Status: Finito

The Beautiful Boy with a Brand New Toy

Behind Enemy Lines

Hours seemed like days. Days seemed like months, and eventually everything blended in as if eternity was flowing past as if it were simply water in a stream. I had never gone this long without her by my side. The energy continued building inside of me, the need to find her, to search for her scent and allow myself a moments peace; it will not happen until I find her, have her in my arms again, I knew.

I could wait no longer. I could only strain myself so long before I snapped. I did not want my brothers or friends to see the enraged side of me that turned demonic under times of excruciating stress. I dragged a hand through my hair just as the door to my study creaked open, and Caleb appeared looking solemn.

"What have you decided, brother?" he questioned, as he glided over and situated himself comfortably in the chair before my desk. A sigh passed his lips when I remained silent in thought and just stared back at him through narrowed eyes. Every plan I had thought of seemed flawed, but it angered me to know that the longer it took, the more danger Hunter was in. I could not stand it if anything happened to her when I had the chance to do something about it in the end.

"I don't know." Honesty had always been the best way to approach my brother, for somehow he always knew when one of us was lying to him. It was almost as if he could see through us. "I have thought of every plan imaginable, and somehow they just seemed flawed."

Rising, he walked behind the desk to my side and rested his hand on my shoulder for comfort. I lowered my head into my hands and took a deep breath to keep myself from losing all train of thought, losing all my carefully placed control. He squeezed to catch my attention, and to let me know he was still there.

"I think it is time that we woke up our father. I realize that he has only just begun his sleep, but we need back-up and a good strategy. He will know what to do," he said seriously, unsmiling and his gaze unwavering. I instantly repelled the idea. I rose to my feet, shaking my head and prowled around the room, my mind suddenly moving like a whirlwind with thoughts and ideas.

"No, father would be furious if we woke him. Of course, that may be to our advantage, but father left me in charge. It is my duty to reclaim what is mine, and to make sure that everyone in this family is safe, including Hunter."

I met his curious gaze and grinned. "I've just thought of something grand."

I was glad when he did not ask questions and followed me out to meet the others in the courtyard. They had been chatting and brainstorming, but even before I had stepped over the threshold, everything was silent and they sat like statues in the pale moonlight.

"We are simply going to go there and fight for her," I said simply. Everyone simply stared back at me as if I had gone daft.

"This is Gregorio you are speaking of," Jacob said quietly, his eyes wide in surprise and I simply dismissed it with the wave of my hand; that did not bother me in the least. It would be easy enough to take everything we had and charge right through to get it over and done with. No use in being sneaky; I wanted Hunter back, and I wanted her right this second.

A hum caught my attention and I glanced to the corner of the room where Daman stood gazing out the window, his eyes strangely clouded over as if he were deep in thought. He was stroking his chin absentmindedly, his eyes narrowing slightly. His lips parted with a sigh and his eyes instantly came back into focus and he turned to regard me seriously.

"Damian is the one who has taken Hunter," he said honestly, his voice low and smooth like velvet. His eyes never wavered as he peered into the depth of my own soul, and in that instant I knew he was right. Twins had a strange connection to each other, and one of Daman's good tactics was being able to sense, and capture visions of what his brother was doing when the time called for it.

I balled my hands into fists, letting the jealousy and fury grow like a small flame in the pit of my stomach until it roared like wildfire. I felt my fangs elongate and a growl rose from my chest, strong and sure.

"Then we damn well go get her! I'm done with planning, and I'm surely going to kill the bastard this time."

Without waiting a beat, I stalked from the room and straight out the door. I knew exactly where he was hiding, I had caught a small glimpse of it through the link I share with my brothers. We had all glimpsed of what Daman saw--now we hunt. My brothers were quick at my heels as was the rest of the gang while I paved the way to Daman's secret hideout. Wind twisted around our bodies as we weaved through the trees at unimaginable speeds, our hair flying about our heads. It did not take long before we reached the hidden hideout built into the side of a mountain, carefully hidden by the forest and foliage.

In that one instant, I caught her scent and it hit me like a tidal wave. The emotions that filled me were so strong, it nearly knocked me off my feet. Rage swelled throughout my body, consuming and devouring. With one leap, I landed on the terrace and burst through the doors, wooden flecks and shrapnel scattering everywhere. It was then I came face to face with my mate; the woman of my dreams who looked as if she were being tortured. I could only focus on her face, her sweet face. Her scent flowed through my senses, filling me like a goblet. It took only moments for me to catch the scent of the other woman who...

I frowned and sniffed once more, her human scent filling my senses and making my mouth watered as I zeroed in on her. However, there was a slight difference. She was not just human. Her pretty face instantly turned into a demonic sneer, her eyes turning to slits and it hit me. She was a rare breed, the type of demon who was indefinitely interested in science and inventing things that could cause world chaos. In her delicate hand, she held a remote. She pressed the big red button.

The ringing that filled my head was so strong and intense brought me to my knees in front of Hunter. Tears of blood spilled from her eyes as she cradled her head and it dawned on me that she was previously being tortured with this device. The pain etched in her face and eyes was enough to say that she had undergone this treatment for a long period of time. I tried to focus, tried to plan how to overcome this...pain and retrieve the remote from the Succubus. Her mischievous grin expanded, revealing her pointed fangs.

"Poor little must feel so superior at this moment," she sneered. She paced around the two of us, and I growled low in my throat in warning. Having strength left, I reached out and pulled Hunter against me and glared dangerously towards the woman who reacted with a glare.

"The two of you are pitiful. I wonder what would happened if I killed one of you," she said quietly as she stepped closer. Dark wings that of a bat folded out slowly from her back while her nails began to grow into razor sharp claws. A sleek black tail with a barbed tip slithered out from under her white coat. I snapped my jaws and reached out to take a swipe at her face, and she hissed. Pressing the button, my head was sent spinning with stars. I tried to hold out against it, to fight it back, to overcome. I struggled as she stepped closer and reached for Hunter's hair, playing with it and chuckling deviously as if she were having fun playing a game.

A snarl broke, echoing around the room as Damian appeared with blood in his eyes. He zipped toward the woman and slammed her against the wall with rage.

"I told you not to lay a hand on her, you conniving soul sucking bitch!" he roared dangerously, his eyes flashing black as pitch. The woman hissed and struggled against him, trying to claw his eyes out and beating him with her bat like wings. I used this distraction to grab Hunter and high tail it out of there. The others had already escaped outside and I all but tossed Hunter into Caleb's arms.

"I'm going to finish this," I said seriously and rushed back inside to find the two of them still fighting with each other. Only know the woman's wings were torn to shreds and her face was covered in black blood, her fangs beared in a rage. Without hesitating, I moved with the shadows and managed to grab the remote from their hands and crushed it easily. I tossed away the debree while the two of them stopped fighting and stared in horror at what had just happened with their little science project.

I did not give a chance for him to realize what my intentions were. I dove straight in and plunged my fangs into the side of the woman's neck, ripping out her tendons and killing her instantly. She hit the floor with wide eyes, unmoving and lifeless as if the soul had been sucked out of her dead body. Just like that; it was incredibly easy. I turned my attention to Damian and he growled, already pissed off to the very core.

"It's you and me little brother," I said in a low voice, a twisted smile appearing on my face. He scowled and released a snarl of warning before we both collided and the fight began.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ugh, I hate getting writer's block...

Bahamas is awesome by the way! Sooo intense, warm, awesome and just...awesome!

Anywho, going for dinner, hope you enjoyed!

>33 lAuRa