Status: a work in process

It's Up To You

Chapter 6

~*Chapter 6*~

Ryanna's POV

I had just finished up the last of my homework when I heard my stomach growl. I hadn't eaten since lunch at noon time, so now was probably a good time get some dinner. I placed my books into my bag so I wouldn't forget them in the morning and headed out to the kitchen. As I entered I couldn't help but slightly roll my eyes when I saw Katie & Jennifer in there. How I ever thought we could all get along that first day we all met is beyond me.

I attempted to ignore them as I got my dinner, but it didn't work. As I opened the freezer to pull out one of the Banquet Microwavable Dinners that I had bought for something quick and easy, Katie said "So, who were those two hott guys here with you this afternoon?"

With my back turned to them I rolled my eyes once more. "They were my cousins."

"Wow, you're related to them? Do you think you could hook us up?" Katie asked.

I slide my dinner in the microwave and slammed the door as I turned it on and spun around. "No, I can't 'hook you up.' They're my cousins, and to be quite honest and to the point, they didn't care too much for you. Matter of fact, you scared the younger one, so no, I can't and won't hook you up with either of them."

"You don't have to be a bitch about it, she just asked a question." Jennifer said.

"Yeah, a question I took offense to. Beside, like I said, even if I wanted to hook you up, which I told you no to already, my cousins don't want anything to do with you."

"Why, what the hell did we do to them?" Katie asked.

"You were all over them! They don't go for girls like that because they deal with it on a regular basis, they don't date those types of girls."

"How can guys of their caliber hottness not like having hott girls hanging all over them on a daily basis?" Jennifer asked, looking at Katie.

"They were raised better then that, they were raised to be GENTLEMEN, not pigs!" I said, taking my dinner from the microwave and heading back toward my bedroom to eat without them bothering me. As I turned the corner Paige came out of her room.

"Everything okay?" She asked, after obviously having heard the commotion from her bedroom.

"Yeah, fine."

"Are you sure? You don't look like everything is okay."

"It was nothing, just the bitches heckling me. I took care of it," I said going into my room as she followed.

"What were they heckling you about?"

"My cousins. They wanted me to 'hook them up' with them."

"Wow, are you serious?"

"Yes, but I pretty much let them know that my cousins want nothing to do with them because they acted like whores, and my cousins were raised to be gentleman, not pigs." I said, taking a bite of my dinner. Paige's cell phone vibrated in her pocket and she pulled it out to read the text and responde. "Who was that?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Ryan. He's apparently in the living room and they're now heckling him. I didn't even know he was coming, or I'd have been waiting for him, so they couldn't pounce on him. I gotta go rescue him," Paige said, leaving the room.

Once I had finished eating, I took my things back out to the kitchen to put my fork and knife in the sink and trash in the trashcan. Seeing Paige and Ryan sitting in the living room, I walked in and quietly sat on the opposing sofa, not wanting to disturb their conversation. Reaching beside the sofa I grabbed the book I'd been reading lately and quietly opened it to begin reading, but before I got too far into it Paige said "Oh wow, I must be losing it. When did you come in here?"

I couldn't help but laugh. "You're not losing it, when I came in I came in quietly, so I wouldn't disturb your conversation. I've only been sitting here less then five minuets."

"Well, I still didn't see you walk in." I smiled and shrugged as I attempted to go back to reading my book.

"Uhh, aren't you going to introduce us?" Ryan asked Paige.

"Oh, oops. Ryan that's my room mate, Ryanna. Ryanna my cousin Ryan."

I smiled shyly and said "Well, I already knew who he was, but hi."

"Hi," he said giving me a slight smile. "Well, I gotta get going. Told coach I'd be back at the hotel by curfew, and as it is, I'm gonna be pushing it. I'll talk to you later, but don't lose the tickets I gave you, or I'll beat you up!" Ryan said, joking with her. "No, but seriously, don't lose them. Adam will call or text you in a couple weeks with more details if I can't do it."

Paige nodded. "I won't. I'll talk to you in the next few days, I'm sure."

"More then likely," he said giving her a hug before he turned to walk toward the door. "It was nice meeting you, Ryanna."

"You too," I said as he walked out and Paige closed and locked the door.

"Okay, keep your schdule clear on October 8th. Neither of us have Friday classes, so you and I are heading to Philadelphia for the weekend to watch our cousins faceoff; Ryan versus Jordan. Should be an interesting game!"

I couldn't help but laugh. "We're gonna sit together for this? This could get interesting!"

"Yeah, we are. We're mature, though, unlike some others we know. We'll make it out alive, no matter who the winner is," Paige said, referring to our two rather immature room mates.

"Yeah, you make a good point. Okay, I'll keep my schedule clear," I said checking to see what time it was. "Wow, I didn't realize it was ten o'clock already, and I have an early class in which there's a test scheduled for tomorrow, I should get to bed."

"Yeah, I'm in the same boat. Goodnight," she said as we headed for our respected rooms.

"Night," I said going into my room. I set my alarm, climbed into bed and laid my head on my pillow as I drifted off to sleep.