

We were sitting alone at the park, on the swings, when he did it. When he tore my world apart.
I was never the kind of girl that was "desired", and he was a lady's man. He fed me all the right lines, told me all those nice things, and that night, he leaned in, smiling, pulled the swing over, close to him. The closeness was scary, infectious. It was like gravity pulling us closer, with the quick little breaths in between glances, and finally, when it finally happened, he pressed his lips to mine. Soft, smooth, breathtaking. Everything. My world.
Shattered. Taken away.
My heart pounded in my ears, and my hands touched the hair at the back of his neck, at the base of that red hat that I found so adorable.
We were going somewhere. We were on the stars. We were young, and oh so in love.
And his girlfriend was at home waiting for him, and my boyfriend was wondering where I was.
It was too unreal to last.
I went home with stars in my eyes. I was a mess inside. I was a love sick puppy. I just couldn't wait to see him again.
The next day, when I met him in the woods, he told me he was leaving.
I knew it all along. I knew he wasn't staying, and it was only for spring break, but god it still hurt so much. I knew I had to say goodbye, and believe me, I tried.
But he didn't. He wasn't there, he wasn't responsive. He was, for once in the time that I had known him, quiet. He didn't say a word, and when I said something that made him angry, he walked off.
That was the last I ever saw him.
I tried, believe me. I called all the time, but he never answered. He never did.
I remember the way he tasted, the way we touched, the way he smelled, and honestly, to this day, I will still smell the samples in the cologne aisle of the drug store, and miss him. I remember the way he made me feel, and the way he looked, and I'd be lying if I said I never loved him.
I would take it back if I could, some days. But other days, I just want to kiss him again. I just want him to come back.
The sweet feeling of the snow melting, and brighter mornings brought the winter away and the spring in . It took my innocence away, and gave it a new scar to mask it. He was everything you wouldn't want in a guy.
But he was still everything I thought I had.
He walked away with my heart, and the saddest part is, I'm still waiting for him to walk right back into my life, so I can at least try to take it back.