Status: Can't believe it's over! Stay in tune for the "Christmas (but it's not Christmas) Special" xD and the sequel! :D

Fake Girlfriend


I avoided seeing Cole at all until lunch. John was just as surprised as Delilah when I told him what Cole did. Actually, he seemed a bit angry at his friend. I had known John forever. In fact, I knew him a long time before Delilah met him, and we had been friends forever. And I don’t think he liked the fact that a guy he trusts messing with his friend. He stood up, ready to confront Cole, who had not made an appearance in the cafeteria.

“John,” I said, grabbing his sleeve. “Don’t.”

John already had that unshiftable look in in his eye. “I’ll just talk to him, is all.”

“No. I’ll do it…Just not now.” I gave him a pleading look. “Please, John. I’d rather talk to him myself.” Actually, I sort of wanted John to go over there and beat the crap out of that jackass, but apparently, somewhere deep down, I was too nice for that.

John sat back down. “Alright.”

I smiled. “Thank you.”

Delilah leaned over to me, staring off at something. “Speak of the devil.”

I looked over, and there he was, strolling over to a table where Duncan and Sam where sitting. I was glad he wasn’t going to try and come over to our table, but his eyes wandered and met mine. He didn’t smirk, or smile, or frown. He just stared for what seemed forever, and I stared back. Finally, my eyes narrowed and I looked away.

Trying to forget him, I smiled at my friends. “Oh, I heard you guys got matching costumes. You guys should go to Brad’s Halloween party. That would be perfect for it, don’t you think?”

Delilah quickly jumped in. “Yeah. That’s what we were thinking. You’re going to come right?”

“I’m planning to,” I said.

“Any idea what you’re going to wear?” John asked.

“Nope. I’ll probably just put something together.” I laughed a little, and I saw relief come into my friends’ eyes, perhaps at the sight that I wasn’t (or at least didn’t look) like I was too caught up in the Cole ordeal.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I looked behind me, scared it was Cole, but instead Lex was looking at me with miserable eyes. “Sorry, Jade. Mind if I sit here?” he asked.

Surprised, I tapped the chair next to me. “Of course, Lex! Take a seat.” Lex sat, more timid than I’ve ever seen him. It seemed odd that a guy with such eccentric features like his fire-red hair and over-pierced ears and eyebrow could be so awkward. I looked at Delilah and John. “Guys, this is Lex. Lex, these are my friends, Delilah and John.” Lex nodded, not even saying hello.

“Oh,” John said. “You’re one of Cole’s friends.”

Delilah nudged him hard and whispered a little too loud, “He’s the one Cole punched, John.”

Lex scratched his head and laughed sheepishly. “Yeah, that would be me.” He looked at me. “Did you let Cole know I was sorry?”

“I tried… Then he totally blew up at me,” I said.

Lex frowned. “Oh. Sorry.” It was clear this guy was a total mess. He was nowhere close to the guy had met just a few days ago. I felt horrible. Cole might have snapped at me, but I hadn’t known him very long, I wasn’t as close to him as Lex was. I couldn’t imagine how it would feel to get punched and then completely hated by your best friend.

I placed my hand on top of his. “Lex, it’ll be fine with time. You know, right after he punched you, he looked so distraught. He told me he didn’t mean to hit you. He’s confused, but deep down, I know he doesn’t hate you.” I remembered sitting on the bench with him, with him verging on tears. I kissed his cheek. He held me so tight, like he wouldn’t let go. Ever. It was hard to think that that was just before he snapped at me. I could almost say it was like he was two different people. But the way he hugged me, the way it felt like he needed me, was so real. “Or me,” I added after a long pause. “He didn’t mean to blow up at either of us, I think.”

I still didn’t think I was about to go over and forgive him, though.

The rest of lunch was filled with rather comfortable conversation. John, God Bless him, quickly cheered up Lex with a bunch of back-and-forth humor, and the two were instant friends. For a moment, I forgot about everything, too busy laughing at comments from the two guys. I found myself meeting Cole’s eyes again, while bursting out in laughter and found myself not caring and looking away.

I couldn’t avoid Cole forever, however. On the way to History, I finally ran into him. I tried to turn the other way, but he grabbed my hand before I could get away. My stomach felt heavy again and my throat felt dry. My hand was already sweating in his hand. “Thisbe,” he said softly. “Is something wrong?”

I didn’t dare look at him. Is something wrong? He couldn’t possibly be asking that question. That made me angry all over again. I slipped my hand out of his. But when I did that, Cole gently pulled me to look at him. I tried to glare, but I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. “Figure it out,” I said, then got out of there as fast as I could. I felt disappointed when he didn’t follow me.

Were all guys clueless, or was it just him?
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey. Want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! So obviously, Christmas is not gonna happen in this story for awhile... we're still in Halloween -___-. I know it doesn't really matter, though. Anyways, please enjoy!
