When Will You Realize That I'm Your Child Too?

Chapter Two

Ariana and Adam sat down next to each other, with Adam also next to Ryan and Ariana next to Jon. They both smiled at the four curious faces staring at them, "I thought you had twins?" Andy said.

"They are. One boy...and one girl." Ryan said. Ariana quickly looked down when her eyes bet with Ryan's.

"What's your name?" A familiar voice asked. Ariana looked up.

"Ariana." She said softly to Pete. He smiled.

"I'm Adam." Adam chimed in. He smiled at him too.

"I've never met twins before. How old are you two?" Patrick asked.

"Thirteen." Ariana answered.

"So who was born first?" Andy joked. Adam scowled and pointed to Ariana, who was grinning from ear to ear. They laughed and ordered waters and other drinks. Ariana and Adam shared a menu.

"What do you two want?" Ryan asked.

"We're gonna share a cheeseburger." Adam replied.

"You don't have to share." Ryan noted.

"We always do. We both never finish anyways, so we always share." Ariana said. Ryan shrugged and turned away. Ariana could feel a lump in her throat. She took a sip of water to calm down as Adam ordered. She sat there in silence as Adam and Ryan smiled and laughed.

"So do you do anything else besides racing and playing music?" Jon asked her, noticing she was silent.

"I dance." She smiled.

"Really? My girlfriend is a dancer, or was when she was in high-school. Her name is Cassie. She lives in Chicago with my cat, Dylan," Ariana smiled, "Your dad hates cats, so he wouldn't let me live with him if I had the cat," She laughed softly, "How long have you been dancing?" He asked.

"Since I was three."

"How did you get into dance?"

"We lived around Juilliard and I always saw all the dancers walking into school when I left in the morning to go to my school. I asked my mom about it and I started classes." He smiled and turned to his plate when it was set in front of him. She ate slowly, unlike Ryan and Adam.

They left the restaurant and headed home. It was late and Brendon wanted to wake up early to go to the dirt before there were tons of people there. The two kids said goodnight, "Goodnight, Ryan." Adam said, hugging his dad.

"You two can call me dad. Goodnight, Adam." He smiled.

"Goodnight, um...Dad." Ariana said softly. He merely smiled at her before turning away. She followed Adam up the stairs and to her room. She shut the door and changed into pajamas and walked into her bathroom. She sat on the counter and looked into the mirror.

She was never jealous of Adam. Ever. There was one time when she was jealous that he got the last piece of cake when they were three, but that's about it. That night at dinner, she wished she was Adam. She didn't know why Ryan was to open to Adam while he never spoke to her and barely glanced at her.

She sighed and got of the sink and walked over to her bed. She looked at the picture of her, Adam, and her mom on her nightstand. Adam had the same one in his room. She turned off her light and listened to the silence. She hear footsteps and Adam's door open. She put her ear to her wall, "Goodnight, Adam. Get some sleep." Ryan said.

"Goodnight, Dad." Adam replied. Ariana slowly crawled back into her bed. She heard the footsteps again, she lit up at the thought of him coming to say goodnight to her. But the footsteps faded away and heard another door close. She could feel the tears in her eyes, 'Why didn't he say goodnight to me?' She asked herself.


"WAKE UP!" Ariana heard someone shout. A small frame jumped on her, she sat up with an 'oomph' sound. She looked down, Adam had tackled her.

"Adam! Don't do that!" She yelled at her brother before pulled the covers over her head and falling back into the bed.

"Don't go back ti sleep! C'mon, Brendon's getting the bike's ready! Get your helmet and get ready!" He jumped off her and ran out of the room. She shut her door and locked it. She changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a red belt with a Social Distortion shirt and she grabbed her helmet and her sunglasses. She walked down the stairs and met up with Adam in the garage.

Ariana and Adam got onto the bikes and Brendon got on his. They put on their helmets and rode out of the garage. Ariana and Adam followed Brendon around the house and out to the large dirt area. Ryan was already there with Jon and Spencer, holding a camera, "Who's going first?" Brendon asked.

Ariana revved up her engine and took off towards the dirt hills. She leaned down into the bike to gather speed. She hadn't ridden her bike since a month before her mom died. The place where her and Adam used to ride all the time got shut down and the city was going to build a regular park there. That was the only place in New York to ride.

She accelerated and jumped of the hill, she kicked her bike up and brought it back down right before she hit the dirt, she heard Adam coming from behind. She moved out of the way and raced to more hills and did wheelies and jumped from hill to hill, Adam not far behind her.

The two kids took off their helmets and put the kicked the kick-stand out on the bike and walked over to Ryan, who was smiling, "Can we see the pictures?" Adam asked. Ryan handed Adam the camera and Ariana looked over his shoulder.

Ariana watched as Adam flipped through the pictures on the digital camera. Every picture was of either Adam and her, or just Adam. There were none of just her. She smiled sadly and turned and got on her bike, "There's some hills just over there that are bigger. Adam's heading inside with your dad. Me and you can go." Brendon said. Ariana smiled and nodded. Jon hopped in his truck and followed them as Ryan, Spencer, and Adam made their way back to the house.

Brendon and Ariana rode around for a while until there were too many people. Jon had taken pictures of just Ariana. They rode back to the house and walked in. Ryan and Adam were on the couch laughing about something. Ariana forced a smile but headed upstairs to her bathroom to shower and change.

She stood in the shower, the water spilling over her thin frame that resembled her father's. She washed her hair and body, while letting the tears fall, blending in with the cold water spilling from the shower head.


Ariana and Adam walked into the house and found their dad in the kitchen, talking with Spencer, "Dad! Are you coming to the football game? I'm performing in the marching band!" Adam exclaimed. Ryan grinned.

"Of course I will! I can't wait to see you play!" He patted his son on the back. Ariana looked up.

"I'm performing too. With the dance team." She noted, hoping Ryan would praise her for once.

"That's nice." He said before turning back to Adam and talking to him about the music he got for the game. She walked up the stairs to her room and shut her door and pulled out her homework. She finished it with ease and pulled on her Ipod and blasted the songs that she would be performing at the game.

She pulled out her earphones and grabbed her dance bag, knowing she had to be at the school in fifteen minutes. She walked down the stairs and found Ryan still in the kitchen, "Um, Dad, can you take me to the school?" She asked softly.

"Why?" He asked.

"I have to be there early because I'm on the dance team." She explained.

"Why don't you wait so I can take Adam at the same time." She sighed.

"I have to be there in fifteen minutes. Adam doesn't have to be there for another hour." Ryan sighed.

"Fine. Hurry up and get everything." He said before walking out. She put her head down and followed him out to the car. She got into the front seat and Ryan pulled out of the driveway. He pulled into the school parking lot and without a word she got out. She shut the door and Ryan sped off, he didn't even say good luck, or have fun, or I'll see you later, or even Bye.

She walked up the steps of the school and walked into the girls locker room to get changed. She put on the black and gold uniform and tied her hair up. She followed the other girls out to the field and started to practice their routine and stretch.

Ariana watched from her spot on the field. She watched Adam move along with everyone else on the drum line. She looked up to the stands and could see Ryan standing up, video taping everything and clapping and cheering. She turned back and the band walked off the field. She stood up with her dance team and got into her position. She looked into the stands again. Ryan had sat back down and was now texting on his phone and he no longer had the video camera or even a regular camera.

The music started and Ariana started her turns and leaps and jumps. She did her complicates steps and the song ended. Ryan clapped twice slowly, not even looking up from his Sidekick. The team ran off the field and into the locker room. Ariana changed and grabbed her bag and walked out to find Adam.

She found Adam and Ryan. Ryan was hugging Adam and telling him how great he did. Ariana walked up, Adam put an arm around her but Ryan didn't say anything about her or her performance. She followed the two out to the car. She sat int he back seat and slouched down, not wanting to listen to Ryan praising Adam for every damn breath he took.