The Freshman

Forever & Always

For months the couple went through agonizing and exhausting examinations. Victor went through chemotherapy and radiation, while Violet waited patiently, but anxiously, for him. It was terrifying for them both, but with the last month coming to an end they were losing hope.

Violet sat up, waking up from her never-ending nightmare. Ever since Victor’s diagnosis Violet was plagued with the same nightmare… his death. She looked upon the sky, the bright sun shining through the window. The water beyond the shore reflecting it’s bright glare. She hadn’t notice the empty spot beside her until she looked down. Panicked, she threw on her robe and ran out of their bedroom, almost bumping into Victor.

“Hey there sleepyhead,” he chuckled, holding a plateful of food.

“Morning babe,” she smiled, holding back the tears that threatened to fall. For months she’s been trying to control the tears from falling every time she was away from him.

“I made you breakfast,” he grinned, holding it higher. Pulling her hand, while holding the tray with the other, he led her back on the bed.

Violet ate silently, studying him. There was something new to Victor. He was happier and more energetic. She was suspicious.

“I have some news,” he announced, clearing his throat. He stared in her eyes and took a deep breath. “Baby, I’m done with chemo.”

“What?!” she exclaimed. “Does that mean you can be cured?”

“It means I don’t want to go back Violet,” he coolly replied. “All these months, except that honeymoon we had, has been hell. And it hasn’t made any progress. I’m tired Vye and I’m sure you are too.”

“No,” Violet grabbed his hands and pleaded. “No, of course not. I’m always here for you Victor. Don’t lose hope yet.”

“Please babe…” he swallowed the lump in his throat. He knew he needed to be strong. “I can’t keep wasting my time there. So just please cancel our appointments.”

Staring into his delightful green eyes, she knew. She knew all along that it was going nowhere, but she refused to lose hope. Silently she nodded and hugged him. Looking past him, she held back the tears she wanted to shed.

“So, what are we going to do today?” she croaked, trying to lighten up the mood.

“I was thinking that we could just stay home. Enjoy the beach and have our privacy,” he smiled. “We haven’t had that in a long while.”

“You’re right,” she agreed, finishing the last piece of food.

Most of the afternoon was spent swimming and cooking. Violet and Victor have always been proud carnivores. They loved the sweet scent of barbeque and savoring them afterwards. They laughed together, just like they use to before his diagnosis.

Although Violet enjoyed their time together, she wanted many more just like it. Her heart was slowly breaking every time she remembered. Victor, on the other hand, already knew what she was thinking. He kept them both preoccupied throughout the day, as to not ruin it. He knew, deep inside, that it was their last. So, he took a lot of pictures and wrote a great deal of letters that he couldn’t express within the few hours left of the day.

As the last light of the day began to diminish Victor gathered Violet for their last dance.

“What are you doing?” she laughed, standing up.

“Can’t you tell?” he responded. “Little Wonders” came on the loud speakers as they glided on the gazebo. Violet silently cried into his shoulders as he tried to soothe her.

When the song ended he led her to the nearby hammock. They laid down together, with Violet’s head upon his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, afraid to let go.

“I love you Violet,” he said, looking beyond the horizon. The sun was beginning to set, casting it’s last flare throughout the world. It’s yellow-orange beams reflected far and wide.

“I love you too Victor,” she smiled, pecking his lips. They stared at each other for a while before settling back to their original positions.

“Violet…” he started. “No matter what happens…”

“Don’t,” she stated firmly, cutting in. Her voice strained from the effort to not cry.

“You have to hear this,” he reasoned. She kept quiet and listened attentively. “I don’t want you to live in the past Vye. I want you to keep moving as time destined you to. Will you promise me that?”

“I…” she faltered, her lips quivering. All the tears she held back were now falling freely on her cheek onto Victor’s shirt. “I promise.”

“Good. I only want you to be happy Vye. I want you to experience everything you‘ve always wanted,” he smiled. She looked at him, painting the picture of him smiling in her head. She never wanted to forget his signature smile. It was the smile she’s always loved.

They stared at the setting sun, speechless and tranquil. As the last light of the sun vanished so did the light in Victor’s eyes. His arm fell off of Violet’s waist and she knew. She didn’t need to see his face to know. The love of her life was forever gone. So she wept for a long while and held on to him, until the tears surrendered and stopped coming.

Getting up, she looked at his peaceful face one last time before calling their parents and the coroner.

Goodbye my love; until we meet again.
♠ ♠ ♠

Thank you for reading and major thanks for those who commented. <3