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The Adventures and Events of Hunter Rose

No Regrets

I stalked the halls for him. He had to be here somewhere, and hell no was I letting him get away without getting my mothers revenge.

Finally, I found him in the library. He was sitting with two people, who I presumed to be Hermonie and Ronald. Good. Maybe he'll be more humiliated.

I walked over there, removing any sign of weakness on my face. Hermonie turned to see me. She had a confused look on her face.

"Hey Potter!" I yelled. He turned around, along with a few other people.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

I smirked. "Yes. Your father's James Potter, right?"

His face turned sorrow. Hermonie glared at me as Ronald shifted awkwardly."I..I.."

I punched him straight in the face. He went back, clutching his nose and there were a few gasps.

"Tell James Delilah said screw you." I hissed and stormed out of the room.

I smiled brightly. That felt awesome. I walked past and some people called me a monster as I left. Didn't they know how awful James is?

Charlie, Zane, Aliks, and Claire ran towards me.

"Did you do it yet?!" Claire said shaking my shoulders.

I laughed. "Yeah! It felt awesome! Group hug!" I opened my arms but no one joined in.

Claire's eyes softened. "Hunter...James is dead...along with his wife.."

I had a confused face. "What? No, they're alive. Though they should be dead."

Claire shook her head. "No, sweetie, they died a few months after Harry was born. Voldemort killed them.."

They awaited my reaction. "Okay. I still hate them."

Claire and Charlie gasped. "But you just castrated Harry cuz of his dead dad!" Charlie screamed.

I laughed. "No, I only punched him in the face. Besides, he's a child of an evil bastard."

Zane shook his head. "But he didn't do anything!"

I rose an eyebrow. "Are you mad at me? Listen, you wouldn't be happy with Voldemorts child, would you?"

Silence. "That's what I thought. Now can you help me to the dining room or whatever?"

They all sighed. Claire hugged me. "Your such an idiot. And I love you, so lets just go, alright?"

I smiled brightly. I'm glad they weren't mad at me. Because I don't regret anything at all.

When we entered the great hall, a bunch of people from Gryffindor were giving me the stink eye. Eh, well, that's to be expected.

I ignored the speech about Hogwarts and waited for my name to be called. Quite a lot of first years were called, but I just had to sit and wait. Which is very boring.

"Hunter Rose LeBella?" I smiled and skipped right down the isle. I stopped when I saw Potter. I gave him the bird and kept on walking.

I sat down on the chair and the hat was put on my head. I looked up at it.

"Hmm...a lot of rage...strong, yes, very strong...but a trouble maker...brave..this could be difficult.." He pondered.

I huffed. "Is there a problem?" It asked.

I blushed. "Yes, you seem to be having difficulty with my house. How bout you just don't put me in the same house as Potter?" A few people laughed.

It chuckled. "And why is that?"

I sighed. "Cuz if I do, he'll be in a coma by the end of the week."

The great hall erupted in laughter.

"Well, then you'll just have to control yourself. GRYFFINDOR!" I pouted and walked off the stage.

I smiled when I realized all my friends were in Gryffindor. We all ate and laughed while some people glared at me.

Someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw Hermonie, Ronald, and Potter all standing there.

"May I help you?" I asked. Zane sighed. Charlie grabbed onto my arm.

"Yes, why exactly do you hate Harry?" Hermonie asked.

I chuckled. "Well, Potter's-" Claire covered my mouth.

"That's to personal of a question. Hunter really shouldn't answer that." Charlie answered.

I turned towards him and shook my head. I tried to answer but Zane added his hand to my mouth too.

Ronald glared. "Well did she have a reason to bring up his dad? She's being a bit-"

Charlie stood up. "Yes. No go before Claire and Zane can't hold her back anymore."

They turned around. I jumped up.

"I don't regret it!" I yelled.
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Hope ya liked.