The Good Day

Kiss Kiss

Max heard someone knocking at the door. It was kind of late, he had absolutely no clue how it could be. "Hello-?"

"Max!" Kelsey leaped into his arms, "I'm so glad I get to see you!" She gave him a light kiss on the cheek, and danced around in front of him.
Moving aside so that she could prance into the room, Max shut the front door behind her. He sat down on the couch, and she bounced next to him, a smile still spread on her face.

"What are you doing here so late?" Max inquired. It's not that he didn't want to see her, but he'd just gotten home from the police office a couple hours previous, and was still a little shaken up. He just hadn't been expecting her until tomorrow.

"Well, I just got done being with my father," She started, "You know they pulled him down to the station for questioning?" She seemed completely exasperated. "I can't believe they'd do that! I mean, he's my father. He couldn't rape me." She whispered the word 'rape', looking around like a child who'd just sworn.
He held her hand, and squeezed it. "It' just procedure, Kels." He gave her a reassuring smile. "The parents are usually the first people they question. They probably just think its a little suspicious that he came back into your life just after this happens."
Kelsey seemed to be feeling a bit better, knowing that Max was right. "I guess you have a good point. But they're wrong, I would know if it was him. He'd been looking for us for a while.
"Exactly, Kyle has nothing to worry about, as long as he keeps his story straight."

Kelsey leaned her head on Max's shoulder. "Thank you," She whispered, "for always being able to help."

They sat and talked for a while, well past sunset. They watched '50 first dates', and went through a bag of Doritos. Before Kelsey knew it, it was time to say goodnight. But she couldn't bring herself to it.
"You know," She started, "I've had a crush on you since the first time I came to your house."
He looked at her, admiringly. "I can't even remember when that was!"
They laughed, and Kelsey buried her head into his shoulder.
"We were about 3, maybe four." She smiled up at him. "Who knew that kitty crushes actually went somewhere?"
They lay there like that for a while, just listening to each other breath.
Max was lost in thought, "You know, I can't really remember when I started liking you. Probably from the moment you walked into out trig class. You were so different. I hadn't talked to you yet, but I could just tell."
"But you were still with Dixy!" Kelsey sat bolt right up, trying to hide a smile, and pretending to be appalled.
"Not for much longer!" He teased. "Don't you remember when I came to school with a broken finger, and black eye? Oh, and my foot was fractured."
"Well, that was all because of Dixy." He looked down at his hands, "She'll do anything she sets her mind to."

"Well, I can't wait to go to coffee with her now." Kelsey stated. Her nose was perked a little high in the air. She looked as if she'd won something. "I'm sure we'll have plenty to talk about.
Max took her hands in his, and kissed them. "Just be careful, Kelsey. Dixy already doesn't like you. And I don't want to see you get hurt again."
"You don't think she did this to me, do you?"
"I wouldn't put it passed her," He confessed. "That's why I'm going to have the detective I talked to today look into it."
Wait- What are you talking about?"
Max mentally slapped himself in the face, he'd forgotten that he hadn't told her about his questioning. "Yeah.. They brought me down to the station around noon, this morning. Just regular questioning, you know."
She didn't know.
"And how did that go?" She asked, agitation setting into her voice. First he father, now her boyfriend. Who was next, her soon-to-be step-daddy?
"Well, as it turns out, you can't give a detective sass without becoming a suspect." He tried to smile, but Kelsey was furious.
"Excuse me?" She shot up from the couch, and started to pace.
"Well, I am your boyfriend, it would be kinda weird for them not to question me. But Kels," He took her hand, and sat her down on the couch again. "you know you can trust me.
Kelsey took a deep breath, to calm herself down. "I know."

Max walked Kelsey home, not wanting her to be alone, in the dark.
They got up to her front door, and max stopped her from entering. "You know, I've wanted to kiss you since we were supposed to have our first date."
Kelsey giggled, her eyes shining. "Goodness, I can't even remember that far back!"
Max sighed, pulling her close to him.
An alarm was already going off in her head. But she figured it was just nerves. "It was about a month, and a half ago." He whispered.
Closing her eyes, Max planted a kiss on her lips- and her head started to spin...

She was walking down the ally way, and saw her brother. She let out a scream, and a voice came from behind her. "Just be a good girl" He said.
Kelsey tried to run away, but he'd already caught up to her. He pressed a cloth over her mouth, and she started to pass out.
"Be a good little girl..."

When she opened her eyes, Kelsey was laying on her living room couch. She could hear yelling, and looked out the front window to see Eli and Max. Eli pushed Max to the ground, and the second he stood up, Eli punched him.
Kelsey shot up, despite her mothers protests, and ran out the door. "Stop it!" She screamed, "Eli, stop, now!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry its taken me so long to post. I had to re-write it twice!