The Good Day

Kelsey was a misfit at Oakland High. She didn't hang out with the popular crowd, had few friends, and guys didn't like her.

She had long, black hair, that fell to her waist in perfect ringlets. Her eyes were smoldering gray, with flecks of red in them. No one ever looked her in the eye. She was average height, and had a slender body, and wasn't very athletic.

Kelsey's dad had left her, and her mother, when she was just 4. She couldn't even remember what he looked like. And Mom had burned all his pictures. It was like he had never been in their lives.

Her mother had been dating a man, but she had never met him before.

Kelsey hated her life. She never did understand why her mother was happier when she was around. And she didn't know what possessed the few kids at her school that were her friends. And she was depressed. All the time.

But the day that Max Peace, the most popular guy at school, asked her out, her whole life changed.