Paper Kisses

one of one

“He's leavin' today,” Joanie said to her mama at breakfast as she poked at her fried eggs and hash.

“We know Jo, you've told us every day for the last month,” Joanie's sister, Mary, said in frustration. “You act like its the end of the world or somethin'.”

“It is the end of the world,” their mother said in her mother-knows-best tone. “You'll understand it more when you get older.”

At thirteen, Mary hadn't had a boyfriend or even a crush as far as anyone knew. “She'll never understand because she's goin' to be a shriveled up old lady before she even talks to a boy.”

“Shut up Joanie!” Mary cried before turning to their mother. “Mama, make Joanie shut her big, fat mouth.”

Their mother sighed, “Joanie, be nice to your sister.”

“Yes, mama.” She said taking a single bite of her hash before standing up. “I'm gonna go get ready. Johnny's goin' to come get me so I can wish him off.”

“How are you getting home?”

Joanie smiled, “Johnny wants me to have his truck until he gets back.”

Her mother gave her a stern look, “Doesn't his Pa use that truck?”

“His Pa only uses it to get feed once a month and his Pa told me that as long as I can take him its fine that I hold onto it.” Joanie told her as she slowly started to inch out of the kitchen. “It'd really like to go get ready now. May I or do you have more questions?”


Joanie hurried to the bedroom she shared with her sister and grabbed the dress she had hanging on the back of the door. It was her favorite dress because it was one that Johnny had bought for her. It was navy blue with little white dots that went to her knees. Johnny had gotten the dress for her as a Christmas present and Joanie had fallen in love with it immediately, but only wore it for church or when they went out.

She quickly dressed, buttoning the dress in such a rush she had to rebutton it twice before sitting in front of the vanity. She took out the curlers she had placed in her hair more carefully than she had buttoned her dress because she didn't want to ruin her hair.

“JOANIE!” She heard Mary shout from the front room. “Johnny's here!”

“I'll be right there!” she called back. She powdered her face quickly before putting on some lipstick as she stood up. Joanie grabbed her shoes and put them on as she hopped towards the door, not wanting to make Johnny late for his train. “I'm coming Johnny!”

Johnny's laugh could be heard from outside the door before he called out, “Don't break an ankle, hun.”

She had the strap in place and grabbed her navy blazer before hurrying out of the room. Johnny was sitting in the kitchen where she had been sitting, finishing off the food she hadn't had the stomach to eat. “Johnny was just telling us that when he gets home the two of you are getting married. Why didn't you say anything, Joanie?”

Joanie looked sheepishly at Johnny before looking to her mother, “Its gonna be awhile, Ma. God only knows how long this war is going to last and besides, Pa has been really busy and I didn't want to over burden him.”

The look on her Mother's face told her that she wasn't buying her excuse, “We will talk about this later with your father.”

Johnny stood up and put his arm around Joanie's waist, “We gotta be goin' anyways.”

“Alright,” Joanie's mother gave Johnny a tight hug before pulling away and saying. “You be careful over there, boy. We don't want any bad news coming home.”

“Yes, ma'am.”

Joanie's mother gave a nod, “Good. Now get going before you're late.”

“Bye Mama,” Joanie kissed her mother's cheek. “I'll be home by lunch time.”

She rushed out the door with Johnny, who opened the door for her and helped her in. When he closed her door she scooted over so she could sit right next to him. He got in behind the steering wheel and fired up the truck and backed out of the driveway carefully, his arm around Joanie's shoulders as he looked out the back window.

Then they were on the main road he drove slowly, “I'm sorry about letting it slip with your ma, Jo.”

“Its alright. She had to find out eventually and I'm glad you told her otherwise I think she woulda killed me.”

Johnny laughed, “Your Ma loves you to much to kill you and I'm sure once you get home she'll talk colors and dresses with you.”

She laid her head on his shoulder and looked at the window sheild as the town they were headed to grew closer and closer. “I wish you didn't have to go. What am I gonna do without you?”

“Finish up school and write to me every week,” he told her with a smile. “Everything will be fine, Jo. I promise that I'll come home and we'll get married.”

She looked up at him and smiled, “Fine, if you promise.”

Nothing else was said as Johnny navigated their way to the train station and parked in front, looking at the people who gathered for the next train.

Johnny got out of the truck and ran over to Joanie's side, opening the door for her and helping her out. He reached into the back of his truck and pulled out a cloth bag that was packed full, the strings barely holding the bag closed. He slung it over his shoulder and put and arm around Joanie as he walked them towards the train station, which passengers were already boarding.

Tears gathered in her eyes then, knowing that he might not come back, “You don't have to go.”

“Yes I do, Joanie.”

“You haven't gotten on the train yet, you could hide until the war is over.” She grabbed onto his arm and leaned into him. “My parents would help us run away. We could go anywhere and we can be safe and you wouldn't have to go.”

“You're parents wouldn't put themselves in that much trouble, hun."

"I could use the money that I've been saving. We can go up north and hide in the mountains."

Johnny pulled her to him and hugged her tight, "We've talked about this, Jo. It's something I've got to do and there is no where I can run to get away. I promise that I'll be back when this is over and I wont have to go away ever again.

"This is so much harder now," Joanie said as she held onto him, breathing in his scent one last time.

"I know, hun. We'll get through this though."

His released her when they heard the man boarding the train yelled, "All boarding! Last call!"

"I gotta go now, Hun. Remember, write me every week and let me know how you and your ma and pa are doin'. I love you."

She gave him a teary smile before saying, "I love you too, Johnny." At her words and he kissed her quickly. When he pulled away and looked at her she said, "You better go before you miss your train."

"I'll write you the second I can so you know where to send your letters." He turned and hoisted his bag farther up his shoulder before heading towards the train. He handed his ticket to the main who punched it before letting him board. She watch him walk back, skipping seats until he found one that was unoccupied before sitting down and opening the window.

Johnny looked out the window and waved at her before blowing a kiss. Joanie stood there staring at him, her mind reeling and dread curling in her stomach as she realized that blown kiss could be their last kiss. He had turned away to face someone else, another man in uniform who was speaking to him. His eyes weren't on her now as fear came over her. Not wanting that kiss to be the last she yelled, "Johnny!"

He turned back to her, confusion on his face just as she ran towards the train. He leaned out the window just as she jumped, grabbing her under the arms and hoisting her up so that they could kiss. They held each other tight as their lips connected into a hard and urgent kiss. Her feet were dangling at least two feet off the ground but she didn't care if she fell the moment he released her and broke both her legs, this kiss was all that mattered to her. When they pulled apart they still held onto each other, "What was that?" He asked.

"I didn't want that blown kiss to be our last." She changed her grip so that she was holding onto his shoulders. "I pray that this one won't be our last."

"When you write me kiss the letter and when I get it I'll kiss it where you did. That way this kiss won't be our last." His slowly eased her down until her feet touched the ground again. "But you gotta wear that red lipstick that your mama got you for your birthday. That one is my favorite."

"And I'll spray the letter with my perfume," she said with a smile.

"Now go home, hun and talk dresses and colors with your mama so its all ready when I get home."