The Freshman


It seemed as though fate caused them to meet during their freshman year. Which evidently caused them to fall in love. Years later, Violet and Victor were married, living a fairytale dream when they received an unbearable news. Victor has been diagnosed with cancer and only has a few months to live. Presently, Violet strives to make Victor’s last few days normal, as if nothing was different; but slowly and painfully, her heart was breaking. Victor knew and he was determined to keep her happy, until his heart stopped beating.

Author's Note: I know that the song is about abortion and death and that it has nothing to do with the story, but it just inspired me. Feedback would be great because this really wasn't planned. I just thought of it yesterday and now I'm writing it. &+ It'll be done within three-four days.The song's may not exactly fit, but to me it was okay. So, comment.

Inspired by Verve Pipe's "The Freshman"

  1. It Must Be Fate
    Story of A Girl by Nine Days ~ one//four.
  2. Happily Married
    Hanging By a Moment by Lifehouse ~ two//four.
  3. So They Thought
    Cradlesong by Rob Thomas ~ three//four.
  4. Forever & Always
    Little Wonders by Rob Thomas ~ four//four.