Kill all your friends

The School Bell

Oh no. The school bell. How I wished that hadn't just ringed. It was time for that walk home i dreaded most. If I had the choice I would live in school. All because of one group of girls. The year 8 Plastics. I have the misfortune to live near them all! They beat me up once. Just because I said I couldn't be bothered to hear their comments about me. Then they striked. Let's just for a week. And I got the blame! But today would be the worst. I had got a better score than the Head Plastic, Jess. So what if she got 50% and i got 51%!!! It's 1 bloody percent for crying out loud!!! Well she promised I might not make it to the hospital this time.
" Come on, OUT!" Mr Gefferson's the deputy head at our school, but he reckons he knows EVERYTHING! I had no choice but to get out. I said bye to my mates and went my own way. Why not go another way you might ask. Unlucky for me I had only one way to go home.
I went a couple of streets and I had a thought. What if I hid for a while and maybe the Plastics would have left! I went and hid at the back of the chip shop. At least noone would be back there.
After half an hour I braved the rest of the walk home. I was constantly looking over my shoulder in case one of them came up behind me. Lucy was the worst at that! She jumps on my back and gets me to the ground so they can beat me up. I started walking a lot faster. Faster and faster until I broke into a run. Before I knew it I was a street away from my house. I thought I was gonna make it.
"Hello Holly."
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This is NOT a true story so I'm telling u now before u get worried! lv u all x plz leave comments : )