Pretty Little Greaser

"A Night in Heaven"

I'm in my last class of the day, math. Only a few more seconds until I'm outta here. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and then the bell rings.

I grab my stuff, run to my locker, and shove it in. I put on my denim jean jacket and grab my backpack and walk to my friend, Ponyboy's, locker.

"Hey Pony", I say as he puts his books in his locker.

"Hey Addie", he says closing his locker.

"What you doing tonight?", I ask as we walk out the door.

"Nothing. I think the guys are coming over to hang out."

"Cool. Can I come?"

"Well, I guess since you're practically part of the gang, I don't see why not."

"Yay!", I say as I give Ponyboy a hug. "You're the best, Pony!"
Ponyboy blushes and hugs me back. I giggle and poke his sides. He lets out a cute little laugh.

"Stop Addie", he says, laughing. "You know I'm ticklish on my sides!"

"I know", I say. "I love to watch you squirm. It's so funny."

"Oh yea?", he says with a smirk. "Let's see how you like it."

He starts poking me in my sides.

"Ponyboy!", I shriek. "Stop! That tickles!"

"I know", he says. "I just love watching you squirm!"

"Hey, you can't use my own words against me!"

"Who's gonna stop me?"

I softly punch his stomach and I start running up the street. I see our friend, Johnny, waiting on the street corner where he waits everyday.

"Johnny!", I scream to him. He looks my direction and sees me running from Ponyboy.

"What?", he shouts back.

"Save me from Ponyboy! He won't quit tickling me."

I run away from Ponyboy and run to where Johnny's at.

"Haha Ponyboy, you cant get me now that I have Johnny to protect me!", I taunt.

"Johnny's on my side, Addie!", Ponyboy says as he runs over.

"No he's not! Johnny will never join you! So blah!"

"Yes I am", Johnny says with the same smirk Ponyboy had on his face. Then he starts poking me in the sides. I start giggling uncontrollably. Ponyboy comes over and he starts poking me. That starts making giggle even more.

"Ok guys, this isn't funny," I say between giggles.

"Then why are you laughing?", Ponyboy asks with a smile on his face.

"Because you're tickling me!", I say.

"Well, promise you'll never poke me again and me and Johnny will stop."

"I'll never promise to that!"

"Johnny keep tickling her!"

"Ok, ok, ok", I say as I try to catch my breath. "I'll stop poking Ponyboy! "

"Alright. Johnny, let's stop."

They stop and I fall to my knees laughing and gasping for breathe at the same time. After I catch my breathe, the guys help me to my feet. I look at Pony with my sad puppy dog eyes.

"That's not fair, Pony", I say as I pout.

"What are you talking about?", Pony says.

"It was two against one", I say. "That's not fair."

"I'm sorry, Addie", he says. "Want a hug?"

I look at him, then at Johnny, then the ground, and then back at Pony.

"I guess", I say with my arms outstretched for my hug. He walks over and puts his arms around me. Then, I poke him on his sides and I start running!

"Sucker!", I yell back at him.

"Hey, no fair", he yells back.

"Life ain't fair, Hun!", I shout back.

I turn my head and I see Pony and Johnny chasing after me. I laugh and keep running until I reach the Lot. I hide behind an old couch and wait until I see or hear Johnny and Pony. I wait for a few minutes until I see them coming my way and then I duck back down behind the couch.

"I saw her go into the Lot", I hear Johnny say. I smile and cover my mouth so they don't hear me giggling. I hear leaves rustling under their feet as they look around the Lot for me. I peek from behind the couch. They have their backs turned, so I quietly stand up, take a deep breath, and I let out a high pitched scream. Pony and Johnny yell and turn around. I burst out laughing and fall to the ground.

"You guys should've seen the looks on your faces," I say while I'm still on the ground.

"I'm so gonna get you, Addie", Pony says as he glares at me.

"Whatever", I say as I flop down on the couch. I look up at the blue sky and start humming to myself. I close my eyes and sigh. And then, I feel something sitting on me. I open my eyes and both Johnny and Pony are sitting on top of me. They burst into laughter as soon as they see my face.

"Get off of me, you assholes", I say as I try to push them off.

"Johnny sit on her legs", Pony says to Johnny. Johnny slides off my pelvis and sits on my legs.

"GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!", I scream at them both. They laugh and get off.

"Serves you right", Pony says.

"Shut it, Ponyboy", I say with a scowl. Pony laughs then looks at his watch.

"Oh crap. Come on guys. I've gotta get home."

I grab my bag and follow Johnny and Pony. We keep walking until we get to Ponyboy's house. We go inside and I sit down on the couch. Pony and Johnny are standing over me with grins on their faces.

"I swear to God if you sit on me again, I'm gonna kick you where the sun don't shine", I warn them. They laugh and sit down on the couch. Pony sits on one side of the couch, Johnny sits on the other, and I'm stuck in the middle. They both look at me with smirks on their faces.

"Oh shit", I say. They start poking me again until Steve and Sodapop walk in.

"What the hell are y'all doing?", Steve asks as he lights up a cigarette. All three of us go silent.

"Nothing", Pony and Johnny say together.

"They were poking me on my sides and they know I hate that", I say.

"Come on guys, leave Lil' Bit alone", Sodapop says as he helps me off the sofa. "She doesn't need to be harassed by you two."

"It's all good, Soda", I say. "So I guess while I'm here, you guys want me to make you some chocolate cake?"

"Yea!", Two-Bit yells as he walks in. He walks overs, picks me up, and starts swinging me around. "You make the best chocolate cake in Tulsa!"

I laugh.

"Does anybody besides Two-Bit want cake?", I ask while Two-Bit still swings me around. The guys nod their heads and say "Yea", and "sure".

"Ok then. Well first things first, Two-Bit, PUT ME DOWN!", I yell.

"I don't want to", he says.

"You wish you would've put me when I kick you in the wrong spot!", I hiss.

"Fine, ya meanie", Two-Bit says as he puts me back on the floor. Then I give him a hug, lean my head back and look up at him.

"You know I love ya!", I say as I hug him even harder. He laughs and pats my head.

"I know", he gives me a smile and goes and sits on the couch.

"Well, lemme make sure you guys have everything to make chocolate cake before I start."

I walk in the kitchen and look in the cabinets and fridge.

"Y'all got everything, 'cept for one thing", I say.

"And what would that be, Lil' Bit?", Sodapop asks.

"Y'all don't have any cocoa powder."

"Damn, I thought Darry bought some the last time when he went to the store", Sodapop says.

"It's not a problem, Soda", I say. "I can run to the store and pick up a thing of cocoa powder. I think I've got a five in my back pocket."

"Alright, but you're not going by yourself. Especially not on a Friday night, with all those Socs getting drunk and everything. I think it would be best if someone went with you."

"Ok. Come on, Pony Boy. Johnny, you too." I motion them to get up. They stand up and follow me. They walk outside And before I walk out, I turn to Soda and ask "If Johnny and Ponyboy start poking me, can I slap them?"

Two-Bit, Sodapop, and Steve all start laughing.

"Not hard, alright Lil' Bit?" Sodapop says. "I don't want Darry gettin' on my case because there's a red hand print on Ponyboy's face."

I laugh and walk outside.

"Come along, boys", I say as I walk out the gate. We start walking down the street towards the store. The guys are strolling along like it's a walk through the park.

"Let's go get the cocoa before it gets too dark", I say. We keep walking until we get to the store.

"You guys wait out here, I'll just be a minute." They nod their heads and lean against the glass. I go inside and go to the baking goods aisle and grab a container of cocoa. I go to the register, pay, and walk back outside. Johnny opens the door for me as I walk out.

"Thanks Johnny Cakes", I say with a smile. He blushes and whispers "You're Welcome."

"I told you guys I wouldn't be that long."

"You were pretty quick", Ponyboy says. I smile and we start walking back to Ponyboy's house.

But, just as we're turning the corner of Ponyboy's street, bright lights drive up behind us. All three us stop in our tracks, and turn around slowly, and we see a car with blinding head lights. The car doors open and three Socs step out. I turn my head and I see Johnny pulling out his switchblade and Ponyboy breaks an empty beer bottle.

The head Soc starts walking towards me. I take a few steps back as he walks toward me.

"Well, well, well, boys", he says. "Looks like we've got ourselves a pretty little Greaser on our hands." He comes close enough to me that I can smell the liquor on his breathe. He pushes the cocoa powder on the ground, grabs my arm, and pulls me closer to him. I struggle to get free, but his grasps only gets tighter.

"Why you trying to leave, Doll Face?", he asks.

"First of all, you're drunk. Second, you're a Soc. And third, you're hurting my wrist, ya prick", I say, trying to pry his fingers off my wrist.

"Hey, Pal", I hear Johnny say. "Back off and leave her alone."

"What? You her boyfriend or something?", the Soc asks him.

"I'm not her boyfriend but I care about her so, back off and leave her alone!" The blade from his knife whips out. The Soc takes another sip from his flask.

"Come on guys, let's go", he says to his friends. He turns around and looks at me.

"See ya around, Pretty Little Greaser." He says with a wink.

I feel a shiver go up my spine as they drive away.

"Addie, you ok?", Johnny asks me as he puts his knife away.

"Y-yea, I'm fine", I say. "Come on. Let's just get back to Pony's house." I grab the cocoa and start walking. Ponyboy throws the broken bottle on the ground and it smashes into tinier pieces. He and Johnny run up beside me and we keep on walking.

"He didn't hurt ya, did he Addie?", Johnny asks. "Cuz if he did, then I'm gonna make him wish he never laid his hands on ya."

"No, Johnny. He didn't hurt me", I say reassuringly. "Besides, I don't want those awful Socs hurting you. Cuz if they every hurt either of you or anyone else in the gang for that matter, then I'll kill 'em. I'll kill 'em all."

"Well don't worry too much about it", Ponyboy says. "You've got a whole gang of guys who kick anyone's ass just to make sure you're safe."

Johnny wraps his arm around me and Ponyboy does the same.

"You guys are so weird", I say with a smile. "But, I love y'all." We finally get to Ponyboy's house. Ponyboy opens the door for me and I walk inside. Darry, Steve, and Sodapop all turned around.

"Hey", Sodapop says as we walk in. "We wondered what happened to y'all."

"Well, on our way home, we ran into some Socs", Ponyboy explains. I walk in the kitchen and get the stuff to make the cake.

"What happened?", Darry asks.

"Well, we were walking and then they pulled up and got out of their car and started walking towards Addie....", Ponyboy said.

"What did they do to Addie?!", Steve yelled. We all looked at him like he was going crazy or something. He looked back at us.

"What?", he said. "She's like my sister, I don't like it when other guys mess with her. God, sue me for caring."

"Well, anyways, the head Soc walked up to her, grabbed her wrist, but Johnny made the Soc let go of her and leave."

"I"M GONNA KILL THOSE DAMN SOCS!!!!!", Steve yells angrily. "Nobody puts their hands on Addie Mae!"

"Hey, hey, hey", I say. "I'm ok. Let's just forget it. Let's turn on the radio and just have a fun Friday night, alright?"

"Alright", they all agree. Sodapop turns on the radio and the Temptations song "My Girl" is playing. While I stick the cake in the oven, I turn around and I see Darry, Steve, and Sodapop all singing it. Ponyboy and Johnny are laughing. I cover my mouth and start laughing.

"Is this really necessary?", I ask with a laugh. Suddenly the door opens and Dally and Two-Bit start singing along.

"Oh my God", I say while blushing. Dally walks behind me, wraps his arms around my stomach and starts making me sway with the music. I feel embarrassed but I can't help but laugh.

"You know you love dancing with me", Dally whispers in my ear. I roll my eyes and sit on the couch. Two-Bit sits beside me on the couch, grinning his big ol' grin.

"So...when's my cake gonna be ready?"

"You're cake?", Steve says. "It's my cake."

"You're both wrong", I say. "The cakes for everybody. And I just put it in, so it'll be awhile."

"Well I know what we can play while we can wait", Dally says.

"And what would that be?" Sodapop asks. Dally takes the beer bottle out of Two-Bit's hand, drinks the rest, and hands me the bottle.

"Spin the Bottle."

"How can we play if she's the only girl, ya moron?", Steve says.

""I guess we'll each have 7 minutes in heaven with her or we have to go in with each other," Dally says. My face goes totally red. Dally laughs and I bury my hands in my face.

"Do I have to play, Dally?", I ask.

"Yes you do", Dally says. "You're the only girl here and I don't feel like inviting anyone else."

"Oh God. Well, I'm gonna change before we play. Darry, do I still have have that t-shirt I left here that one time?"

"I think it's on the top shelf of the hall closet", Darry says as he cleans up from Two-Bit's beer bottle collection. I nod my head and walk to the hall closet. I open the door and it's was right where Darry said it was. I grab it, go into the bathroom and change into it and walk back in the living room. All the guys were sitting around in a circle, 'cept for Darry, who's sitting in his recliner. They all look at me when i walk in.

"I'm not so sure about this you guys", I say as I lean against the wall.

"No turning back now", Dally says as he and Steve walk over to where I'm standing. "I mean, hell, Johnny and Ponyboy are even playing!"

"Hmm", I mumble.Then, They pick me up and sit me across from Two-Bit and Johnny. Johnny looks down and blushes. I look over at Ponyboy and he does the same thing. I shrug it off.

"So...lemme get this straight. This a mix between 7 minutes in Heaven and Spin the Bottle?", I ask.

"Yup, pretty much", Two-Bit says.

"Alright, here goes nothing", I say. Sodapop hands me the bottle. I take a deep breath and spin it.