The Black Sheep...

"I'm the kind of girl that thinks of everyone else, but wishes someone would think of her." - PoeticMess.

"I'm the kind of girl where, if she doesn't have a purpose in life, she is nothing." - Shed Your Yellow

"I'm the kind of girl that gets looked at weird for being...Herself." - XxBeautiful-ErrorxX

Who are you?

This is about trial and error, finding out who we are inside, who we were, and who we want to be. This story is made up of sentences that tell our stories and our lives. This really has no rules to it. Just tell the truth, spill your soul, and let it out.
If you want to be added message PoeticMess. and she'll add you. If you are going to ask to be added as an author in a comment please leave an actual comment about someone's statement. This is a place to release all restraints and all comments on something you understand or can relate too are very much appreciated.