Status: Finito

The Beautiful Boy with a Brand New Toy

The Take Over

I didn't feel. I couldn't. I thought it would be different, that I would be happy that the old timer was finally asleep, but I wasn't. How could I be? He was still my father, even though we didn't always see eye to eye, and now he was gone. The depression set in, and I hid in my room for weeks. I only came out when there was business to tend to. Being in charge of the family business now, meant I needed to have my wits about me--but I didn't. I set Elliot in charge for a while so I had time to clear my head. I had daily sessions with him, giving him things to discuss with the others, and tasks to be handed out. There was money and blood to be collected from those who mooched off of my company.

The moon was high and settled uneasily into my shadowed room. This was my second week here, having never have left for nothing. Elliot always tried to convince me to go out and take a walk to stretch my legs, but I didn't have the ambition for it. Hunter often visited as well, and sat with me in silence just for companionship, but eventually she grew tired and didn't show up anymore. What she was doing, I hadn't the faintest clue other than what Elliot told me. My friends had come over many times to take her out with them, and had even tried coaxing me out, but my heart was just not in it. I felt empty, just like a shell. I felt transparent like a ghost, and insignificant without my father's guidance though I detested it.

For the first time in a while, the door creaked open to reveal Hunter. She was dressed up elegantly in a white satin gown that hugged her god-given body with her hair piled atop her head in a halo of curls. Sapphires shimmered at her ears and neck. She was magnificent. A goddess much like Aphrodite. I watched her from the shadows of my leather chair as she stepped into the room, and closed the door behind her. She turned toward me, and stopped to sit on the edge of the bed with a worried expression.

"Zack, I know that you are upset about your father, but you can't continue like this!" she whispered pleadingly, her eyes glistening in the moonlight; she was a slice of heaven, if not the whole damn thing. "We have been summoned by your collegues to a party."

I looked away thoughtfully, wondering if there was anything that could bring me out of this depression. I felt so lost, and clueless without my father around to tell me what to do, or what I was doing wrong. I felt satin on my chin as she turned my face to look straight into her eyes, only inches away from mine, and I swear I could see the hint of violet and blue that seemed to swim like the ocean. Enticing...

"Please, Zack. For me, will you please stop this maddness?" she begged, her voice quiet and swimming with emotions I had yet to understand. The way she looked at me...I could almost see her heart breaking through those eyes, and it frightened me.

"I have no wish to go to any party. I don't care if I've been summoned, I'm their boss." My answer was short and curt, letting her know that I was not to trifled with at this moment. Seems, she didn't understand at all.

"You have been sitting here, sulking for weeks on end!" she suddenly cried, damn near losing her mind and calmness. "I have tried to convince you to come out, to spend time with your friends and continue on with life!"

My anger sparked and transformed into an explosion. I flashed out of my seat and wrapped my fingers around her throat, lifting her high above my head, my eyes flashing dangerously black.

"Don't you ever speak to me like that," I hissed in warning, giving her a small shake as she stared down at me with wide eyes, gasping for breath as she tried to pry off my fingers and release her. I did as she wanted and watched without emotion as she hit the floor, filling her lungs with as much air as she could at once. I glared at her. "You are to be my wife, and a dutiful one you shall be. You will not speak out of turn, nor will you ever talk back to me again. Don't question my motives, Hunter, for it's none of your damn business."

I watched without remorse as her eyes swam with tears, her hand latched onto her throat and already I could see the bruising beginning to show in the shape of my fingers.

This is wrong!

"You will become my wife, there is no escape."

What the hell is wrong with me?

"You will do by bidding."

She will never love you

"You will not question my authority, and you will be obedient as a woman should be."

Why is this happening? Why can't I stop?!

Her violet blue eyes hardened with resolve, and I watched her soul be teared apart before my very eyes. She climbed to her feet and stood with her head held eye, her posture defiant, but the fire was lost in those eyes; they were filled with nothing but defeat.

"I will never love you."

Those five words were all it took to shatter my world, and break my heart.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is dedicated to xLillyx for the reason that she has graciously commented =)
Hope you enjoy, and please don't forget to comment!!! Next chapter will be available after another comment is received!!

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