Status: Finito

The Beautiful Boy with a Brand New Toy


Of all the bizarre things he could ever do, he kissed me in front of pretty much the entire world! It was obvious that he was jealous of my flirtations with the bartender, but to be honest I was angrier about finding him here. I ripped into him, feeling satisfied by the stunned expression on his face as he listened to my whole tirade from start till finish. I was left glaring at him, waiting for him to speak after I had finished. The entire pub was silent as they watched the entire scene unfold, but I didn’t care if they heard or not; it was obviously clear they had.

Zack opened his mouth to speak, his brows furrowed and I rolled my eyes, waiting to hear what sort of excuse he had now.

“Um, yeah about that…” he began, reaching back to scratch the back of his neck, something I had never seen him do. I quickly reverted to suspicion and narrowed my eyes as he shook his head sincerely. “I did feel bad telling you guys to stay behind because it wasn’t safe.” He regarded me carefully with his hands in his pockets. Was that it? That’s all he had to say for himself?

I felt a new rage coming on and opened my mouth to tear into him again, when my friends sauntered over and Savannah took me by the shoulders with a laugh, obviously trying to solve the problem once and for all, though she looked just as pissed off as I was.

“Seeing as we all found each other, even though we obviously had different plans, how about we grab a few tables and sit down for a nice, fun, non-drama evening?” she suggested with a smile, glancing from me to Zack and I stared at her in disbelief. Zack didn’t seem to have a problem with it as he shrugged and smiled at me. Damn him and his sexiness…

In the end, we pulled two tables together to accommodate all of us and my friends had pretty much ignored me after a few pitchers of blood beer. Kyle was getting pretty cozy with Tara, and I recognized that sexy smile and glint in her eye whenever she found something she liked; he was definitely getting lucky tonight. Savannah surprisingly was getting along with Caleb, though they definitely were two different types of people, but it seemed that opposites attracted one another. Kristina had sidled up to Tyler, seeing as they both were out-going and loved doing spontaneous things. She had somehow seated herself onto his lap, and was chatting away animatedly with an unfamiliar glow to her eyes that I had never seen before; maybe it was true love. I rolled my eyes.

Sophia and Liam were definitely the couple of the night. They sat side by side, holding hands and speaking quietly to one another with adoring smiles. I couldn’t help but wish that I had a relationship like that not only with Zack, but with anyone. Even though Savannah was my best friend, I still never shared everything with her because she was somewhat a loud mouth most of the time. I sighed and forced myself to look away when they started whispering sexual things to each other and found my own fiancé staring back at me, observing. I held his gaze, feeling slightly annoyed with him but couldn’t stop the eruption of heat that crawled over my skin, heating my veins and awakening my body with a desire so strong, it was hard to sit still.

How much longer could I keep myself from him?

The thought disturbed me, and suddenly I felt the urge to step out and get some fresh air, though I didn’t actually need it. I smiled politely and escaped the pub out into the night and breathed deeply. The action helped, it relieved some of the stress and caged feeling I was beginning to feel. It gave me a chance to cool off. I sighed and thought about Zack, and everything we had been through so far. First, he had stared at me when we first met as if I was Aphrodite coming from the Heavens to satisfy him; second, he had erased my memory, but wasn’t aware that a part of me was always watching and listening; third, he had been a jerk and even beat me at one point; the last thing I remembered the most was when his attitude changed altogether. The way he looked at me with smoldering eyes made my knees weak and my body tremble with just one glance. There was so much pent up passion in his eyes, I knew that he had not slept with anyone since we met which is a long time. It surprised me that he hadn’t mentioned anything sexual, or even forced himself upon me as he almost had a month ago.

My thoughts drifted to the Giovanni Clan. How they had found out about my Majik still baffled me. Now, they were on the hunt to find me. It dawned on me why he was so pushy and hard on me; he didn’t want anything to happen to me. I believed that now, and it annoyed me that it drained away my anger for earlier. I sighed and rolled my eyes when I felt his presence behind me.

“Must you follow me everywhere?” I asked, my voice dripping with annoyance as I watched the cars and people pass by from where I stood. The city lights were bright, shedding a warm glow through the darkness. He sighed as he walked over to stand beside me, not looking in my direction.

“I just came to see if you were alright.”

“Well I’m perfectly fine, so you can leave now.” My annoyance was easy to put into my words, but in truth I didn’t feel an ounce of it.

He chuckled as I gave in and spared him a glance through narrowed eyes. He seemed oddly at peace with himself and slowly tilted his head to look over at me with the trace of a smile.

“You can’t dismiss me so easily, Hunter. In reality…” he murmured, slowly turning his body toward me, his eyes roaming all over me, setting my skin aflame once again. “I wanted to kiss you again.”

The seductive, smoldering tone to his voice was like liquid foreplay. I felt my knees grow weak and desire flood my veins, my very essence. Unable to hold it in, I closed my eyes as a strangled whimper escaped my lips. At the sound, his eyes darkened with passion and he stepped closer wrapping his arms around me tightly, his fingers digging in my flesh.

His eyes closed as if he struggled with himself internally and gently he pressed his forehead against my own. “Hunter, I can’t hold out anymore.” His tone was filled with an aching pain that was all too familiar to me, and my breathing hitched. Romantic images flooded my brain and this time, I nearly dropped. If he wasn’t quick enough to catch me, I would have hit the ground hard. He pulled me back to my feet and pressed his body against my own, pushing a tortured groan from my throat.

A low growl rumbled in his chest, his eyes almost black with desire. “You want me too, Hunter. I can smell it all over you.” His eyes closed as he breathed in the scent rising from my skin and I swallowed, trying to remain in control, the heat threatening to swallow me whole. His hands prodded and stroked, bringing a haze that fogged my mind.

“Come, Hunter…come back with me,” he whispered, his sweet cool breath washing against my face and something inside of me snapped, and all my self control vanished into thin air.

The animalistic side of me broke free, more than excited to be released from her cage.
♠ ♠ ♠
Show me some love for updating so much today!!


<333 lAuRa