Status: Hiatius: Not offically abandoned but I don't see myself updating anytime soon.

The (Mis)Adventures of WonderBra Women

Messages through Windows and Doors

Anna's Point of View(POV)

I sighed hanging up the phone on my beautiful yet immature girlfriend. I love Violet but at times it hard to pinpoint why. I would have to be petty love sick to think she was perfect. I suppose part of love is accepting people's flaws. She accepts mine and I accept hers. Sure I now know that she is completely naked and very much like me to join her in her nakedness. I suppose if I was a guy or like Violet then she would be the perfect girlfriend but I'm not.

The sound of 'I kissed a Girl' could be hear buzzing from my phone, Violet been messing with my phone again. I pick my phone up to see who was calling, WonderBra Woman light up the screen. I thought about hanging up but hit answer instead. I was putting the phone to my ear when...

“I LOVE YOU ANNABELLA ROSELIE GRAYSON!!!” was screamed out of my phone by Violet Joy Parker. She hang up afterwards. I start to redial but decided it was best just let her get dress. I see her soon enough, I change her personal ringtone back to All time low's 'Toxic Valentine' and gather up my backpack and my stuff for Tom's. I took a change of clothes in case my clothes mysteriously disappeared like last time we went swimming. I was not walking home in a bathing suit again.

Now, all I had to do was tell my mother I was leaving, otherwise she search the whole house looking for me until I came back. I found her starling out the window, concentrating on something in the distance. I look out the window but couldn't see anything except the normal view.

“Mum, what are you looking at?”

“I think Carol trying to say something to me,” Carol a.k.a Violet's mum. Violet's house was Twenty minutes away if you walked through the woods, you could barely see the house on a clear day. I swear my parents only brought this house because it was so close to theirs. They had know Violet's parents for six months when they decided to buy this place. Sure, I love being able to walk to Violet's but it seem quite odd sometimes, especially when they try to communicate through the windows. Sadly, they did this often.

“Why don't you just go over there or better yet call her?” I said picking up the phone.

“Honey, that a waste of money and I don't have the time to go over there,” But you have time to try sign at eachother. I dial the Parker's house number. Violet's mum picked up.

“Hello, Mrs Parker. My mother was wondering if you were trying to communicate with her through the window. Hold for a moment while I put her on the phone,” I handed my mother the phone and went into the living room. Damn it, I had forgot to her I was going out. I would just leave her a note. I grabbed the notepad off the coffee table and ripped a page out. I wrote the note and pinned it to the front door on my way out. My mother had already informed me that this damaged the door but the door needed replacing any way. I decided to cycle to Tom's, he was only ten minutes away from ours on bike.

My bike is baby blue and had white little stars on it. I never knew adult bikes came in such childish way, that why I had insisted my parents buy me it. I semi regret it now, since I get taken the mickey out of, for having a kids bike but I still love it. I pulled my ipod out of my backpack and slipped it into my shorts pocket and put a speaker in my left ear. I hit play and hop on my bike. Road safety be damned.

The roads were fairly quite, since the only thing in the area was houses and each house was about a mile apart from each other. Sadly, that meant most of the neighbours were rich snobs with spoiled brats for kids. Out of my group of friends in the local area, my family was the poorest but Violet was the richest, with Tom in second. It was kinda strange when I thought about it but it didn't really mean anything in affect.

I arrived at Tom's three story house to find the front door open. I dumped my bike in the garage and then enter the house and shut the door behind me.

“Tom, do want someone to make off with your TV,” I shouted but got no response. He was probably at pool taking in the sun. I wander though the house, trying to find the back door. Tom was gay but it was so obvious that it be petty pointless for him to come out. He was never in. Yes, Tom was sadly a stereotype and proud of it. He was the second closes person to me after Violet. He was the first person that I told I liked girls because I knew he was the only one who wouldn't make fun of me for it. He was a really good friend to have. I finally made it to the French doors that lead to the pool.

“Tom, seriously you need a smaller hou...Oh my god,”

Tom was naked and on top of Mitchell who just happens to be Sophie's boyfriend. This was so not good.
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Femslash, slash and conflict everything a good story should have. Well, there are good stories without them but...Well, what do you think? :D Comment and tell me what ya all think. It will make me write faster out of guilt.