Status: coming soon.... maybe

I Think I'm Falling For You...


“So mom, I got a question?” Lizzie stated as she walked into the kitchen for breakfast.
“What is it?” Mom asked as she continued to cook breakfast.
“May I go with Brandon Sky to a family party tonight?” Lizzie questioned hesitantly.
“Brandon Sky? When will you be home?” Mom asked questioningly.
“I can ask him when he texts me later, but may I please go?” Lizzie asked as she made her morning coffee. Lizzie loved her morning coffee; not for the caffeine but merely for the taste.
“As long as you’re home by eleven I don’t see why not. However, I do want to meet him before y’all leave,” Mom stated as she began to cook the morning eggs.
“Yes ma’am. You’ve met him before, he goes to our church. Mrs. Lisa’s son,” Lizzie declared as she sat down at the table.
“Oh, ok. Well, I want to talk to him still, ok?” Mom inquired as she placed a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon in front of her daughter and sat down herself to eat.
“When will Dad be home?” Lizzie questioned curiously as she began to eat her eggs. Lizzie was actually referring to her step-dad, but he had been her dad ever since her father had passed away many years ago.
“He should be home about six. What time should Brandon be here?” Mom answered.
“He should be here about five. Guess Dad will have to meet him later, darn” Lizzie joked.
“We will see then.” Mom continued.
“Well, I need to go take a shower,” Lizzie stated as she took her last bite of breakfast. With that said, Lizzie got up from the table to go get ready.
“I have no clue what to wear?” Lizzie mumbled with frustration as she looked at all the clothes in her closet. Lizzie had spent most of the morning decorating the house with her mom, and she was now stuck in front of the closet with the dilemma of what to wear. Lizzie decided she needed help from someone to pick what to wear, but who would be any help? Lizzie thought of Kaylee, her best friend, but then changed her mind because Kaylee had no fashion sense what so ever. Then she thought of Abbie. Abbie could help, but I wonder if she’s busy. Lizzie decided to shot Abbie a text to see if she could help.

Lizzie: Hey girly, I need some help?

Lizzie plopped down on her bed.
“I can’t do this! I can’t go on this date! I can’t, I can’t!” Lizzie mentally screamed. Before she could completely freak out though a text came in, but it wasn’t from Abbie.

Brandon: Hey

Lizzie: Hey, what’s up?

Brandon: Nothing much. I’m starting to get ready for tonight. Are you still sure you want to come?

Lizzie: Of course. Mom said I have to be home by eleven, though.

Brandon: That’s fine. The party will be over at nine, then maybe we can do something afterwards.

Lizzie: Sounds like a plan. So were you texting for my address?

Brandon: As a matter of fact I was.

Lizzie: Ok, it’s 315 Swiftcreek Court.

Brandon: ok, well let me let you get back to getting ready. I’ll see you around five right?

Lizzie: That’s the plan. See ya then.

Brandon: Until then, bye.
Lizzie again ventured over to her closet to figure out what to wear. Before she could go into a fit though another text came in.

Abbie: What is it?

Lizzie: I really need help picking an outfit for my date tonight?

Abbie: Ok, I’ll be there in a few minutes. Do you need any jewelry?

Lizzie: I don’t even know…

Abbie: I’lll bring some and some other stuff. Be there in a few.

“Thank goodness,” Lizzie thought. “Sometimes I don’t know what I would do without my friends.” As Lizzie waited on Abbie she decided to start curling her hair. Lizzie loved to dress up, but she feared that she might be too dressed up for this event.
“I need some music,” Lizzie stated as she got up from her vanity to grab her ipod. As she plugged it into her ipod dock, the song “Dirty Little Secret” by All American Rejects began to blast. As Lizzie sang along and curled her hair, her nerves began to lessen.
“Ok, so what do we have to work with?” Abbie shouted as she barged in Lizzie’s room.
“I’m guessing Mom let you in. I can’t figure out anything in that closet to wear,” Lizzie complained as Abbie opened her closet door.
“Hmmmm, this could be a toughie,” Abbie stated as she flipped through Lizzie’s clothes.
“See what I mean!” Lizzie exclaimed as she thoroughly coated her new curls with hairspray before joining Abbie at her closet.
“What’s the occasion?” Abbie inquired curiously.
“A dinner party with Brandon,” Lizzie stated calmly.
“Really now?” Abbie questioned.
“Yes, and I was told to dress up,” Lizzie added.
“So dress or skirt?” Abbie asked.
“Dress,” Lizzie answered.
“Oh, hey what about your cocktail dress you wore to winter formal a couple years ago,” Abbie suggested.
“I think that may be too much,” Lizzie responded.
“Well, what about the dress you wore to graduation last year,” Abbie recommended.
“I would freeze in that dress,” Lizzie barked with a laugh.
“Well, I’m about out of idea,” Abbie started. “Hey wait, what about this?”
Abbie then pulled out a long sleeve black sweater dress from the back of Lizzie’s closet.
“That could work,” Lizzie affirmed cheerfully. “Now what to add to it?”
“Let me see what I brought,” Abbie declared optimistically.
“What color cami under this?” Lizzie questioned.
“How about your lacy black one and these black lacy tights?” Abbie suggested.
“Sounds good, but are you sure you want me to borrow these?” Lizzie asked as Abbie handed her her black tights.
“They are you’re darling, but anything else I will want back,” Abbie stated with a smile. “Now you need some color.”
“I have a red coat?” Lizzie suggested.
“Yea wear that and here’s a belt,” Abbie stated as she handed Lizzie a red double belt. “When is he suppose to be here?”
“Uh, about five,” Lizzie said nonchalantly.
“Well, it’s four now so you probably need to get dressed,” Abbie advised.
“Yea, you’re probably right,” Lizzie stated as she grabbed her clothes and walked to her bathroom to change. Moments later she walked out, and Abbie smiled.
“What?” Lizzie questioned.
“You look pretty,” Abbie complemented.
“Whatever,” Lizzie blushed.
“No really, look in the mirror,” Abbie instructed. As Abbie pushed Lizzie towards her full length mirror, Lizzie closed her eyes. Lizzie wasn’t the most self confident person in the world, and when people told her she was pretty she rarely believed them.
“I’m serious. Look up!” Abbie fussed. Finally, Lizzie gave in and looked up. She saw nothing in particular. She just saw herself. Yes, she had curled hair and a pretty dress, but other than that she just looked plain.
“What do you think?” Abbie asked curiously.
“I guess I look ok,” Lizzie answered.
“Whatever, now we need to do your makeup,” Abbie continued.
“You’re going to do it?” Lizzie questioned.
“I can, where’s your makeup?” Abbie responded. Lizzie pointed towards her vanity as she plopped down on her hope-chest at the end of her bed.
“Well, come here?” Abbie nagged as she too sat down on Lizzie’s vanity chair. Lizzie hesitated but then shifted down to the other end of the chest closer to Abbie. As Abbie began to apply Lizzie’s makeup, Lizzie’s mind began to wonder. What if this evening went terrible? What if she said something wrong? What if she embarrassed herself?
“Ok, look up you’re done,” Abbie stated breaking Lizzie’s daydream. As Lizzie again looked in the mirror she again saw just herself, except this time she had pretty smoky gray eyes with eyeliner and pretty pink cheeks which made her green eyes pop.
“Now you can apply your lip-gloss,” Abbie added. As Lizzie went to get her purse from the living room, Abbie began to sift through the rest of the stuff she brought. As Lizzie returned with her humungous purse, Abbie was handing her a smaller black clutch.
“Here, this would be better for tonight,” Abbie suggested. Lizzie agreed and began to place her necessities in the clutch.
“What jewelry should I wear?” Lizzie questioned looking up at Abbie.
“I was thinking your new necklace I got you,” Abbie stated as she got up to look for it. She found the diamond center with black and white pearl necklace sitting on top of Lizzie’s jewelry box.
“Well, this necklace and this bracelet,” Abbie added hanging Lizzie a triple pearl bracelet attached together with a black bow. “It matches the necklace, and you should wear your pearl studs.”
“Thanks so much Abbie for your help,” Lizzie exclaimed with a hug. “You’re such an awesome friend!”
“Well let’s put some last touches on your hair so I can leave before the beau gets here,” Abbie joked as she picked up the curling iron to fix some parts of Lizzie’s hair.
“There perfect. Well, I’m off, but I want to hear all about this later ok?” Abbie announced as she gathered her things.
“Most definitely, you and Kaylee will hear all about this later,” Lizzie agreed with a smile as she thought, “If there’s anything to tell.”
Lizzie walked Abbie out and then went inside to get on facebook to kill the fifteen minutes that remained until Brandon would be there. As the fifteen minutes crept to an end, Lizzie began to get nervous again. This would be Lizzie’s first date, and for some reason the thought of that terrified her. What if she screwed this date up? What if after tonight Brandon never wants to speak to her again? What if, what if, what if? Lizzie’s mind could always seem to think of the negative before the positive was ever seen. Lizzie anxiously waited for Brandon to arrive, even as the evil devil inside her head told her he wouldn’t come. As five o’clock sneak closer and closer, she feared that somehow the voice in her head was true. However as the clock on Lizzie’s laptop struck five, the doorbell rang, and Lizzie’s heart skipped a beat. Her evil, pessimistic thoughts would not win this time for maybe her date had just arrived. As Lizzie grabbed her clutch and red coat, she finally felt confident in herself for the first time in her life. As she walked into the living room, Brandon was there to greet her by the Christmas tree.
“You look beautiful,” Brandon stated softly.
“Thank you,” Lizzie whispered.
“Shall we go?” Brandon asked.
“We shall,” Lizzie started; “After you meet mom.”
“That’s fine,” Brandon answered.
“Hopefully she won’t interrogate him,” Lizzie thought uncertainly.
“Where’s mom?” Brandon asked curiously.
“Oh hello,” Mom stated as she walked into the living room.
“Hi Mrs. Brooks, my name is Brandon Sky,” Brandon answered as he put out his hand.
“Nice to meet you,” Mom answered. “I’m not going to take much of your time. I just want to make sure you take care of my daughter.”
“Of course, Mrs. Brooks. I will take good care of Lizzie,” Brandon answered with a smile.
“Ok, well y’all have fun,” Mom announced cheerfully.
“Yes ma’am we will,” Brandon responded. “Have her home by eleven?”
“Yes, eleven is fine,” Mom replied.
“Shall we go then?” Brandon questioned looking into Lizzie’s eyes.
“We shall,” Lizzie responded as Brandon took her arm and led her to the door. As Brandon guided her to the car and opened the door, she couldn’t help but think nothing could make this night any better then it was right now.
“What music would you like to listen to?” Brandon asked as he cranked the car.
“Christmas music,” Lizzie suggested with a smile.
“Christmas music it is then,” Brandon stated as he pushed a button on his radio and started out of her driveway. As the song “Jingle Bell Rock” began to fill the car, Lizzie couldn’t help but smile and sing along. What surprised Lizzie, though, was when Brandon began to sing along as well. Lizzie couldn’t stop herself from laughing.
“What?” Brandon questioned curiously.
“I didn’t know you were a singer,” Lizzie stated with a smile.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Lizzie Brooks,” Brandon responded.
“I would like to though,” Lizzie mumbled shyly just low enough where Brandon couldn’t hear her. As the song “Santa Baby” began to play on the radio, Brandon pulled off the interstate into downtown. The city lights and the Christmas decorations made the old buildings look so beautiful.
“We’re almost there,” Brandon said as he turned down a road leading into the old homes of downtown.
“This is a beautiful neighborhood,” Lizzie marveled as she looked along the road of stunningly decorated Victorian homes.
“Well, we’re here,” Brandon stated as he stopped his car in front of the most gorgeous Victorian Lizzie had ever seen. As Brandon got out of the car and walked around to open her door, Lizzie’s heart skipped a beat. Lizzie was actually on her first date with Brandon Sky, and she was about to enter the most beautiful house she had ever seen on his arm. Brandon proceeded to open Lizzie’s door and reach out his hand for her.
“Let’s go,” Lizzie stated as she grabbed her purse and Brandon’s hand as he led her up to the house.
“Yes, let’s go,” Brandon rang the doorbell. As Lizzie heard footsteps inside the house, she held her breath for what was to come.