Lullaby Leah


Dear Diary,

I know I got you a few days back, but I'm really not a diary person.
So heres a little about myself:
My name is Leah Way, usually shortened to Lee.
I'm adopted by a rock star, Gerard Way.
I'm about five foot(ish)
I don't know how much I weigh.. I'm too scared of the scales...
My favourite colour is green.
My favourite band is The Used (much to someones annoyance
and I haven't had a boyfriend or girlfriend for over a week and i'm going mad.

Well, lets see.
Today I woke up, broke my alarm clock which dad must have randomly set for some reason. I then got up, woke dad up by jumping on his bed. I then when to get an ice pack for his ankle which I jumped on numerous times.
After his foot felt better he let me go round Monica's.
Whilst around her, we dyed her hair bleach blonde with a single black dot at the back and cut her hair into a triangle. We then dyed the end's of my hair with the left over black, so now my hair is black with a layer of green near the end, with black at the very tips. Very cool.
We then went onto a random chat room and teased this dude for about an hour, then ate pizza. She, being a blasted vegan, wouldn't let me get my favourite, Hawaian.
I have nothing against Vegans, but she's too preachy about it! i swear.
Anyway, after that, dad picked me up and he dragged me to band practise. I managed to loose Bob's drumstick twice and both times Frank found them.. Suspicious or what?

After that we came home, had some chicken salad and now he's doing God knows what on the phone to Lynsy.


i just knocked on his door and told him I could hear him and that he was mentally scaring me.
Oh, his face was priceless!

Well, I have no got cramp in my hand and my neck hurts from sitting funny on my bed, and i'm pretty sure I can't feel my leg anymore, so i'm going to bed now.

Good night.
^dad totally stole that off me!
♠ ♠ ♠
There you go.

A nice random diary entry.

Something dramatic will happen, I promise :-)