Status: slowly active...I'm trying...


A Drink, For The Horror That I’m In

It’s been a year since I was released from St. Vincent hospital. One year since I apperated back to London, where I learned of what has been happening while I was asleep. Dead, dead, and arrested. My brother, my sister, gone. Sirius locked up for their murders. I couldn’t believe it. The Sirius I knew would have never harmed James or Lily. He loved them both so much, and Harry. He would have never betrayed them for the Dark lord so he could come after Harry. The Boy Who Lived. It should have never happened. Ever.
My new wand that I purchased in Portland was tucked safely in my coat pocket for easy access. The wool coat’s hood covered most of my face and body, keeping my identity hidden away as I sat in the small pub that I visited many times with friends while in Hogwarts. The Three Broomsticks hasn’t changed much in the years. Still dimly lit and owned by Madam Rosmerta who was a woman that knows when people need a drink and to be left alone. Bless that woman.
For the past two days I’ve been hanging around the Three Broomsticks waiting. I had no idea if he’d even come here but thought it wouldn’t hurt to check. I had a feeling that since Harry would be coming to school soon he’d be in the area checking things out. Today I was lucky. The door chimed open reveling a tall, slim man who was heartily greeted by Madam Rosmerta.
“Remus Lupin it’s been too long.”
“Only a year Madam,” he blushed. Rosmerta could make any man at any age blush. She laughed and gave him a glass of what I’m assuming is his usual.
“Let me know if you need anything else aright Remus,” she gave him a laugh as he made his way to the back of the pub, near where I was seated. Excluding Remus, Rosmerta, and I there was only three people in the pub. They were seated together chatting away, lost in their own conversation. I got up from my table and stood in front of the man I knew so long ago.
“I hear you’re a Professor.”
“Who are you?”
“Do you mind if I sit down?” I asked as I slid in the seat across from him.
“I’ll ask again. Who are you.” I grinned.
“My friends call me Rory.” His eyes got wide and his skin turned an ashy color.
“No. That can’t be. You can’t be her. She’s...”
“Dead? No Remus I was cursed. Please Remus, believe me.” I lifted up my hood, giving him a clear look at my face. He got even paler.
“No, no no I saw the were dead. Dumbledore confirmed it.”
“Please stop freaking out Rem, I know its a lot to take in but trust me,” I leaned closer to him to whisper. “Aurora Potter is alive.”
“How do I know that this is real? Tell me something that no one but the real Rory would know.” I smirked. I’ve got a million memories.
“You kissed me in our first year.” Color rose to his cheeks. He was always embarrassed about that moment. “Everyone went to the quidittch match while we stayed back with Lily to finish an essay. When Lily finished before us and went to bed you and I started talking about random things and well we kissed.”
“You kissed me you know. I was too shy to even talk to girls properly but you and your outrageous Potter genes. You jumped on me!”
“I did no such thing! You my dear Lupin were the master at getting girls. Everyone thought that Sirius was a playboy but it was you!”
“Please I hardly dated because of...well you know.” Being a werewolf stopped him from doing so much.
“That didn’t mean that you weren’t drooled after. Every girl wanted to get to know the mysterious Remus Lupin.” He shook his head and laughed.
“Merlin Rory what happened?”
“I believe Dumbledore cursed me. The last thing I remember was him coming over to my house. He knew I was alive though. Apparently he visited the hospital from time to time, telling them he was my grandfather.” I sighed.
“Do you know what’s happened since...”
“Yes. I know what happened to them. All of them.”
“He didn’t...”
“I know.”
“You know?”
“Sirius would never betray his friends. I saw how much he loved Harry, there is no way that he was working for the Dark Lord. He’d rather die than give them up.” Remus nodded. I closed my eyes and took a steady breath and changed the subject. I wasn’t ready to talk in depth about the murders. “I need to see him Remus. Need to hold him. He needs to know about me, know that I’m alive. I haven’t seen him since he was a babe. Tell me, does he still look like James?”
“Yes. He’s got Lily’s eyes and most of her personality, but every now and then James pops in. It’s amazing.”
“Where is he?”
“Dumbledore placed him with Lily’s sister. He’s protected there.”
“Petunia. He was left with that woman!” I growled. That woman was a pain in the ass and jealous of Lily, I can only imagine how she’d treat Harry.
“And her husband and son.”
“How do they treat him?”
“It’s not a loving family Rory. But he’s fine.” Fine, not happy, not loved. Just fine. I don’t like that one bit. “I know you want to see him. But not yet. He can’t be moved from the Dursley’s. However I have an idea.”
“A good one I hope.”
“There’s an Oder meeting this week. I want you to come with me. They need to know that you’re alive. Dumbledore will be there. You could get some answers.” I nodded.
“Yes. I have a lot of questions for that wizard.” Before we parted ways I told him where I was staying and how to get in touch. I doubt he’d have a problem with apperating into a muggle hotel room in the middle of London. He promised me that he’d be in touch later in the week.
I wasn’t expecting him to pop into my room at midnight that night.
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I know it's going slow but the next chapter will have Harry and Sirius. And I made some changes. Instead of it being weeks. Its been a year since she woke up. It makes more sense that Harry got the photo at the end of his 4th year and is now entering his 5th.