Status: Collab story between my and my bud. We're both first timers, yeah...Enjoy! XD

Blood Shed


Blood Shed
“Name: Daymond Rant
Age: 23
Height: 6 ‘ 2
Skin color: White
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Gray
Weight: 230 lbs.
Unique Characteristics: Piercing in right side of lower lip, right ear, right eyebrow, and nipples. ‘Elena’ tattooed across upper back.
Last Seen: Frank’s Pub, 2/10/10”
I scanned over my wanted sign. Funny, they didn’t say what I was wanted for. They couldn’t handle more then half the things I did. I was at Frank’s every Sunday when all the pretty boy cops went off to church with their perfect families.
First Street was the one-way ticket to Hell. Someone was always getting shot, robbed, murdered, you name it and it happened here, all over First Street. I checked my brand spankin’ new white diamond Rolex. 3:00 in the AM.
Roman jogged down the street, his baggie hoodie bouncing over a whole lot of nothing. His Yankee’s hat was turned to the East. He always stank. Like he never owned a shower yet he lived in the biggest mansion anyone could imagine.
“Yo what’s doin’ Day? How ‘bout I found you a good one this fine mornin’. Name’s Donnaven. She sayin’ Elena was wit her not too long ago. You betta check her out.”
“Thanks dawwgg.” I made sure to mimic his slang as much as possible. His brown hand clasped onto mine. Our chests rubbed for a second but he wouldn’t let go of my palm.
“Let me go son.” He immediately did. I swore the kid was queer.
He motioned for me to follow him to house number 577, his place. All the chicks came to him. He was the town’s rapping wannabe. Everyone but me called him Caesar. Damn, how fake was he?
My black, thick boots introduced themselves to his white steps for the millionth time. Roman kindly opened the door for me. He eyed me up head to toe. Damn queer. I wanted to strangle that kid sometimes. He knew where to put his eyes. Yet, he always put them where they didn’t belong, on me.
He made me follow him to the first of twelve bedrooms in his home. In there was a hooker. I knew she was one because of her matted down, frizzy platinum blonde hair. Her implants were a dead give away.
Her shirt that belonged in a Children’s Place looked ready to burst. Her stilettos dug into the white carpeting. They were white only to help hide that Roman did a lot of things in this room. With men and women alike.
She sat on his master bed. When she saw me her eye lit up with excitement. She shifted her legs uncomfortably. The sight of me was arousing her. She licked her lips and bent down for the longest time till she decided to bend her knees and stand up. The holes down her arms were the reason she did this.
“What might your name be stranger?” Her perfectly plucked eyebrows rose.
“None of your ‘effin biz.”
She giggled. “It’s okay. You’re just being shy with me. Once we get comfy I’ll make sure you say my name.” Her wink sent flakes from her mascara escaping to her thin cheekbones.
“Where’s Elena? Tell me where she is please.”
“I’ll tell you…if I can get something in return.” Her cheap lip gloss gleamed in the dim lighting.
“Sorry, I only mess around with Elena. Now tell me.” I grabbed what little shirt she had and shoved her up against the wall.
“So a threesome? I’m cool wit that. You know handsome I like pain. I like it so much it’s making me-“
I picked her up off the ground.
“Yes sa?”
“You gave me another dead end.”
“Aww. Sorry to hear that.” He crossed his arms over his skinny chest.
“I’ll get rid of her.”
“Alright, I’m out. She sucks at suckin’ anyways.”
The giant oak door closed gently as he left and went down the hallway.
She looked like she may O anytime now. Her breathing was hard, her eyes weren’t focusing on anything, and her fingers were in the bottom of her skirt. They were moving with violent speeds.
I would make her say ‘Oh’ but not in the way she expected. My hand went to my belt. I found Missy, my trusty blade I had made when Elena went missing. I threw her onto the bed. She bit her lip in satisfaction.
Those poor fingers of hers kept on going. They looked like they may snap at any second. Her back arched up and down and she said every Tom, Dick, and Harry’s name.
I pressed my back against the wall and crossed one boot over the other. I watched and waited till she was finished. I checked my watch 3:45 in the AM. How long did it take for her to-
There it was. She was climaxing. Her body jittering. Missy’s handle was the only thing that kept me from slashing her up right there. Roman wasn’t paying her to fancy herself. Then again he wasn’t paying her at all. He never did.
I was the disposal system for him. I got rid of his chicks when he was done with them. He said they knew about Elena none of them ever did. I was going to follow any lead he gave me. I was going to kill each and every hooker if it would help me get any closer to her.
Donnaven was done. She was heaving on the bed. Her eyes found mine over her opened legs.
“You liked that..didn’t you?”
I couldn’t help but smirk. “I’ve seen better at amateur night. Now that you’re done where’s Elena?”
She sat up. “I don’t know an Elena. But, I do know a Donnaven who really needs a good-“
“You are no longer of use to me. Thank you for your last breath.”
“Huh? What do you-“
In an instant I had jumped onto her. Missy was gently placed onto her neck. I traced her jugular. I couldn’t wait to slice this baby open. She started to tremble. Good, I liked it when they were scared so bad they could crap themselves.
My hand to my sack on the back of my belt. I went to the handcuffs that were in the first opening. I grabbed one of her thin wrists and pulled her up to the iron bars that were at the top of the bed. I cuffed one wrist the farthest it would go. I did the same with the other.
I grabbed the second pair of cuffs and went through the same procedure with her ankles to the foot of the bed. She squirmed a little but didn’t fight it. This wasn’t going to excite me enough tonight.
Missy slowly went to the left side of her rib cage. Missy cut a line, slicing her shirt. This wasn’t for pleasure this was for revenge. The revenge I couldn’t get for my girl. She screamed. Why did they always have to scream on the first one?
I went to the other side and made this line a little deeper. Her yelps were killing my ears already. I went back to the sack and got the duct tape. I taped her trap shut. Her cheeks were covered in her bad makeup.
I once again went to the sack and pulled out my trusty friend, Mr. Salt. It was one of the crappy ones I jacked from a restaurant. I turned it downward and watched a mountain fall onto the slits. Her wrists and ankles were pulling desperately.
I could still hear her scream a little even though the tape was across her hole. Missy returned and went to her stomach. The only pieces of shirt that were left lay over her breasts. I wasn’t interested in seeing them. I poured the whole thing all over her torso.
Her eyes continued to bring out tears. Mr. Salt was thrown at the wall and smashed instantly. The sack had many wonders in it. So many I forgot the names of most of them. I just gave them nicknames. They were easier to manage as I told Roman after every kill exactly what happened. Even though it was always the same.
I wanted to kill her then. But, she wouldn’t learn her lesson then now would she? I never wanted this job for any woman. Simply because people like me existed. The person I was only came out went Elena went into the biz for a little extra money.
The first night she went out she never came back.
I was reliving that first night in my head till stinging in my hand interrupted me. Barb, the barbed wire was sticking into my palm. I pulled him out and went right for what was under that skirt. Her eyes widened as I went closer.
Women were like men in more ways then I thought. A man would rather have no brain in his head just so he could keep his junk. Women were exactly the same. I forced her to lift herself into the air a little bit so I could get Barb onto both sides of her.
I didn’t press hard, yet. I let it all sink into her as to what was about to happen. I waited till the water works factory went back into business till I quickly pulled on both ends. Up and down up and down. She screamed bloody murder. Heh, bloody murder was exactly what I was doing.
I kept going till I hit bone till I pulled Barb back. I held him closer to her eyes so she could see blood and pieces of her dripping off of Barb. The tears never did stop. I then wrapped him around his fragile neck.
Her wrists had gridded the cuffs so hard blood was dripping from them. I could hear her bones rubbing up against the cool metal. Tiny pieces of skin were gliding down to the tan covers.
“Once, again thank you for your last breath Donnaven.”
I clamped them together in the back and slid it back and forth, back and forth. She gave up. No more screaming. No more tears. She was in the whole ‘my-life-is-flashing-before-my-eyes’ stage. She was remembering back to all her mistakes. Maybe she thought of her job. Maybe someone else would learn to quit before they met me.
Barb jingled and both sides met. I had go so far that Donnaven’s head and neck were separated. Job was over. No excitement entered my blood and her head rolled onto the carpet.
Blood was splattered all over her. My fingers were infested with her. My nails had chunks of her in me. I went to the John and washed her from me. The hot shower that I was taking made me forget everything I had just done. I was focusing on Elena.
I never wanted her to take that job. Yet, she did. I was the one who let her go. I never stopped her. I didn’t do a thing. I slammed my fist against the tiles on the wall and stopped the water.
I redressed and grabbed the laundry bag and went to clean up shop. First went her head. I looked into her lifeless eyes and closed them and threw her head into that sucker. Her torso went in nicely. Her limps didn’t though. The stuck out oddly from the rim of the bag.
I opened up the laundry shoot in the far corner of the room and tossed her down. Her body clunked as it flew down the vent.
All my tool friends took a bath in hot sink water. I watched as the water quickly became red. After they had soaked maybe ten minutes I put them neatly back into the sack.
I walked from the room and closed the door shut behind me. Roman was waiting outside as he always did with his stopwatch in hand.
“One hour, ten minutes, four seconds. Nice dog.” His hand clasped mine again. When our chests touched his other hand bumped against my back.
“Okay Day, Adult Swim’s on. Wanna join me in watching Peter mess Meg?”
“Sure. I got no where else to be tonight.”
He smirked. “Good.”
And so we went down the hall to the living room and sat in his fancy futons. I wasn’t surprised that I ended up falling asleep half way through the episode. It was only a rerun so when my lids started to fall I let them.
I could have sworn I felt Roman’s arm going across my shoulders. I was way too tired to open my eyes and smack his hand away. And so there I slept till the alarm went off on the Rolex for 6 in the PM.
♠ ♠ ♠
Last chapter for this too from me till I get back. See you people soon :).