Status: coming soon.... maybe

I Think I'm Falling For You...

Lunch :)

“Why won’t you just talk to him?” Kaylee taunted.
“I’m scared,” Lizzie responded. Lizzie is your average teenager except for one thing. Liz is seventeen years-old, but she has never had a boyfriend. If her life was a movie, the title would definitely be Never Been Kissed.
“You are never gone get a boyfriend if you can’t even talk to him?” Kaylee teased. The he Kaylee was talking about was Brandon, the guy Lizzie has secretly crushed on since eighth grade. Lizzie and Brandon had always been friends, but as she found that she actually liked Brandon, she suddenly couldn’t even talk to him.
“Look who just walked in?” Abbie stated as she nodded towards the lunchroom doors as she sat down at the table with her tray. In walked Brandon Sky, the object of Lizzie’s desire.
“What are you girls staring at?” Mason questioned as he sat down by Liz and began to unpack his lunch.
“Oh, nothing,” Lizzie responded as she refocused on her lunch.
“Oh, this isn’t over young lady,” Kaylee snapped. “We aren’t through with our discussion!”
“We are for now, ok,” Lizzie stated as she glanced at Mason. Lizzie and Mason had been friends for years, but Liz still felt kinda uncomfortable talking about boys around Mason because he always said that Lizzie was better than INSERT NAME HERE.
“So, what’s everyone doing for winter break?” Mason asked seeing that a new topic was needed.
“Oh same old, same old Christmas with my crazy nuts of relatives,” Lizzie answered with a smile. “And you?”
“Well, I think we are going up to visit our family in New York this year for Christmas, but you know how things change?” Mason responded.
“Well, my dad, brother, and I are actually going away to somewhere tropical for Christmas this year,” Abbie bragged. “What about you, Kaylee?”
“Well, I think we are going up to my step-dad’s families for Christmas, but I have no clue about the rest of break,” Kaylee commented.
“What are you guys talking about?” said a voice for the opposite side of Lizzie than where her friends were located. As Liz turned to her side she was surprised to see, Brandon sitting right beside her.
“We were just discussing what we’re doing over winter break,” Kaylee answered. “What are you doing?”
“I’m stuck here in town with my rents for the whole break,” Brandon answered. “What about you?”
Lizzie waited for someone to answer Brandon until she realized he was looking at her.
“Oh, me. Well, I’m gonna be here in town with all my many sets of families. Between the parties and other gatherings, I can barely keep up,” Lizzie joked.
“Well, if you need a break from the hustle and bustle, we could always do something. Anything to get me away from my rents for a couple of hours,” Brandon joked back. Before Liz could respond the bell rand announcing that it was time for 4th block.
“Well, I’ll see you guys later, I have to get to class,” Brandon announced as he walked towards the trash cans and then out the door.
“Wow, did he just ask you out?” Abbie asked curiously.
“I believe that was just a friendly gesture,” Mason responded sarcastically.
“Don’t ruin this, Lizzie just got asked on her very first date,” Kaylee snapped as Mason went to thrown away the girls trash.
“I don’t know guys, Mason could be right,” Lizzie mumbled as the group started to walk to 4th block.
“No, don’t let him screw this up. He just asked you to hang out and to me that sounds like a date,” Kaylee advised as the group parted ways as Kaylee and Abbie headed to art class and Mason and Liz walked down the main hall towards their classes.
“You know we still have to exchange out Christmas presents for this year,” Mason stated as they stopped at Mrs. Brown’s door for Liz’s yearbook class.
“I know. Let’s met up this Friday after exams to have some coffee at Joe Muggs and exchange gifts,” Lizzie suggested.
“Sounds like a plan since neither of us even have exams that day,” Mason explained as he hugged Lizzie and went off to tech class.
“I wonder what all this means?” Lizzie thought as she went into class to start her daily task of helping make the yearbook possible. But, as she worked she couldn’t help but replay every word Brandon said to her over and over in her head. Was he really flirting with me or was that him being nice, and besides, why did he decide today to sit with us? Before Liz could again complete her thought the final bell of the day rang, and Lizzie was glad to finally leave.
“So do you have any exams?” Mason asked as Lizzie and he walked to their cars.
“No, do you?” Lizzie responded as she throw her belongings in the trunk of her silver Jetta.
“Nope, so I guess I’ll see you Friday,” Mason stated as he opened his car door.
“Yep, see you Friday,” Lizzie said with a smile as Mason got in his car and drove away.
“Now what?” Liz wondered as she climbed into her car. Before Lizzie could think further suddenly her phone rang.
“Hello?” Liz stated.
“Girl, you’ve got to come over here. Someone wants to talk to you!” Kaylee screamed into her phone.
“Ok, ok I’ll be there in a second,” Liz smiled and hung up her phone. As she drove to the other side of the parking lot she knew just what her friend was talking about, and she was ready to see where this is going to go.