Status: Hiatus due to school

Out of Haven


A slight knock and the creaking of the chamber door woke Fawn from her slumber. She opened one amber eye blearily as she tried to decipher just who it was exactly that had disturbed her. The brown suede curtains opened and she saw her best and most trusted friend, Fox. His long blue-black hair had been tied back into two loose braids, and hung over his broad shoulders. He had just returned from the stables and was clad in his black leather vest and riding breeches. He removed his black suede riding boots and threw them against the wall.

“Good morning, Sunshine!” He said as he made a running leap toward her bed and landed beside her still cocooned form.

“What’s so good about it?” She grumbled and flopped over onto her stomach in order to better snuggle into her nest of pillows.

Fox inched closer and threw his gangly arms and legs around her. “Ah, I almost forgot how much fun you are in the morning.”

“Oh, I’m plenty of fun. It just depends on how you like your humor and the status of our relationship.” She said partially into her pillow.

“I take my humor like I take my toast.” Fox said and squeezed her in a hug. “Dry.”

Try as she might, Fawn could not contain her giggle and leaned into Fox’s embrace. “Goddess, I’ve missed you.”

Fox smirked. “I’ve missed you too. Now get up, so we can go report to your father.”

“So that’s why you’re here.” She said as she leaned back from him in order to better study his face. His smirk turned into a mischievous grin as he swatted her on the behind.

“You’re it!” He said and jumped from the bed, running out of the door.

Fawn , still wrapped in her blankets, stumbled from the bed and grabbed his shoes on the way to the door.

“You forgot your shoes!” She yelled after him and he quickly returned to the room.

“Thank you milady. Now get your arse dressed so we can get the meeting with your father over. I’ve plans for us today!” He said as he shoved her into the dressing area and sat on the bed to put his shoes back on.

“Fox,” Fawn called from the closet. “Are there people here? Or can I run around in breeches?”

“There are unfortunately people here, and that is why I was in such haste to leave.” He said as he ambled his way to the closet door.

“Or” Fawn said as she poked her head around the dressing screen, “You were scared of being beaten by a girl. Be a love and fasten this would you?”

Fox began slipping Pearl buttons through their respective holes on her deep red summer dress. “Twenty two years, Fawn, and you still haven’t beaten me, yet.”

Fawn opened her mouth and gasped indignantly as she spun around on the ball of her dainty little foot. “You liar!”

Fox chuckled and backed slowly away from the door and toward the hallway.

“Prove it.” He said before he ran down the hall into his own room in order to change. Fawn followed him there and pounded on his door with both hands.

“Coward!” She said before she heard him laugh mockingly. “This isn’t over!”

After making sure that Fox was indeed planning to join her in the throne room, she traveled down to the kitchens to sneak something from the larder. She had only intended to pilfer a slice of melon, but the Cook would not have any of that. Mrs. Nesbit made her sit down at the well-used table to a three-course meal before she could leave the kitchens. It was unfortunate, Fawn later noted, that she did not have the excuse of trying to get home to give this time.

However, word spread throughout the estate that The Autumn King was looking for his daughter, and so she went..
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Yeah, this is MAJOR filler, but I think we needed some meat on those old plot bones.