Status: Finito

The Beautiful Boy with a Brand New Toy

Sly Escape

I awoke to the first stab of pain settling right in the back of my head. Groggily, I pried open my eyes and a small groan escaped my lips. I had never known that I could feel pain like I felt right at that moment. My entire body was stiff and ached all over like I had overworked my muscles the night before. The smell of sulfur filled my senses and sent my head reeling. I tried to force it away and clear my mind as I clarity of the room came into focus. I was trapped in a dark padded room in which I assumed the door was locked shut. A jitter of laughter escaped my lips from the sheer irony of it all. I had been kidnapped from my own wedding, right in front of everyone and they still couldn’t save me. We so were not ready in the least. And here is this idiot, thinking a simple locked door could keep me imprisoned in a cell.

Feeling alerted and wide awake, I climbed to my feet and moved toward the door. I listened carefully for any sounds of movement close enough to stop me when I broke out, and tasted the scents in the atmosphere before I declared it safe and clear. Stepping back, I took a deep breath in order to prepare myself for a possible fight after the blast and conjured a flaming ball of fire and shoved it straight into the door. With an explosion and a mushroom cloud of black smoke, the door broke off the hinges and crashed to the floor loudly and I flew out of there like a bat out of hell. Alarms began to sound and red lights flashed from the ceiling, and a hiss escaped my lips. I tried to sense my way out, to find the exit but it didn’t take me long to realize that I was underground three floors into the basement and I cursed. I quickly checked my Majik storage and felt it simmering and ready for anything. I had plenty stored up seeing as all that training had built up my Majik stamina and could last longer and have stronger spells.

I sensed the first troop approaching and whirled about, ready to face them head on. Slapping my palms together, I slowly brought them apart to reveal a glowing blue string of electricity and waited. As soon as they rounded the corner, I unleashed the blue whip and knocked them back, giving them one hell of a shocking. I didn’t want them to get back up, so adding to the effect, using my free hand I splashed them with water and watched their bodies jerk and smoke rise from their burning flesh. As soon as it connected and fried their brain, they instantly went limp. They always said that stabbing a vampire in the heart would kill them, but that was a myth for stronger vampires. It was the weaker ones that simply had to have their brains removed and they dropped like flies.

I bolted forward, jumping with ease over their bodies and began my mind search for the exit. It took me a few seconds to locate it two floors above me. Once I reached the main floor, I sensed no threat or danger and would be easy as pie to escape. I moved like the wind through the corridors, knowing which path to follow that would lead to my destination. Voices echoed towards me and I skidded to a halt, already ready as the group ran out from around the corner and raised their weapons; when I saw them, my eyes widened in horror. Silver arrow Crossbows!

I moved swiftly just as they fired and missed being hit only by millimeters. I rolled into a corner and waited, trying to process what I had just seen. When did they create silver arrow crossbows? Thinking it over while conjuring an earth spell, it dawned on me that these weapons would be extremely dangerous and effective for vampire hunting. If a human ever got a hold of one of those, they could be a formidable foe indeed. As soon as I sensed that they had paused even for a second, I jumped into action and rolled out to send a wave of earth breaking shockwaves in their direction. As soon as it reached them, thick strong vines popped out of the earth and wrapped themselves around each troop and gave a mighty squeeze causing their brains to explode from sheer force. Peering around, I saw the coast was clear and sensed no one else on this floor. With a sigh, I knew this was taking too long. I looked around, searching for a quicker and safer route when I spotted a vent large enough to fit me inside on the ceiling. All vents lead to the main floor.

With a smile, I popped off the lid and slithered my way inside and began my journey as silent as the night. It didn’t occur to me that the worst of my troubles was waiting patiently, knowing exactly where I was heading with a grim, sadistic smile.
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Sorry it's pretty short, and I apologize for not updating in a few days!

Hope you enjoyed it! =)

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<3 lAuRa