Status: Finito

The Beautiful Boy with a Brand New Toy

Change Of Heart

Today was the day that I say 'I Do'. I didn't want it to happen. I knew I was being the biggest asshole in the universe. I knew she hated my guts; she said she would never love me. It was just that I don't know how to deal with losing my father. I thought I was ready for this business, but in truth...I'm nowhere close to being ready or prepared. His absence had taken its toll on me, and I acted as he trained me to. He had once told me that in this business, you had to show them who was boss, to be the roughest, meanest, crudest man alive, and that's what I did. I never realized that it affected Hunter until after the wedding...

Four hours earlier

I stood in my chambers with my friends in silence as we dressed. I didn't want them to be present for this small union, but they were the ones who made it into something huge. Andy and his wife, Michelle came as well to witnessed our union. I didn't say a word to them as I fixed my tie, and ran a shaking hand through my hair. How could I make someone marry me, when it wasn't what they wanted because of me?

I thought back through the past month or so, and realized that while I had been in my funk, I had damaged the one thing that I was supposed to protect. I had bruised her pearl skin, and treated her like trash. Why? Why did I do those things to her? The more I thought about it, the more disturbed I became.

My head was elsewhere as the wedding began; I didn't even look around at the decorations. I didn't see the bridesmaids walk down the aisle. I didn't recognize the change of song. It was only when I looked up subconsciously, did I snap out of my daze and stared. My heart stopped. She looked so beautiful. She looked so unhappy. I felt my body sing out for her, and yet there was no responce. She didn't even look at me. It wasn't until that moment, that something happened inside of me.

The longer I stared at her, the more it began to dawn on me. I felt as though I was waking from a dream, or a deep trance. I had been a fool, an idiot. I ruined whatever might have been...

What do I do?

I thought it through and through for what seemed like forever, until she was standing beside me, not even sparing me a glance. I just continued to stare. I felt a rush of confusion, and anxiety. She didn't want this because I ruined it. She didn't want to marry me, and ruin her life. She would never love me, she said so herself.

What do I do?!

The minister began to speak, and I tried to open my mouth to tell him to stop for a moment, but my lips were sealed shut my some unseen force. He began to go through with the ceremony and traditional words while I stood there, wide eyed and horrified. A part of me wanted this wedding to continue, but another part of me didn't want it to happen this way; not without the right emotions. I didn't want her to be unhappy.

"If anyone objects, please speak now or forever hold your peace." His deep voice echoed around the room as everyone remained eerily silent, and I felt as though I was being suffocated.

"I do!" I burst, lifting my hand as if I were in a school room. Gasps of shock bounced off the walls around the closed off room of the Great Hall, and I released the breath that I had been holding, feeling light-headed. A few more minutes, and there would be no stopping the minister or the vows. Good thing I mustered up the courage to speak out through the silence.

Hunter stared at me with wide eyes filled with relief, mixed with disbelief. I didn't understand the rolling emotions in those beautiful eyes, so I took her hands in mine and looked her in the eye.

"I've come to realize that I have been the rudest, cruelest man to you. I have damaged your beautiful skin, and threatened to take your life. I have been insufferable and I've no desire to wed you this way. I apologize for my past mistakes, and hope that can forgive me," I spoke in a rush, slowing near the end and looked to her pleadingly, wondering if I even deserved it. I had crushed her soul, and stole her fire. I needed to give it back, to give her power over things I had taken from her. She needed her life.

Her eyes over looked my face, trying to read my emotions and she simply nodded, her eyes swimming with unreadable emotions. She removed her hands from my own and escaped through the side door, disappearing. It didn't take long before I was bombarded with questions as to why I, myself had stopped the wedding from taking place. Not wanting to explain, I turned away and too, escaped. I ran straight outside and didn't stop, nor looked back. I continued into the forest, dodging the trees with ease.

Sometimes, it was easier to run away from your problems.
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Kinda short, but I'm liking the change! Couldn't handle the grumpy, mean Zack anymore =(

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