Pretty Little Greaser

"Love is a Strong Feeling"

I wake up hours later. I open my eyes and see that it's pitch black out with only the moonlight shining. I look at my watch.

"Holy crap", I say. "It's 2 in the morning."

I try to get up but I feel something wrapped around my waist. I look down and I see Johnny's arm wrapped around me. I gently take his arm off of me, and place it beside him. I get up and begin to leave the Lot, until I hear movement coming from the couch.

"A-Addie?", I hear Johnny say sleepily. "Where ya going?"

"I've gotta get home, Johnny Cakes", I say as I begin walking again. Suddenly, I feel Johnny grab my wrist.

"Addie, can you please stay here with me?", he says. "I don't want you to leave."

I try to protest but I look in his eyes. I just can't say no to his cute little puppy eyes.

I smile and nod. We walk back over and lay down. He smiles and wraps his arm around my waist.

"Don't you have to get home, Johnny?", I ask as I snuggle closer to him. He looks away. He sits up, leans his elbows on his legs, and buries his face in his hands. I sit up and gently place my hand on his back.

"Johnny", I whisper. "W-what's wrong?"

He looks up at me, his face tear stained.

"I don't wanna go back home."

"Why not?", I ask as I wrap my arms around him. "I bet your parents are worried sick about you."

"I doubt that", he says as another tear rolls down his face.

"Why you say that?"

I place my hand against his wet and warm cheek. He places his hand on mine and looks at me. He sighs and takes my hand off his face and holds it tightly. He looks away and then looks back at me.

"My dad beats me and my mom doesn't do anything to stop him", he says with his voice breaking. "They're always getting drunk and they always fight and I try to stay away as much as I can. When I was little, I would cry myself to sleep and I always wanted to run away, but I didn't know where I would go."

I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. I'm totally speechless. I knew that his home life was rough and that both his folks drank but I never knew that they beat him. He wipes his eyes with the sleeve of his jacket.

"They hate me", he says. "They wouldn't care if I died. I don't think anyone would."

After I hear this, I slap the back of his head.

"Johnny Cade, I better never that come out of your mouth again", I say. "Ponyboy, Darry, Sodapop, Two-Bit, Steve and Dally would be so upset." I look at the ground and back at him, with a tear in my eye. "And I would be devastated. You mean the world to me."

He looks at me and wipes his eyes again. I slip my arms around him and pull him into a hug.

"And if I ever hear that come out of your mouth again, I'll back hand you across the face", I say with a smile. He giggles a little bit and I lean in and kiss his nose. He pulls me closer and wraps his arms around me.

"You wanna go back to Ponyboy's house?", he asks me.

"Well, my parents aren't home and won't be coming back until Sunday, so we can go to my house."

"Ok", he says. "But I don't have to go if you feel uncomfortable about it."

"Hell no, you're coming with me", I say as I help him off the couch. "What kind of friend would I be if I left you out here to freeze?"

He smiles and he puts on his jacket. I slip my hand with his, and intertwine our fingers. We leave the Lot and start walking to my house. We occasionally look at each other and look away blushing. The wind starts to blow and goosebumps begin to appear on my arms and my neck. Johnny pulls me close to him and as soon as we're close together, I feel my face, ears, and the back of my neck go red. We finally reach my house. I look under the door mat and grab the key. I unlock the door and we walk to inside. I shut the door behind us, grab Johnny's hand and we walk upstairs to my room. He sits on my bed and I grab my bed shorts and a t-shirt and walk to my bathroom. I slip out of my clothes and put on my bed clothes. I come back in my room and I see Johnny taking off his shirt. As soon as it's off, he turns around and sees me. His face goes totally red and he tries t slip it back on. I laugh.

"Johnny, you can keep your shirt off", I say. "I don't mind."

He smiles and lays his shirt on the floor. I giggle and sit beside him on my bed. I pull my hair and Johnny looks at me.

"What?", I ask.

"Leave your hair down", he says.


"You look better with your hair down."

I smile and take it down. I shake my hair after I pull it down. I lean back on my pillows and sigh contently. I turn on my side and look at Johnny. He looks at me and smiles. I giggle and he pulls me closer. He wraps his arms around me kisses me softly on my cheek. I lay my head on his chest and I hear his heart beat. He runs his fingers through my hair as he lays his head on mine. He lays his legs on top of my feet. I look him and he looks back and smiles.

"What?", I ask.

"I worried about looking into your eyes", he says.

"Huh?", I asked confused.

"I'm worried I would get lost and I would never find my way back."

"Johnny, no one's ever said anything that sweet to me before."

I pull the covers over us and turn off my bedside lamp. I turn on my side and begin to drift off to sleep. Johnny slips his arm around my stomach and pulls me close. I feel his breathe against the back of my neck and it feels so good. I can't help by smile as we lay in the dark quietness.

"I can't believe this is really happening", I whisper to myself.

"What ya say, Addie?", Johnny asks sleepily.

"Nothing Johnny. Go back to sleep", I say.

"Ok.", he says as he lays back down. He buries his face in the back of my neck and kisses my neck. I giggle and slip my hand into his. I close my eyes and slip off to sleep.