Status: Finito

The Beautiful Boy with a Brand New Toy

Blast From the Past

Waking up became the best part of my day since Hunter had finally forgiven me. Just being able to see her, still fast asleep peacefully beside me every morning was well worth being forced to live for an eternity. My life suddenly held more purpose than I ever dreamed. She was everything I needed out of this life, everything I ever wanted and nothing could make me happier. Suddenly, I didn’t feel so alone anymore.

I was just sitting there stroking her cascading mass of curls feathered over the white satin pillow when I heard the sound of a vehicle coming down the drive. I froze, listening intently and frowned in wonder. Who would be coming to the house this early, and without a phone call? Phones had been invented for a reason. I swiftly climbed out of bed without disturbing my sleeping beauty, and peered out the window to see a silver Volvo speed in front of the house, parked behind the other cars. Voices rang out clear as four beautiful, sheik women stepped out along with a young man who held a striking resemblance to Hunter. I frowned in confusion, wondering whom these people were when suddenly Hunter sat up with a startled gasp. I turned to see her wide-awake, eyes wide with her mouth open in shock. She let out an excited laugh and jumped out of bed and was out the door before I could say anything.

I followed her down at a steady pace, listening to the door open and a range of cries and laughter echo around the manor. Instantly, every door around me opened to reveal my friends and family looking alarmed. I lifted a hand to silence their protests at being woken so early when I heard Hunter talking amiably, her voice high with excitement. I moved to the stairs, pulling a shirt over my head and narrowed my eyes when I saw the group embracing together as a family.

“I can’t believe your all here!” Hunter said happily, her eyes shining brightly while her smile rivaled the very sun that was beginning to peak over the horizon, shedding color of blues and gold. I examined each person carefully, seeing a wide range of difference. The one I sensed was more in-tuned with my lovely fiancée was the one I guessed was her best friend. She was tall with lean legs and long curly locks of blonds and reds, her eyes the color of the sea. She seemed rather out-going and vivacious, a trait she must had passed on to Hunter during their years of friendship. The others were slightly shorter than the tall Amazonian, one with a short, chic mahogany brown with enchanting hazel-gray eyes; Top blond, bottom brunette was next with unique green eyes flecked with gold; last of the women held sleek, long pin-straight black hair with eyes that rivaled sapphire gems. The last of the group I eyed with caution. Who was he, and why did he somewhat look like Hunter?

He stood taller than the rest, around my height of 6’0 with shaggy blond hair mixed with gold and brown hues. His green eyes reminded me of the ones Hunter’s mother held when I had first met her. It slightly made me uneasy however, that they could have passed for twins other than the eyes. It was during my thoughts when it dawned on me that I was now the center of attention; all eyes were trained on me. I held my head high as I descended the stairs to stand before them, and looked to Hunter questioningly.

She flashed me her biggest smile yet. “Guys, this is Zack, my fiancée.” She giggled as her female friends over looked me from head to toe with raised eyebrows and exchanged sly smiles of their own.

The tall blond stepped forward and held out her hand. “It’s nice to finally meet the man who is going to marry my best friend. I’m Savannah.”

I shook her hand with a polite smile and inclined my head to her, and the introductions began. The woman with the bob was Tara and very polite yet with a twisted sense of humor. She would get along well with Kyle, I figured. Kristina was next with unique color choice of hair with unique eyes that I had never seen before. She seemed out-going as well, and very easy to get along with. Sophia was the last with her black waterfall of hair and sparkling deep blue eyes.

Hunter must have seen the way I was looking at this man, for she cleared her throat and walked over to stand beside him, lacing her arm through his. “Zack, this is my cousin, Liam.”

I frowned and glanced back and forth between the two of them. It didn’t make sense for them to look so much alike. Liam noticed and laughed smoothly with a raised eyebrow.

“Our mothers are identical twins from birth,” he said, his voice smooth like velvet and I watched with intrigue as Hunter returned to my side, and he reached over to lace his fingers with Sophia’s, and she smiled warmly. Understanding that they were an item, I surveyed the group of people I just met. They were quite the bunch, and seemed rather excited to be here. Turning on the charm, I smiled around at them and watched them swoon.

“Well, welcome to my home. Please, come in,” I said invitingly and gestured into the sitting room. I allowed them passage first, and followed them inside just as the others came down and took in the scene before them. Instead of ogling like the others, Andy was the first to introduce himself and his new wife, Michelle. She seemed to instantly bond with Sophia as if they had been long lost sisters. I nudged Tyler with my elbow because he was staring at Savannah with his mouth gaping open unattractively. He blinked, and quickly snapped his mouth shut as Hunter raised an eyebrow. I just smiled reassuringly, and introduced the others as well as Elliot who seemed to feel rather old in a room of young vampires.

I looked to Hunter, and felt glad that she was so happy and positively glowing. It seemed that she had not seen her friends in a long time, and now fate had brought them together. Savannah explained that she had called her parents to ask about her, and they sent them all straight here. Hunter just laughed, though I knew silently she was praising the heavens for the thoughtfulness of her parents.

It felt nice to see her smile that way…it made me happy.
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Yada, Yada, =) I'm trying to introduce new characters as quickly as possible so I can get started on more fun, exciting chapters before I go back home!

Hope you enjoyed =)

<<333 lAuRa