Status: Can't believe it's over! Stay in tune for the "Christmas (but it's not Christmas) Special" xD and the sequel! :D

Fake Girlfriend

The Unwelcome Guest

Joy sat on her bed picking out clothes she wanted to bring, while I folded them into her small suitcase. We were only going to be gone for 3 days, but I thought it would be smart that she brought extra clothes, knowing her tendency to get her clothes dirty. It took three times as long for her to pack than it had taken me, but then again, I just packed the first three shirts and pants I found.

Joy yapped away as usual about how excited she was. I smiled. This was the first time she had seemed so excited for Christmas. “Brother. Are you sure Santa will know that we’re going to be with Thisbe? What if he brings all our presents here by accident?” she asked.

I laughed. “Don’t worry. Santa wouldn’t make a mistake like that.”

“Good!” she said, smiling and giving me more clothes to put in the suitcase. Her facial expression slowly changed into a sad one as she asked her next question, “Cole, does Thisbe have a mommy and daddy?”

I looked up, immediately concerned, and frowned. “Yes.”

She was silent for a moment. “Are they nice?”

I felt a pang at my heart at the question. Joy barely knew her mother before she ditched the family and her father barely spoke two sober words to her. She never had loving parents. I tried to smile. “I’ve never met them, but I’m sure they are.”

The smile reappeared on Joy’s face. “Really?”

“From what I hear, they seem very nice.”

There was a big grin on her face, despite what she said next, “Thisbe’s really lucky then, huh?”

I tried to not let the second ache in my heart bother me, as I returned her grin with a smile. I recalled telling Thisbe how lucky she was just the other day right before I kissed her, but hearing it come from a little six year old that never had any loving family besides her brother and uncle was different.

“Yes, she is,” I answered.

She giggled. “I’m excited!”

I chuckled. “Me too.”

The doorbell rang just as we were finishing, and I jogged downstairs to the door before Lloyd could get there. I saw him in the kitchen, a beer in hand, which meant he had found out that his brother was not coming for Christmas after all and he could get as drunk as he wanted. Not that I cared –for once. This made me even gladder that Thisbe had let us spend Christmas with her.

I only opened the door a crack to see who it was at the door. It was a woman who was a little over middle-aged with graying hair. She smiled, and I frowned. Why did she seem familiar? “My, my!” she said. “Cole, you’ve gotten to look very grown up!”

I must have looked confused.

“Don’t you remember me, Cole? It wasn’t that long ago, was it?” she said. Her smile was beginning to look creepy… and so familiar. I could feel suppressed memories bubbling up as she said her name. “I’m Janet.”

My eyes widened. I remembered. Janet. The family service worker who took me to my first foster home. And the second. And the third. The woman who took me away from each foster family, smiling that oddly creepy smile and telling me “It’ll be fine.” That phrase was uttered from her lips so many times as she rubbed my shoulder in a way that should’ve comforted me but just made me irritated. For a long time after I returned to my druggy mother, every time that phrase was said, I could’ve sworn it was her voice saying it in my head.

And it was never fine.

I just about slammed the door, and I think she could tell because her hand went to the door and opened it a little more to see me. I had never outwardly shown my distaste for this woman, but I think she knew. The creepy smile disappeared and a frown replaced it.

“I’m not in foster care anymore,” I said, slightly bitter.

“I know,” she replied, “but I’ve heard something somewhat disturbing.”

My brows furrowed. There was no way she found out about Lloyd’s drunken abuse.

“Cole,” she said, suddenly very serious. “Where is your mother?”

There was a pause as I stared at her. “I don’t know,” I admitted, because no doubt she had heard for somewhere that she no longer lived here.

“Then who do you live with?” She seemed concerned, but by now, I knew that it was only because it was her job to be concerned. And her concern might end up sending Joy and me to foster car—something I would never let happen. I had to be careful of what I told her.

“My stepdad,” I answered.

“Is he home?”

I remembered Lloyd in the kitchen with his beer. It wouldn’t be a good idea that Janet talked with him. Not now, and probably not ever. “No. He’s out,” I said.

“Cole, you do know that your stepdad isn’t legally your guardian. You shouldn’t be staying with him.”

“Yes, but my mother isn’t exactly here, is she?” My eyes narrowed. If she thought she was going to separate me from Joy…

“I’ve gotten a hold of her,” Janet said.

I went rigid. “What?”

“She’s in rehab,” she answered. “She’s getting better.”

I regained composure quickly. “Well good for her. That has nothing to do with me.” I crossed my arms.

“Yes, actually, it does. She’s your legal guardian. Your mother.”

“I’ll be eighteen in a month. I won’t need a guardian,” I defended.

“She gets out in a week, Cole.” My eyes went wide. “And she has been granted the ability to have custody of you. She’s been clean for months now, and I don’t think there will be any problems. I—“

I grew angry. I much preferred to stay here than go with my mother, and I was not leaving Joy here. “Don’t I have a say?!” I interrupted.

“You do, but she’s your l—“

Legal guardian. I know. You’ve said that.” I was raging at this point.

Somewhere in the kitchen, a glass shattered. I heard Lloyd curse. The alcohol must have been kicking in. I turned just to be sure that Joy wasn’t downstairs, and then turned back to Janet, who’s eyes were a little wide.

“What was that?” she asked.

“Nothing,” I growled. “You can tell my mother I won’t go.”

And I slammed the door in her face.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've been studying diligently for my exams next week, so please excuse the lack of updates lately. But, i took a break to type this up. :D Your welcome. As usual, I'll probably end up posting another chapter today, considering I've got a lot of stuff written up. :)

And, since I'm going write back to writing, we're just going to skip to the questions:
Who thinks Joy is adorable?
What are you guesses as to what is going to happen with this new issue of Cole's mother?
Who's excited for Christmas? :D