Sequel: Mine

You and Your White Horse


Taylor ran out of the house and into the stables, where her horse, Midnight Cherry, a black Arabian Horse, was.
"Hey Cherry. You hungry, Girl?" Taylor said as she rushed to fill her food container with oats. She pulled an apple from her bag and held it for Cherry, who greedily chomped it. Within a minute it was gone and Taylor was waving goodbye, taking off down the road towards her school.

"Glad You could make it on time Miss Swift." The homeroom teacher, Mr.Williams said as she slid into her seat near the back. There was a new face next to her in the normally empty seat.

"Hey, I'm Damon." He whispered as soon as the teacher turned his back.

She smiled warmly,"Hi, I'm Taylor." Thirty minutes later the bell rang for first period to let out. Damon followed Taylor out of the classroom.

''Taylor, Wait Up." He called. She hadn't noticed he was following and began speed walking so she wouldn't be late. She turned around.


"Um, you wanna hang out after school? Maybe help each other with our homework?"

"Sure, meet me out front after fourth period and You can walk with me to my house, I have to clean up the stables before I do my homework, so you'll have to start without me." She said, nervous.

Did he just ask me on a study date? She asked herself. She didn't have time to think past that because she was headed into her second period class. The rest of the day breezed by in a haze, Taylor almost hadn't noticed when the final bell rang.

She headed for the front of the school and met Damon. She looked at her watch and looked up with wide eyes.
"We have to go now, or we'll never get anything done by nightfall!" She said. She grabbed his arm and took off towards her house, going even faster than she did on the way to school.

"This is my horse, Midnight Cherry, Cherry for short." She called from behind the big black horse. She tossed a brush over Cherry at Damon who picked it up after a failed attempt at catching. "Start brushing." She instructed. He shrugged and did as he was told.

Twenty minutes later they were sitting up in Taylor's bedroom. Taylor was trying to do her homework, but she couldn't help looking over at him. She saw his clear blue eyes starting at her. She quickly looked back down, but not before she saw him slide closer. Their knees were now touching. Taylor felt the blood rush to her face as a realization came over her, I love him.
Obviously, he had thought the same thing, because he reached over and pulled her face up to his, and he kissed her.
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First chapter, second one will be up soon, sorry it took so long.