What A Beautiful Day

Day 14

"Hello Kris," I said into my phone after checking the caller id. Kris and I had been talking to each other almost constantly for the past couple of weeks. I was beginning to enjoy our conversations.

"Hey Raleigh," Kris said back. "What are you up to tonight?"

"I have work until seven," I informed him. It was my hour break between two classes, the usual time for Kris to call. "Why?"

"I was thinking," Kris started. "If you'd like, I could take you to the movies tonight. If you can't that's fine."

"Sure," I said, smiling because Kris had finally asked me out. "I'd love to go to a movie with you. Just tell me what time and I'll be there."

"I could pick you up if you'd like," Kris offered. "I was thinking maybe a movie around nine, so I could pick you up at eight fifteen or something."

"You know, that sounds great," I told him.

"Great," Kris said, his voice smiling. "I'll see you tonight then."

"I'll see you tonight," I agreed before hanging up.

The rest of the day went quickly and at eight, I found myself dressed and ready to go to the movie theatre. I was wearing a pair of dark wash straight jeans and a white tank top with a black sweater.

I slipped on my red sneakers when a knock came from the door. I opened it to find Kris standing there with a small bouquet of Gerber daisies.

"I hope it's not weird that I brought you flowers," Kris said, handing me the bouquet.

"Not at all," I smiled, taking the flowers and putting them in a vase of water. "They are beautiful, thank-you."

"You're welcome," Kris said. "Are you ready to go?"

"Let me grab my bag," I said. I went back to the couch and grabbed my green bag. I walked back to the door and smiled at Kris. "Ok, I'm ready."

"Let's go," Kris said, returning my smile.

I followed him from my door to his car. He opened the door for me and I slid in and buckled the seat belt as Kris got in and did the same thing.

Soon enough we were at the theatre. Kris got out and opened my door for me to get out.

"Thanks," I said.

"No problem," Kris said. "You can pick the movie."

"Are you sure?" I asked, giving him a questioning look. "Most guys like to pick the movies so that the don't end up watching chick flicks."

"I know," Kris said. "But you told me that you don't like chick flicks, so I trust you to pick a good movie."

"Ok," I said. I quickly picked a movie before we got tickets and went to find seats.

The movie was great and Kris kept making comments about different things the happened.

"I had a lot of fun tonight," I said as Kris pulled into my drive way.

"I had a lot of fun too," Kris said. He got out and opened my door before helping me out of the car. He walked me to my door. "Can we go out again sometime?"

"I'd love that," I smiled.

"I'll call you then," Kris said.

"Goodnight, Kris," I said, giving him a hug.

"Goodnight, Raleigh," Kris said, pulling away from me slightly. He looked me in the eyes and leaned closer.

Before I knew it, our lips had connected and butterflies were going nuts in my stomach. The kiss ended quickly and Kris looked at the ground, embarrassed.

I grabbed his hand. "Thank-you for tonight, Kris. I really enjoyed myself."

"Anything for you," Kris said, looking up at me with a grin.

I gave him a quick peck on the lips before unlocking my door and slipping inside. I was still reeling from the kiss. I leaned against the door and put my fingers to my lips, which were tingling a little bit.

'Wow,' I thought. 'That was one hell of a kiss.'
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I don't like this chapter, but you might. I hope you do, at least a little bit. The next one will be better.