see you soon” Jake said tightly hugging me swiftly

“Right it is only a few days” I smiled “Oh and I’ll be back tomorrow to get the Porsche so don’t try anything I’ve got the keys” I jingled them making him pout. “Ok Bye” again I felt a tiny smile worm its way onto my lips as i skipped to the Mustang leapt in and was gone in the blink of an eye I’m getting back to normal. Slowly but surely
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