Status: Finito

The Beautiful Boy with a Brand New Toy

Twisted Secrets

I felt sick with triumph; twisted with glee. All the hard work I had put into this plan had paid off indeed. I had known big brother had found his soul-mate in Hunter, but when I had paid him a visit in hopes Father had given the business to me, I was pleased to meet Hunter. Her face, her body, her eyes...they all tempted me, twisting my thoughts into something ugly and yet pleasurable. I yearned for her touch, for her body against my own it was driving me insane.

Her glare was nothing but deadly, but I simply passed it off with a chuckle. Her body was stiff and wound tightly while the rage rippled from her in waves. She was definitely dangerous now that she had become a vampire, but I was still stronger. Much stronger...

"What do you want with me?" she demanded, her lyrical voice sending shivers through my body and I closed my eyes with a sigh of desire. My eyelids were heavy when I reopened them, and I felt that familiar twisted smile.


Her eyes grew wide as she stared back at me, but almost instantly I could sense her feeling the atmosphere and searching for a quick way out. I couldn't control the burst of laughter that escaped my chest. It was all too ironic that she believed she could escape me!

"Dear Hunter, how about you just come along with me and I'll show you a real man," I murmured, my voice husky with desire. Sickening images flooded my head as I held out my hand for her to willingly take, but she just stared at me in disgust and spat at my shoes.

"You will never be half the man or vampire Zack is," she hissed angrily, her eyes flashing brightly and I felt a twinge of annoyance.

Everything always went back to Big brother. No matter who it involved, big brother was the center of attention, the one everyone looked up to. I had once as well, but that was shattered when all my hard work to impress him and Father had gone down the drain. No wonder I eventually went insane. I killed my own Mother because she took pity of me. I didn't need pity, I needed acceptance. When I found out Zack was next in line to take over the business, I was enraged. It was then that I met Hunter and instantly I knew this was my ticket to finally seeing Zack at the bottom of the food chain.

Moving, I swiftly wrapped my hand around her throat and watched her eyes grow wide in terror. I was definitely much stronger than she was. I squeezed and watched her writhe in pain, hearing the creaking groans of protesting bones that were waiting to be crushed with just the tweak of my hand. Her eyes bore into my own, and I saw a fighting spirit that I realized had not been there before when I had first met her. Being so close and being a vampire, I noted that she also had a different scent. Leaning forward, I sniffed her lightly and frowned in confusion. There was a scent about her that I couldn't decipher and yet, it was a big part of who she was. I immediately became suspicious.

"What are you?" I demanded, squeezing tighter and she gasped, her eyes closing in pain and fear of her neck snapping like twigs. I waited, my patience growing thin as was curiosity. The horrific images of naughty things revolved around my mind and was making me rethink my strategy. I might just have to take her right then and there for all the good this is doing me. I lessened my hold slightly and waited with narrowed eyes.

"I can't tell you that," she wheeze, her eyes glowing like determined flames and my curiosity was piqued even more, pushing away the nasty thoughts. I regarded her carefully through narrowed eyes, trying to place what it could be. Maybe she had a special gift? Many strong vampires did depending on their heritage.

A creak snapped me back to attention and I stiffened. Something showed in her eyes, but it was quickly masked and it was silent. My suspicions grew deeper and I felt...I don't know what I felt. She was emitted a strange, rainbow like aura that seemed to pulsate around her like a haze. I raised an eyebrow and sighed. Seemed like I wasn't going to get an answer out of here this way.

"Alright, if you don't want to give me answers then we shall go have some fun in my personal chambers," I said quietly with a smile and began to laugh softly when she began to struggle profusely. I relished the fact that she had yet to be deflowered.
I began to think how angry Zack would be if I took away the one thing that soul-mates only saved for each other. As I pondered over that, ignoring her protesting struggles I remembered I had read something about the virginity of vampires somewhere. It had captured my attention, so I believed it to be important.

With a sigh, I snapped my fingers and two of henchmen appeared and I handed her over to them with glare.

"You bring her to my chambers, you got that?" I asked darkly, watching them exchange a shared glance and a growl slipped through my teeth and they winced. "Do anything more, and I'll have both your heads. You can count on that."

Not waiting, I strode off towards the library and sorted through the books until I found the one I was looking for. With a sigh, I settled myself into the plushy leather chair and flipped through it quickly, reading each page in a matter of milliseconds until I found the subject I was searching for.

"Vampires were created in pairs...a piece of an unholy soul is ripped into two when a vampire is created...blah, blah they are destined for each other," I mumbled in boredom, until my eyes rested upon something interesting and I found myself laughing like a crazed man. Whoever created this book was a genius!

I finally had the piece of the puzzle that would ultimately cause Zack so much pain, he would hopefully commit vampire suicide!

My laugh echoed harshly around the manor, but I didn't care who heard me. This was the final piece of my plan, and then my revenge would be set in stone and definitely never forgotten.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here is another chapter for yeah!
Anyway, I'm thinking that this story is coming to an end soon enough...
Should I make a sequel?

Comment, and let me know your thoughts!

<33 lAuRa