Status: Finito

The Beautiful Boy with a Brand New Toy


The whole showing her around thing didn't quite work out as expected. The death glare she sent me could have possibly killed me if I wasn't dead already. Of course, she had only one word for me.


I did nothing as she strolled past me to continue her tour on her own. Shoving my hands in my pockets, I sighed and turned around to come face to face with my father who didn't look very happy with our bonding time.

"What? Do you expect me to kiss her hand as well and bow like some sort of commoner?" I asked with a glare of irritation, because I knew that was exactly what he wanted.

I said nothing as he shook his head, rubbing is eyes with his fingers and watched as he strolle past me without so much of a word and I frowned. His time was coming closer, and though it should excite me...well like I said, he's still my father.

I turned on my heel and headed down the shadowed corridor towards my room, and stepped inside with a heavy sigh. The others were sprawled out, chatting away cheerfully while they waited. It grew silent however, as soon as I stepped inside the room. I said nothing as they waited silently waiting for me to say something, but I wasn't going to give them that satisfaction. I crossed over to my dresser and removed a fresh pair of boxers before disappearing into the bathroom and closed the door before anyone could say anything.
Before I could step into the shower however, there was multiple bangs on the door along with protests and I rolled my eyes and opened the door to find all of them staring back at me.

"Dude, there is no way you are showering right now!" Jake cried, eying me like I had gone crazy. Kyle simply raised his eyebrow and watched me like a hawk; sometimes he was such a creeper...

"Why?" I asked with annoyance. I wanted nothing more than just to shower and go to bed and hopefully forget all about the gorgeous vampire woman downstairs, or somewhere around the damn house.

Andy rolled his eyes and flashed a sparkling grin, that special glint in his eye that I recognized from when we were kids. "Um, let's see...because we want to party?" he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, and I blinked.

Tyler rolled his eyes and simply reached forward, grabbing me by the arm and yanked me out. I stumbled, but quickly recovered as they chattered away, tossing clothes at me while I stood there, dumbfounded. Watching them though, I couldn't help but smile. These were truly my best friends.

Giving in, I changed in the bathroom and eyed up my appearance with scruinty. If I was going out, I was going out looking fine, and sexy. I had every intention of finding a nice, hot, sexy goddess to bring back with me; anything to get my mind off of Miss Snob downstairs. Was she really snobby? I shook the frown from my features and grinned at myself, slicking my hair back and headed out to find the others all ready and rearing to go.

Just as we reached the bottom of the steps, I stopped dead on the last stair when I saw Hunter standing there; she knew all about our plans. She stood there with an innocent smile dressed in a skin tight, hell red dress that clung to her every curve paired with a pair of shiny black stilettos. Her hair was done in loose, wild curls that reminded me so much of bed hair after a good romp between the sheets, and I felt my mouth run dry.

She raised those beautiful smokey eyes to meet mine and a kiss-me-daddy smile appeared on those red painted lips. She twirled around slowly with her arms out, showing off her outfit.

"How do I look, boys?" she questioned, her voice like liquid foreplay to my ears and I felt that flash of heat much stronger than I remembered; it hit me like a diamond wall. I had to swallow and sneakily pinch myself to make sure I didn't vanish and go to vampire heaven. Casting a side glance, I saw that all my friends were staring back at her with their jaws dropped...literally.

Andy was the first to recover, and smiled brightly, seeming to light up the room. "You look amazing, Hunter. So who's date are you going to be?" he asked smoothly with a boyish grin and flashed her a wink. I listened to her laugh and turned to her only to find a light glow to her face at the compliment.

"Seeing as you were an ass eariler, staring at my boobs, I decided to give you something to actually stare at. I'm picking you as my date for the night," she said simply as she turned and strolled towards the door. She paused just outside the threshold and lifted a perfect eyebrow, her eyes smouldering.
Without another word, she strolled out into the night, swaying her hips to a hidden beat and I found myself following out behind her without a second thought.

Jeez...she's already got me wrapped around her little finger...and she knows it
♠ ♠ ♠
It's getting there...thank you for the comments! Can't wait to read some more!

<333 lAuRa