When Will You Realize That I'm Your Child Too?

Chapter Twenty-One

Ariana and Adam walked down the stairs to see Ryan and Keltie sitting at the table by the window. Ryan looked up, he had pain in his eyes that made the kids wonder what the hell Keltie was telling him, "Oh, hey Kids. Um, why don't you go check out a movie upstairs. I have to talk to Keltie." Ryan explained. The kids rolled their eyes and trudged up the stairs before Ryan turned to face Keltie again, "Are you saying you don't want to be with me?" He asked. Keltie sighed and stared into her cup of dark coffee.

"Ry, I like you, I really do. I want to be with you, but I can't. I mean, I don't want to intrude on your family. You and your children are very close and I don't want to interfere with that. If the kids are okay with it, then fine, but if not...I just can't do that."

"But, why can't we be happy? I mean, I like you in a very strong way and you feel the same. Last night we were so happy and this morning you come over and act like everything is wrong. Did I say something last night? Did I do something wrong," He took her hands in his, "Keltie, please tell me so I can fix it." Keltie's eyes started to sting from fighting back tears as the faint flashbacks of what she heard last night rang in her ear.

"Ry, if you want us to be together, I don't have a problem with it and you didn't do anything wrong...I just wish you would talk to your kids first."

"Why, though? My relationships have nothing to do with them..."

"Oh, Ry, they do...believe me. I've never told anyone this but...When my parents got divorced when I was young, my father started dating these women. They were all nice to him, but I felt like he abandoned me. I'm not saying you're doing that to you kids, but I know I felt awful about it. I don't want your kids to go what I went through. Your kids are your main priority right now, Ryan, not me."


"Please, if you do talk to your kids and they agree, call me. For now, I think we should only see each other at work." Keltie pecked his cheek and hugged him before grabbing her purse and walking down the hall and out of the house.

Ryan put his head in his hands. His heart felt like it was in millions of pieces in his chest. He was about to grab the phone to whine to Spencer, when a thought popped into his mind, "KIDS!" Ryan called. He stood up and crossed his arms over his chest. The kids ran down the stairs.

"Hi dad, what's up?" Adam asked.

"My office, now!" Ryan ordered. Adam and Ariana gave each other glances before walking off to Ryan's office as he followed.

The kids sat down in the two chairs and Ryan sat down behind his desk. Adam thought of all the stupid things him and Ariana had done at school and wondered if the principal had called. Ariana thought about that F she got in English and hoped Ryan wouldn't be mad.

"Keltie thinks I should talk to you first before we start a relationship. She thinks you don't like her," Ryan explained, "I want to know what you said to her." Ryan demanded.

"We didn't say anything!" Adam protested.

"Yeah!" Ariana coughed from using her voice too loud, "We've never said anything!"

"Then why would she think that! Have you two done something that I should know about?" The twins shook their heads, "Well, then I guess you won't have a problem with me and Keltie seeing each other."

"NO!" The kids said in unison. Ryan narrowed his eyes as the kids glanced at each other again.

"What. Is. Going. On." Ryan ordered in a low voice.

"You can't date her! She's evil! She's going to take over your life!" Ariana warned.

"Yeah! And your money! You'll lose all your money!" Adam added.

"What are you talking about? Keltie would never do that."

"That's what you think!" Ariana replied.

"Then give me a good reason why I should believe you!" Ryan asked.

"Because we're your kids!" Adam said, glaring.

"And!? I want a relationship with Keltie, why is this so difficult!" Ryan yelled.

"BECAUSE YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO MOM!" The twins both yelled in unison. Ryan's eyes widened and he leaned back in his chair to steady himself. The twins never mentioned their mom.

"How could you do that? She loved you. She loved you so much that she kept us a secret. She didn't want to bring you down..." Adam trailed off before him and Ariana got up and walked out of the office.

Ryan put his head in his hands and let a small tear run down his cheek. A moment later he felt extremely tired. He put his head down on the desk, and fell asleep.

"It's not what you think." Adalae's soft caring voice rang.

"Not what I think? Adalae, they think I'm trying to replace you!" Ryan protested.

"They're scared. They think you'll forget about them."

"How could I!? They're my kids! I would always put them first."

"Maybe they don't know that. They're only fourteen. They need to learn that Keltie is a nice woman and that you two love each other very much."

"How do you know all this."

"Because I do." Ryan sighed.

"So what do I do?" He asked.

"Have the kids spend the day with Keltie. The mall or something. They'll learn that she isn't as bad as they think."

"Yeah, like they'll agree to that."

"You're the father. Lay down the rules. Besides, you have to think for yourself once in a while...I-I won't always be here to um...h-help." She stuttered. Ryan narrowed his eyes.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, "You'll always be here....Right?"

"Once you fall in love with Keltie, and she falls in love with you...I'll be in rest forever." Adalae explained.

"What!? Adalae, you can't do that! I need you! I still love you!"

"No, Ryan, we were never meant to be. You and Keltie are. If we were meant to be, God would have kept me alive and we would be together...raising our children. But you and Keltie are meant for that. Keltie was meant to be a step-mom to the twins. You two were meant for each other. The twins just don't understand it yet."

"Please...Don't go."

"Goodbye, Ryan. Maybe I'll see you soon...before you fall in love."