What A Beautiful Day

Day 482

I slowly made my way up the aisle, glancing around at the people who were seated in the pews. My breathe hitched every time I looked to the front of the church and saw the man, with longish brown hair and brown eyes, that I started falling in love with 482 days earlier.

I finally made my way to the alter and smiled at Kris. He was handsome in his black tuxedo. I couldn't believe how lucky I was to be marrying someone as wonderful as Kris.

"Friends," the officiant said. "We have been invited here today to share with Kristopher Allen Letang and Raleigh Jasper Thompson a very important moment in their lives. In the years they have been together, their love and understanding of each other has grown and matured, and now they have decided to live their lives together as husband and wife."

When it came time to say our vows, Kris looked at me and smiled. "I, Kristopher, take you, Raleigh, to be my friend, my lover, the mother of my children and my wife. I will be yours in times of plenty and in times of want, in times of sickness and in times of health, in times of joy and in times of sorrow, in times of failure and in times of triumph. I promise to cherish and respect you, to care and protect you, to comfort and encourage you, and stay with you, for all eternity."

I felt tears well in my eyes as I said my vow.

Kris's Best Man gave him my ring, as I received his from my Maid of Honor. We turned to each other and my eyes filled with tears again.

"I, Kris, give you, Raleigh, this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you," Kris said, as he slipped the ring on my finger.

I repeated the words, as I slipped the ring on his finger.

"By the power vested in me by God," the officiant said. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

The words were barely out of the man's mouth, when Kris pulled me into him and gave me a passionate kiss.

When he let go of me, I felt my cheeks go red, but couldn't stop smiling. We linked arms and made our way to the back of the church. Both of us smiling like idiots.