Status: Finito

The Beautiful Boy with a Brand New Toy


It didn’t even occur to me that we hadn’t made it farther then the car in the parking lot. Thankfully, know one came searching for us. Her breathing was heavy as she straddled my hips, tearing the material from my body like it was butter. Shreds fell to the car floor, leaving me entranced by the animalistic state that overcame my fiancée. Her eyes were glowing and green, a brilliant color that smoldered to jade, a sign of overwhelming desire. The scent that lifted from her flesh aroused my senses, and only made me want her more. I prodded her with rough hands, feeling all my sanity being pushed to the edge. With one swipe, the sound of tearing cloth filled the atmosphere and I tossed the remains of her shirt to the floor. Her skin was like fire against my own, and I dragged my hands through her silky tresses, tugging gently here and there as a moan escaped her lips. I felt my fangs lengthen as they sometimes did during foreplay or anything sexual and a frightened look arose in her jade green eyes.

“Your not planning on using those on me, are you?” she purred, tilting her head slightly with narrowed eyes and I smiled in return and tugged her hair playfully.

“Of course not; everyone knows vampire venom is dangerously fatal to other vampires.”

She seduced me further with a cat-like smile and leaned down to brush her lips against my own, and my mind turned to a colorful haze. I explored her body, teasing and taunting along the way, relishing the way she moved and pressed herself against me, silently begging for more. In turn, she returned the favor and a startled gasp had escaped my lips when her hand had wrapped around the bulge beneath my pants. With her free hand, she stroked the side of my face with adoration in her eyes that I had never seen before, but I knew it was just for me. This was our fate; to be together forever no matter how we fought it. It was destiny. Vampires are only ever born with one soul-mate and you know the instant you lay eyes on them. I knew the second she was standing outside of my door that night.

Before things had the chance to get too out of control, much to my dismay, the door flew open and Hunter was pulled from my body. She was replaced with an angry looking Savannah.

“How dare you seduce her before your wedding! You know you can’t have sex until afterwards!” she cried in disbelief and quickly removed her jacket and wrapped it around Hunter’s body. I sat up with annoyance and slipped out from the vehicle, shirtless and fixed my pants while glaring at her deeply while the others gathered around.

Daman frowned. If anything, he was the one who valued traditions much more than the natural vampire of society. “I am somewhat disappointed that you would have broken sacred vows and traditions just for a night of fun.” The look on his face meant everything, and I sighed.

“What can I say? I used to be a playboy and for the past month I haven’t had sex,” I said simply with a shrug. At least my friends sympathized with me, but my brothers just shook their heads and I looked away with a sigh.

“Well, I’m guessing the parties over, so let’s get the hell out of here,” I said grumpily and grabbed Hunter’s arm, dragging her away from a protesting Savannah. I just ignored her as Hunter followed willingly and I helped her into my car.

“I swear to god, if you even think about touching her tonight…” I slammed the door during Savannah’s threatening rant and looked to Hunter, who watched me carefully without the hint of a smile. There was a strange sadness in her eyes that made me frown with concern.

“What’s wrong?” I asked hurriedly and reached over to touch her face, and she closed her eyes. A sigh escaped her lips as she looked at me carefully and smiled weakly.

“They are right, you know. We would be dishonoring our families if we had gone any farther before marriage,” she said quietly, and I groaned and thumped my head against the back of my seat. She continued anyway.

“We can hold off until then, can’t we? Can’t you?” she asked pleadingly, her brows furrowed. I gazed out the windshield for a few moments before I tilted my head to regard her. She just sat there in all her glory, watching me carefully without a hint of annoyance or resentment. That was a first. I closed my eyes and really wondered if I could actually hold out until we were married. It came down to two options; either have sex anyway as soon as we got home, or to arrange the wedding to take place tomorrow evening.

“What if we got married tomorrow?” I opened my eyes to find her staring back at me in surprise, her green eyes glowing with delight, though her expression was priceless.

She swallowed. “You want to get married tomorrow?” Her voice quivered slightly.

I nodded. “The wedding as been postponed for quite some time now, and I’m sure no one is really happy about that.” It was true; Elliot had been asking when the wedding would take place, as were many of the others who worked for him. They needed a leader, and Zack wasn’t fully qualified until he was married to Hunter.

Slowly, the shock disappeared from her expression. She nodded as a new emotion brightened her features. Excitement. “Okay…okay! Let’s get married tomorrow.”

I stared back at her, stunned. Did she just say yes?!
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha, I had a lot of fun writing this chapter for some reason.

Hope you enjoyed!

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<33 lAuRa