Status: Finito

The Beautiful Boy with a Brand New Toy

Blind Sided

I felt mentally exhausted. Vampires don't tire, sweat, or even feel pain, but we do indeed become mentally exhausted. Having been training every day for a week straight...I was worn out and badly needed a good rest. Zack didn't think it was a good idea, because Gregorio could strike at any time, but I couldn't force myself to keep going; my mind was going to collapse. My friends had trained as hard as I, and it surprised me that they worked well with Zack's friends. They each seemed to compliment each other in their own unique way, and it made me think of a family. Watching them, I could feel nothing but pride as if they were my own children. Zack I was the most proud of; he worked hard to teach us different techniques and trained me hard every day on my majik abilities which I found exhilarating to use. However, we had learned quickly that it took a toll on my mind and body to use my special gift too much. I had mentally strained myself at the end of each session and turned to physical training instead.

I collapsed into the nearest chair with a heavy sigh and turned to gaze out the window, bathed in the silver moonlight that beamed down upon me. The forest stood quiet, and silent without a trace of life. Silence. I found it oddly comforting while I rested and found myself at peace without worry or concern for the future. Leaning back in the chair, I closed my eyes to give them a rest and slowly turned off my mind. Darkness.

I was roused from my momentary peace when my door had slammed open to reveal an irritated and slightly angry looking Zack. Sun showered the land and it was then it dawned on me that I had slept all night for once since I had returned to my former self.

He stood tall, his eyes a deep colbalt blue with anger, mouth firm. "Is this where you've been this whole time?"

I heard the demand, the annoyance, and the hint of anger in his voice, and choose to ignore it when my temper sparked irritably.

"Yes, I had needed some rest. My mind ached and I only wished to close my eyes, but I fell asleep it seems." Not wanting to argue, I looked away out the window and watched some blue jays soar by into the pine trees that started the lush forest. He growled in reply.

"Hunter, this is no time to be sleeping or resting! You are no where near being prepared for this fight," he said seriously, his voice unsettling loud and filled with anger. I stared at him in shock, and surprise.

"Don't raise your voice with me. I've been working extremely hard! My majik doesn't just replace itself in a matter of seconds!" I cried, rising to my feet angrily, feeling the heat tremble from my toes straight to my head. It angered me that he was treating me so lowly.

His eyes darkened more so they seemed black in the shadows of his face. I could only see the glint in them to know he was looking at me. "You are not taking this seriously. I don't care what you need to do, I need you to be able to protect yourself!" he thundered. His voice echoed off the surrounding walls, and throughout the manor. Everything grew silent as I stared back at him in disbelief.

"What is wrong with you?" I demanded, stepping closer to see if something was indeed wrong and he snapped his teeth at me dangerously, and I felt my blood boil with rage. I lashed out at him using my newly replenished majik and watched him hit the wall outside of the room by the force of Air I thrust his way.

"You need to chill out. I believe I am as ready as I'll ever be. Snap your jaws at me again, and I'll seriously have to hurt you, fiance or not," I said honestly with a glare before stepping over him and heading down to the kitchen for some blood, leaving him fuming. Savannah was there, sitting at the island with a glass of warm blood, looking paler than usual. She turned and smiled weakly when she saw me, and sighed.

"How was your nap?" she asked enviously, her eyes narrowed with suspicion and I chuckled and opened a new bottle of fresh blood. I poured some in a tall, clear glass.

"It was good until dick head stormed in and started yelling," I said with annoyance and set the glass in the microwave, turning it on. I turned with a sigh and leaned back against the counter as she eyed me curiously.

"Oh yeah? What for?" she asked, her eyes sliming to slits at the thought of him bullying me around, and I rolled my eyes.

"I told him that I needed to take a rest. I never planned to fall asleep, and actually I'm surprised I did. My head hurt," I said with a frown, and ran a hand through my hair stressfully. Knowing that using too much majik could harm me, bothered me quite a bit. It worried me that it might cause trouble when it came down to the fight.

Savannah's eyes lit up with rage. "What an asshole! He has no right to talk to you like that! Is he purposely trying to kill you?" she ranted, more to herself as she rose from her stool and began pacing back and forth, wearing a path into the flooring where she stepped. I smiled lightly and turned, reaching for my cup, and sipped it carefully. Hmm, 0 type. Very rare indeed, and exquisitely tasty. I felt my body renew itself from the fresh blood, soaking it up to fuel my strength and clear my thoughts. The pain in my head disappeared instantly, and I felt rejuventated.

Jake strode into the room and blinked a few times before smiling and walking over. "Hey guys, what's going on?" He looked just as tired as the rest of us.

"Just talking about how much of an asshole Zack is," Savannah said sweetly, radiating innocence and I couldn't help but laugh. Jake on the other hand, frowned in confusion.

"Why, what happened?" He immediately turned to me, and I sighed. I wondered if I was going to have to relay this to everyone. I hoped not. That's a lot of people. Quickly, I replayed the same message as I had for Savannah and Jake looked irritated.

"What a douche. I mean, I know he's worried about you getting hurt. I think maybe he doesn't realise that he's hurting you in the process," he said with a frown of concern, and I mimicked him. I wondered if that was true. Could he possibly care for me so much, that he doesn't realise he's pushing me too hard?

I really hope that's the case...
♠ ♠ ♠

I'm sorry for not updating in a while, but this is the first time since I left Red Lake, Ontario that I had access to the internet.

Also, this chapter sucks and I apologize for that. I'm just not really in the mood to write because my Grandpa died a few days ago, and I attended his Viewing and the Funeral today, so my heart wasn't into it, but I did it because I love you and appreciate you reading my story.

Hope you liked it, and if not, I'll make the next one better when my mind is out of the clouds =)

<<333 lAuRa