Status: Can't believe it's over! Stay in tune for the "Christmas (but it's not Christmas) Special" xD and the sequel! :D

Fake Girlfriend


Even by the end of the week, I didn’t know the secret Cole, Lex, and John seemed to be hiding. I didn’t mind so much anymore; Cole said I would be told, and I believed him now. I wasn’t worried. Lex was back to normal, and John was half-way decent. What worried be more was that Delilah hadn’t been in school the entire week, and she wouldn’t pick up my calls. Whatever this secret was, I was beginning to think it involved her.

On a better not, Cole and I had stayed on good terms for an entire week—I’m pretty sure that’s a record. It was getting easier and easier to act like a couple. In fact, it scared me that I wasn’t even trying anymore.

“Bumblebee,” Cole said, poking my face with a fry during lunch. I was completely zoned out. He poked me again, laughing. “This-be?”

I blinked. “Huh?”

Everyone laughed.

“You seem out of it,” Cole said. “You okay?”

I sighed. “Yeah, I’m fine,” I said. “I just got to go babysit these two hyper-active girls after school today. I usually go with Delilah but, I haven’t heard from her in a week.” I looked at John, in hopes that he would explain why she had been absent so long, but he just shifted uncomfortable, focused on his tray of food.

Sam chuckled. “Are they really that much of hassle that you need two people?”

“Yes,” I groaned.

“How old are they?” Cole asked.

“Seven-year-old twins,” I answered.

He grinned. “Well then let me help. I’ll bring my little sister, and they can have a playdate. That should lighten your load.”

I blinked. I didn’t know Cole had a sister. “Are you sure?”

“If it’s fine with you and the parents.”

“That would make my life so much easier,” I smirked. “But you think you can handle it?”

Cole chuckled. “You don’t know how good I am with kids.”


Cole drove to my apartment, and I saw a little head in the backseat. He pulled up to the front door where I was waiting, hugging my jacket close to me in the brisk weather. He opened the window. “We’ll take my car,” he said. “You’ll just have to tell me where to go.”

“Okay,” I said, ducking inside the front seat and slamming the door shut.

The little girl in the back watched me with big curious eyes. She did look a lot like Cole, except she ahd light brown hair. I smiled at her, but she just watched me. Cole chuckled.

“Thisbe, this is my sister Joy,” he introduced. “Joy, this is my friend Thisbe. Be nice, okay?”

Joy giggled. “Brother’s friend?” she asked suspiciously. I was shocked how mature she sounded.

Cole laughed. “Yes.”

She continued to giggle. “But she’s a girl. You can’t be friends with a girl when you’re a guy.”

“Yes you can,” Cole said, still laughing. “What about Lex’s brothers Luc and Gabe?”

She grinned. “That’s different. They don’t have cooties.” She stuck her tongue out.

I laughed. I couldn’t help it. This little girl talked like she was wise beyond her years, but she was still just an average six-year-old. Cole shook his head, laughing as well.

“Cooties are gross,” she continued. “You must really like Thisbe, Brother, if you’re not afraid of getting them. There was this girl in my class who held hands with a boy, and then she was out for a week with cooties!” She threw up her hands for dramatic effect. “Luc says that cooties look like buggers, just really really really tiny. He says he doesn’t have them ‘cos he got a shot for it. But I’ve never heard of a shot for cooties. Have you, Brother?”

I could see Cole trying to restrain himself from bursting out. He had amusement in his eyes, as well as a very caring look to him as he look in his rear-view mirror at his sister. “No, I haven’t.”

I was stifling laughter.


Joy was still blabbering on until we got to the house. I was glad she was there, because I wasn’t sure what Cole and I would’ve talked about the entire ride, otherwise. Last week’s date might have come up, and that would cause a lot of embarrassment for the entire night. I tried not to think about that day much. That kiss…

I turned red.

As soon as we parked in the driveway, Joy hopped out and scurried around the car to Cole’s door, and as soon as he got out, she grabbed his hand. I had to admit, Cole holding his sister’s hand was the cutest thing I ever saw. Again, I got to see that cute, affectionate face he gave his sister. I smiled.

Before we even got onto the porch of the large, mansion-like house, Mr. and Mrs. Hendrick, the parents, came out, looking to be in a rush. Mrs. Hendrick hurried over to us, and Mr. Hendrick went to the car with a quick “Hello, Thisbe.”

Mrs. Hendrick smiled at me. “Great time, Thisbe,” she said. She looked over at Cole. “Hm, Thisbe’s friend, I presume? Funny, I thought you’d be a girl.” It was obvious she didn’t exactly feel comfortable with a guy helping watch her kids. I didn’t blame her, and I was suddenly glad I hadn’t brought Lex. She’d flip at his eccentric hair and piercings.

Cole just chuckled politely and extended a hand. “I’m Cole.” She shook his hand hesitantly. Cole then squatted down to his sister’s level and picked her up. She started to giggle wildly. “And this is Joy,” he introduced, grinning at his sister’s squirming. He held her up with one arm wrapped around her, he took her arm with his free hand and extended it to shake. Joy just kept giggling. “Say hi, Joy,” Cole said.

Mrs. Hendrick shook her small hand. “Hello!” Joy said.

Mrs. Hendrick’s face lightened. “Hello there, Joy.” She suddenly sounded less worried.

“Honey!” Mr. Hendrick called from their car.

“Alright, dear!” she called back at her husband. She smiled back at us. “We’ll be back around 10 o’ clock. Just put the kids to bed at 8. You’re welcome to anything in the kitchen, but the kids aren’t allowed to have candy, cookies, or anything of the sort. There are emergency numbers on the fridge, as usual.”

“Alright,” I said. “Enjoy yourselves.”

“Thank you,” and with that Mr. and Mrs. Hendrick were gone.

“Where are they going, anyways?” Cole asked, setting down the giggly Joy.

“Some business meeting or something. Mr. Hendrick is some big-shot CEO and Mrs. Hendrick helps run the business,” I answered.

Cole whistled, then looked at the big house in front of us. “Well, this definitely looks like the house of a CEO,” he joked.

“Definitely,” I said with a laugh.

As soon as we walked through the door, we were mobbed by the two girls. “Jade! Jade!” Funny how much that name didn’t sound like mine anymore. The girls jumped up and down, pulling at my leg. “Jade! We wanna play Barbies!” they chanted.

Joy peaked out from behind Cole, who was laughing. “I like Barbies,” she said, smiling.

The twins looked her over then beamed. “Yay!” one, Kim, said.

“Let’s go!” The other, Leah, said.

The three skipped to the twin’s room.

“Will your sister be fine with those two demons?” I asked.

Cole laughed harder. “Demons? Hardly. They’re just like every other little girl. Joy might be a little less… hyper, but they’ll get along fine.”

I sighed. “You sure? ‘Cos they seem pretty evil to me.”

“Bumblebee,” Cole said, smirking. “They’re six.”

“Seven,” I corrected.

“Oh, right.” Cole chuckled, kicking off his shoes by the door and falling down on the couch like it was his home. He cocked an eyebrow at me. “You’re not very good with little kids, are you?”

I laughed, pointing at myself. “Only child.”

Cole laughed, too.


For fifteen minutes, things had been a lot than ever at the Hendrick household. I didn’t have to do a thing. No separating fights. No getting tackled by girls wanting to play pony. No dress-up. Cole and I channel surfed on the Hendricks’ 3D capable flat screen T.V. (Neither of us could figure out the 3D, so we just watched it normally.) All the while, the girls seemed to be enjoying their playdate.

But the quiet only lasted so long.

One of the twins shrieked, and I knew I couldn’t get off so easily without at least one argument between the girls. Cole jumped up, probably worried about his sister, and the two of us dashed up the stairs. We peaked into the room to see the twins fighting over one of the Barbies. Joy just sat there, trying to suggest that one of them use another Barbie instead.

I sighed. Here we go.

Before I did my usually routine of threatening with time-outs and quiet-time, Cole waltzed over and squatted to their lever. He gently took the doll away from both of them. “Hey you tow, if you can’t compromise, then no one will get the Barbie.” The twins looked at each other. “But if you’re nice, and maybe share the doll, then I may just have a treat for you guys later. That sound good?”

Their eyes lit up. “Treat?!” Kim said. “What kind?”

He chuckled and put a finger to his lips. “It’s a secret.”

They pouted but contemplated the choice. “Okay,” Leah said.

Cole smiled and placed the Barbie on the floor. Kim offered it to Leah, and they would trade later. Cole laughed at stood up. “Better now?”

They all nodded.

When we walked out and around the corner, I gave Cole a weird look. “What?” he asked when he saw it.

“You,” I answered. “For someone so nonchalant, you sure are good with kids.”

He shrugged. “I’ve got a sister.”

“I know plenty of guys with little sisters who can’t deal with kids,” I said.

Cole shrugged again, chuckling.

“And what’s with this promise of treats? They can’t have cookies or anything.”

He grinned and grabbed my hand, guiding me down the stairs. “I’ll show you.”

We headed into the kitchen, and Cole pulled out some kind of grape juice from the fridge. I leaned up against the kitchen counter as he looked through the drawers and cupboards, and finally he found what he was looking for. Toothpicks. He then went into the freezer and pulled out some empty ice trays.

I smiled. “Popsicles?”

“Yup.” He laughed. “It’s just juice, but apparently, freezing it automatically makes it a sugary treat in the eyes of little kids.”

I grinned at him. “I never thought I’d say this, but Cole, you’re a genius.”

He grinned. “Phsst. I already knew that. Now, hold the tray while I pour.” I laughed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello y'all! (don't ask where the 'yall' came from. hahah)

Shoutout to robotzstarplanet and babygirl1312 for reading my entire story in such a short period of time. I always like to hear when people like it that much, that they would read all 50 chapters. xD Thanks guys!

Anyways, I've spent a hell of a lot of time (excuse the french) looking online for pictures that most look like the way I imagine my characters to be. You would not believe how long it took to find some of them (The hardest being Thisbe and Lex. Lex because of the hair, but God knows why it took so long to find a decent Thibe). I'll probably create a character page for this story with their pictures, if you guys are interested. :)

So, What do we think about Cole's cuteness with kids? & Are you guys interested in seeing the pics?

Kay, so that's all for now. Cya! <3