Werewolves vs. Vampires vs. zombies.

It was a dark and stormy night when the young girl started her work. You see, she was a very gifted girl. Smart, well-liked, and determined. Obviously with a beginning such as this, you probably expect a horror story filled with trauma and a some good fighting.

Well, you just may be right. Because you see, the girl isn't exactly what you would call normal. She sounds normal, yes, but not quite.

Because she is a werewolf.

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, I know what your thinking. "Not ANOTHER Vampire vs. Werewolf thing!"
But this isn't one of those. Trust me. There is something you didn't know about werewolves. Something super secret. There is something they hate more then vampires.


Yup. At least as vampires they keep their personalities. As zombies they are mindless. Fallowing their strongest instinct. To feed.

And werewolves just hate that.

So this is where we start our story.