‹ Prequel: Loving You
Status: Pretty active. :)

Finding Lost Loves

Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven-Gracie's POV

We ran even faster, worried that, at any moment, Emma would catch and murder us. You never know what she is capable of, especially taking into account this morning. I didn't know she was psychotic enough to tie us up. (Or, for that matter, that my sisters were so stupid, but that's not the point.)

I bet we all looked so ridiculous. Normal eighth graders do not run. We're a lazy species; our two speeds are slow and slower.

Luckily, Emma decided not to follow us, most likely because when she caught us, we might start asking questions about what she was doing with Mallory and she definitely doesn't want that. I stuck that bit of knowledge about precisely what she was doing in the back of my mind for later thought. We finally stopped, gasping for breath, just inside the doors to the school.

"We know what Emma was scared to tell us then, don't we?" Linnie said, reasonably.

"If she has something even MORE important to tell us, then I've no idea what it could be," Allie added. Typical. It's just like them to finish each other's thoughts. They need to stop, or I'll snap. I swear I will.

Katie, sensing my irritation, ended the conversation. "Unlike the rest of you, I don't want to be late, so I'm leaving. The bell is going to ring in two minutes! See you later!" she yelled, running down the hall and disappearing.

I scurried to class, getting there a second after the bell, and a second too late to avoid getting locked out by Mr. Kennedy. Oh well. I guess I'm not going to science today. I slid down the wall, landing with a soft thump on the floor.

Danny McKinley sat down next to me, swearing cheerfully, a couple of minutes later. "That bastard locked you out, Gracie? Or did you come to visit me?"

"I came to visit you, of course," I laughed. "I don't think you've ever been inside that classroom."

"Nah. I made it the first day, remember? Mr. Kennedy almost pissed his pants, he was so mad. 'Late on your first day, McKinley?! That is not a good way to start the year!'" Danny imitated Mr. Kennedy's voice, making it a high screech.

"Shut up!" I laughed. "If he hears you, he'll know we enjoy being out here. He'd make us actually learn something and we both know you don't want that."

Danny snorted. "I can't help that science is a waste of my time. We should study something cool, likeā€¦skate boarding."

I rolled my eyes. Danny always has his skateboard with him, so it makes sense that he would say that.

"People wouldn't be so fat, if they did something useful, so yes, skate boarding."

"Congratulations. You've discovered the solution to human obesity," I said, sarcastically.

"I know. Feel free to tell others how amazing I am."

"I will do no such thing!" I laughed.

"Danny looked at me, mock heartbroken. "My amazing-ness will be kept secret then. The world will never know," he sighed.

I ignored Danny's guilt trip and we fell into an awkward silence. "Okay, okay. I bow down to your superior intelligence." Yeah, I folded. You don't need to point it out.

"Yes, you do. Now who's the smartest person in the whole world?"

Of course he wouldn't just drop it. He just has to rub it in. ""You are," I mumbled.

"And who's not?"

I glared. "This has gone too far."

""That's not an answer," Danny said, holding his hand to his ear.

"Fine, you win. You're the coolest, smartest person in the world and I pale in comparison. Are you happy now, idiot?"

"A little less sarcasm would be nice, but I'll take what I can get," Danny said.

"Yeah, whatever-" I was interrupted by the bell. "Um, never mind. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, bye."

As Danny walked away I couldn't help but wonder if--NO! I do not like him. I do not like him. I. Do. Not. Like. Him. Do I?
♠ ♠ ♠
>.< I can't stop adding characters!

Also, do you like the picture thing? I think it's adorable and I wish it were mine. Whoever took it, you're cool.

Thanks to: