Status: New, Updated When Time Is Available =)

Varulv Island Chronicles: Love Set Free


Brianna followed Allan off the ship. She puled her duffel over her shoulder and sighed. It felt nice to be home. Brianna heard a familiar voice. She turned her head to see the guy Allan had stole from and his friend. She smiled at the looks of the two enjoying themselves already. Brianna caught wind of something fowl, long before the puke herself appeared. Dominique Staniah grinned, eying the people filing off the ship.

"This is a tasty looking group," she said.

Brianna rolled her eyes. She looked at Dominique. Her auburn hair was curly. Her pale, green eyes scanned over the crowd, already spotting a few people to kill and ravage.

"Haven't you any decency?" asked Brianna.

"I'm sorry, alpha," Dominique hollowly apologized. "Did I offend you?" she asked with a snicker.

Brianna growled and towered over Dominique to show her dominance over the wretched, little urchin. She warned the fellow member of the pack, "Don't start, Dominique, or I will rip your throat out."

Dominique looked to the ground and whimpered submissively. Brianna hated Dominique whit every fiber of her being. She was an arrogant fool that wanted control over the pack and take Brianna's place by Edward Haus, the alpha male.

As far as Brianna was concerned, Dominique could be Haus's mate but they were both corrupted. Dominique enjoyed killing way too much and causing trouble. Brianna didn't want any of that around her friends. If two no good people controlled the pack, there was no telling who might get hurt or end up dead. So Brianna put up with everything to protect as many people as she could.

Allan, being the thick headed person he is, stepped between Brianna and Dominique. "Okay you two no cat fights," he said.

Dominique growled at the mention of the word cats, like a true dog. Brianna sniffed the air, every sense in her body awakening at the feel of power and animosity. Brianna hoped to get away from the docks more, out of sight from everyone. She started walking again. Some tourists walked by Brianna. When they passed, the rest of the pack appeared.

Haus had his black hair slicked back and his beard was shaved, making him look younger than his real age of forty-seven. He stood with his hands stuffed in his pockets. The rest of the pack looked to Haus for orders. Brianna reached her friends and set her bag down. Haus smiled welcomingly at Brianna. Brianna sighed and looked to the ground as she approached him.

Sure, they held the same alpha title. But everyone knew the alpha male was more superior and stood high above the alpha female. When Haus nuzzled her cheek, acknowledging her as his equal, Brianna looked up to meet his dark eyes equally.

"Welcome home, Brianna," Haus greeted.

"Good to be home, Haus," Brianna replied.

Haus chuckled and wrapped an arm around Brianna. "Well, boys? Did you miss Brianna?" he asked the rest of the pack, giving them the nod.

They all surrounded Brianna in a hurry, making a fuss. Anthony Oakland hugged Brianna tightly. Brianna laughed and ruffled his light, brown hair. He smiled, his hazel eyes warm. Anthony was Brianna's baby, her favorite pack member.

"You been good?" Brianna asked Anthony.

Antony nodded and smiled. He moved out the way for Patrice Tock and Jada Fooly to hug on Brianna. Patrice's long, strawberry, blond hair attacked Brianna's face. Brianna laughed and spat it out her mouth. Patrice pulled away, her emerald eyes widening.

"You look so thin," Patrice exclaimed.

Brianna laughed at Patrice's motherly concern. "I didn't eat much. Nothing is satisfying unless is Varulv Islander food," she explains.

Jada laughed. Her dirty, blond hair was crimped fashionably as always and her bangs were held up by a clip. she said, "It's good to see you, Bree," and hugged Brianna once more. She pulled the sleeves of her jacket down to keep from feeling the chill of the ocean breeze. Jada put her hood up, hiding her sharp, brown eyes.

Rick Grime shook Brianna's hand. Brianna noticed he had cut his black hair short and spiked it. He wore a thin line of eyeliner to make his dark, brown eyes more defined and intense. Brianna shook her head.

"That hard ass look isn't gunna help the fact that your a wuss," she said.

"The chicks dig the look," Rick replied with a smirk. He shrugged. "I don't keep them around long enough to figure out that part of me."

Brianna laughed. Haus put an rm around his girl and told her, "Let's get you some food. I won't have you starve."

"Hey, Bree," Dominique called. "You in the mood for dark meat?" she asked, pointing to a dark skinned man, as he walked by, with a smirk. Brianna growled lowly.

"Enough of your ignorance, Mini," Haus ordered. Dominique pouted. Haus carted Brianna away. Allan laughed at Dominique.

"Poor Mini. The alpha female is back and now she's just the chew toy for the master," he teased.

Dominique growled, eyes heavy, ready to pounce. Someone put their hand on her shoulder. Dominique spun aggressively around. Face it, no one likes to get snuck up on. Dominique growled more loudly at the sight of the loner, Erlend Bjørn. His blond hair had started to mix with a little gray. He gazed at Dominique with his light, blue eyes.

"Let's not be so quick to dispose of our brother," he said calmly.

Dominique bared her teeth at Erlend and walked away in anger. Erlend sighed. Anthony patted his arm and went to find Brianna. Patrice and Jada gave Erlend a small smile and followed after Anthony. Rick and Allan approached the large, local and old friend.

"Nothing's changed," Erlend stated.

"Doesn't look it," Allan said, shaking Erlend's hand.

"It's good to see you again, Duke," Rick said.

Erlend laughed and shook Rick's hand. "Duke. I haven't heard that in forever," he said.

Rick patted Erlend's shoulder. "We'll treat you to a tall one," he promised.

Sam stared at the group of guys that had came in. The people in the bar had seemed to tense up from the threes presence. Their conversation looked serious as they all had a stern expression. Sam recognized the one guy to be the man who almost got away with stealing his camera. Sam glanced around to see if the girl was anywhere near by.

"Sam, are you listening to me?" David asked, getting Sam's attention.


"I said when we're done, we can go back to the hotel and change. I heard some girls talking about a welcoming party for all the tourists. I take that as an invite," Davis explained, winking.

Sam shook his head and advised, "You should try to give your libido a rest for once."

"Not when there's so many girls around to use it on," Davis laughed.

Sam gave David a hard stare. David shrugged as if to say, "Hey, it's just who I am".

Brianna, Patrice, Dominique, and Jada dressed in short grass skirts and bikini tops. Brianna put a small headdress on that only symbolized something if you knew what it was. The four walked to the beach where Haus and the boys were helping set up the giant bonfires. Haus put an arm around Brianna and kissed her head.

"I hope you'll have fun this time," Haus said.

"You can only hope, Haus," Brianna said bitterly.

Haus liked to use these parties as a catalog ceremony, deciding on who will be a meal and who will be recruited into the pack. Dominique was the only other pack member that enjoyed this idea. Everyone else reluctantly followed orders, afraid to stand up to the alpha male. The thought of eating anyone was grotesque to Brianna. Haus's excuse was always the same.

"It's what we are, Bree. It's time you accepted it," he would say.

But Brianna would never accept being a monster. They were mostly animals but they were nothing close to being monsters. Brianna had accepted being what she was when she first met Haus. Brianna had always been curious. When she heard of a place where actual werewolves lived, she couldn't help but check it out.

Haus always said that the moment he saw Brianna get off the ship, he was bewitched by her. Haus had hunted Brianna down himself and, with no warning or explanation, he bit her. The change wasn't as all cracked up as it was in movies. A second or two was all it took to go from a human to horrifying creature. Your emotions have nothing to do with controlling when you change. It's your will against the beast inside of you, which Brianna fought with often.

Living two lives became easier after having someone actually explain everything and show Brianna the ropes. Brianna cursed the day she had ever met Haus's best friends, Erlend Bjørn. The bitterness she felt towards Erlend was more than the hate she felt for Haus and Dominique. He had done nothing but put a stab her in the back in the very end.

Lanterns were lit up and outlined the area. Mobs of people arrived. The smell of food everywhere enticed Brianna, making her mouth water. She ended up getting a plate of Fårikål, lamb casserole. Brianna watched as the locals mixed with the tourists. Anthony walked by, looking at Brianna with questionable yes. Brianna nodded to him.

Brianna finished her lamb casserole and threw a bog of seaweed into each of the fires. Smoke rose and fogged the area. People coughed and swatted at it. It looked more like a show, because as the smoke began to clear, the sound of drums started to play. Anthony looked toward Brianna, his hazel eyes shimmering. He threw his own bag of seaweed into a fire.

The smoke soon disappeared and the darkening sky could be seen. Brianna took a deep breath. The ocean scent that covered everyone made it a little harder to pick out the tourists. Satisfied with the work, Brianna took Anthony's hand and lead him back to everyone. The drums picked up speed, creating a series of beats.

Brianna laughed and rocked her hips, spinning around and jumping with her friends. Haus watched in enjoyment, his dark eyes locked in his girl. Dominique was trying her hardest to get his attention, swiveling her hips and shaking her butt. Her attempts were futile. Haus joined Brianna in a dance. Dominique stomped her foot into the sand and growled.

Sam followed his friend through the crowd of people, the sound of loud drums vibrating his inner ears. Sam snapped a few pictures of the fires, the water touching land and the dark horizon. David handed Sam a beer.

"Come on, man. Loosen up," he said.

"It's why I came here, right?" Sam asked.

David laughed and wen back to being David, hitting on every girl within a five mile radius. Not one to socialize, Sam finished his beer and went back to taking pictures. He captured a group of girls getting low. Sam took a picture of some teenagers parting it up by one of the smaller fires. Sam moved through the crowd and he noticed a familiar face sitting amongst some kids.

El Rhoda's eyes flashed as she waved her arms around. The kids hugged their knees and watched her, at full attention. Sam was about to walk over to El and see what was going on. Two figures approached the group. Sam's heart almost jumped into his throat at the sight of the woman from the ship. A tall man with light, brown hair accompanied her.

"You're not still telling those bedtime stories, are you El?" Brianna asked.

El looked up, stopping mid sentence. She pushed her glasses up her nose and greeted Brianna and Anthony. Anthony smiled shyly at El.

"Well, it brings business, does it not?" El asked, looking over Brianna's features. El sighed and gestured to the kids. "I'm kinda in the middle of something. So if you don't mind," she said.

"You get too comfortable around me, El," Brianna stated with a smile.

El shrugged and said, "Hey, you keep coming back, don't you?" El teased lightly, staying on Brianna's good side. If it wasn't for Brianna, El would become Dominique's next victim.

Brianna and Anthony sat by the kids and listened to El's story of why the island is called Varulv Island. The story was so used and over heard, Brianna could barely stay awake. She came to reality when the kid in her lap jumped.

"Anyone here can be a werewolf and they could easily eat you all," El said, scaring the children.

The child on Brianna's lap turned to her. He looked up at Brianna with fearful, blue eyes and asked, "Are you a werewolf?"

"No," Brianna replied, lying. "But my friend here is and he loves to play with his food." Anthony smirked at the kids and began to chase them around. Brianna laughed and ran away with them. El fell over in laughter. "Oh no. He's gunna get us," Brianna exclaimed. Brianna and the kids screamed in terror. Brianna turned and faced Anthony. "Who wants to know how to take down a werewolf?" Brianna asked the kids.

The children cheered as Brianna playfully tackled Anthony. Anthony rolled to his back to show his stomach as a submissive move. Brianna tickled Anthony while he squirmed under her. The children laughed. Brianna stopped and smiled down at Anthony. He panted and grinned.

"See. It's easy," Brianna told the kids. They agreed.

El stepped in. "Okay, kids, time to get you home," she said.

The Kids whined as El herded them out of the party. Brianna nipped Anthony's cheek to show her appreciation for his playfulness. She let him up. Anthony hugged onto Brianna as they made their way back into the crowd.

El lead the kids into town where most of them scattered to their homes. She walked with the others and dropped them off at their houses. El started to head back to the party when she got the eery feeling of being watched. El scanned the streets as she walked, rubbing her arm nervously. Fear gripped her. Something rustled in the ally next to her. She glanced over in time to see a pair of glowing, green eyes staring back at her. El could only get out a short scream. Her body quickly vanished from view as a dark streak flew by. The sound of the drums could be heard not far off in the distance.