Status: Finito

The Beautiful Boy with a Brand New Toy


Majik huh? A special gift to heal and manipulate the elements. I didn't know what to think of it; vampires didn't have special gifts like that, except for the agility, strength, and intelligence. In her explanation, she had used these strange, abnormal techniques to heal me from the inside out, drawing the silver from my blood. That was the cause of the warming sensation. I wouldn't say it out-loud, but it was the most welcoming feeling I've ever experienced. For some reason it reminded me of my mother.

My father paced back and forth while Hunter and I sat before him, off in our little worlds, waiting for his rant and raving. He lifted his head curiously and eyed Hunter carefully, before returning to his pacing ways.

"So you say that this gift is known as Majik?" he asked for the hundredth time, and I rolled my eyes as Hunter opened her mouth with a worried expression.

"She said it like seventy times, Pops. It's called Majik and she is the only user, and side effects from this abnormality grows silver flakes in the blood stream that flows out through wounds, or form of tears," I said with annoyance. I had repeated the same thing at least four times already; the man was going senile.

He shook his head and continued pacing, mumbling something about the ancestors. His blue eyes pierced Hunter dangerously, and she stiffened with fright but I was impressed that she stood her ground.

"Why haven't you said anything about this before?" he demanded, straightening with his palms rested on his desk, his eyes narrowed in suspicion.

I cast her a glance and watched her wipe her palms on her dress hurriedly; she was nervous and very vulnerable.

"I promised my parents that I wouldn't tell a soul because of what I am. Could you imagine if my abilities were in the wrong hands? No vampire would ever die," she said honestly, her voice quiet and slightly shaky.

I frowned in slight confusion and looked to my father to see what he made of it, and he held the same expression; thoughtful. It was silent for a moment as he pondered it over, and I sighed heavily.

"It's a good thing she's with us, and not Millefiore," I said with a raised eyebrow. I watched his head shoot up with a warning glare; I knew it would catch his attention.

His eyes blazed furiously as he crossed around his desk to stand before us, glaring at me. "Dint ever say that name in my house," he said in a low voice and I just shrugged and looked to Hunter. She was terrified. My father followed my gaze and straightened with a sigh, his expression warming as he walked over to her.

"He's right; be thankful that you are under our protection. Zack won't let anything harm you," he said reassuringly and looked over at me warningly. "Isn't that right, son?"

I cursed mentally and shifted with a sigh, shoving my hands into my pockets. "Yes."

He nodded. "Good. Now that we know this, no one is to know, not even your friends. They will have their memories swiped before they leave," he said seriously, beckoning to his rand-hand man, Elliot. He was a huge, bulky vampire that resembled a bodyguard, and also held a gift that was rare among our kind; he could erase any part of a person's life as requested, or erase the whole thing altogether.

Suddenly a thought came to me, and I reached out to grab Hunter's shoulder before she could escape the room.

"What about her? She's a liability if she knows about her own gifts; she could spill the beans under pressure, and then we're screwed," I said with a raised eyebrow, and watched the understanding appear in his eyes.

Hunter let out a gasp and began to struggle in my hold as my father gestured to Elliot, who stepped forwards with a blank face.

"No, don't! I need my memory, or I won't be able to use my gifts if anyone gets hurt!" she cried, pleadingly as tears filled her eyes, but I held firm.

"We are erasing your knowledge of your Majik, but not your understanding of how to use them. Good enough for you?" I snapped with a glare. The look she gave me nearly made my knees buckle. Such pain and deep hatred showed in those depths, but before I could react appropriately, Elliot had grabbed her face with his hands and began the process. Her scream echoed in my head for minutes to come. Even when she had grown limp in my arms, I could still hear the betrayal, hatred, and sorrow in that scream. It would haunt me for the rest of my life, but it had to be done for her safety as well as our own.

My father sighed and straightened with a sad expression as he watched Hunter. "I'm glad you had brought that to my attention, son. Treat her with care, for when she wakes she will be frightened and confused. If she doesn't remember her name, give her a new one. I don't care what it is," he said quietly as he slipped into the shadows of the room and vanished.

Looking down at Hunter, I felt a twinge of guilt. Did I just destroy her life?
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Thought I would add a little twist to the story; hope you like it and if not...well, keep nasty comments to yourself if you don't mind!

Comment and Rate please, as always!

<333 lAuRa