Kill all your friends


"Thought you'd got away from us did you?" Jess sneered, " Oh I wouldn't have ever let you away. I can't believe you got a better score than me in maths! Grab her girls!" I felt Lucy and Melissa grab my arms tightly. I tightly squeezed my eyes shut.
Then came the first blow. I had never felt such pain in all my life. My eye began to swell. Then another blow came, but this time to my chest. I thought my lungs were going to cave in with the pain.All these punches and kicks were too much to bear, I thought I might has well died right there. My face had swollen to what felt twice its size. My legs were like jelly, only Lucy and Melissa were holding me up. I could hear the evil laughs from Jess. I felt the blood pouring from nose drip from my face. Then everything went black.
I woke to see I was in a white room. I thought it was Heaven because it was so peaceful. Then I took a look around. Doctors and nurses were everywhere, treating patients in my ward.
"Ah, you're awake. Excellent! Well, know we can tell you when you will be out of here,"my doctor explained," Well, you have a broken rib, a broken nose, a cracked skull from when you dropped to the floor and some very painful bruises!" After some more talking about my situation, I was told I would be out of the hospital two days later, and in a wheelchair for 1 month. That meant no school for 2 months! YES!!! But I had much more on my mind. On how I was going to make the Plastics pay.