He was a Boy, She was a Girl

Five, Aiden; Secrets Almost Out

Aidens POV

“Aiden sweetie, it’s 2:00. you need to get up.” My mom calls, walking into the room.

“date’s not until six, I’ve got time.” I mumble into my pillow.

"You need to go get fitted for your suit before you go out tonight.” She sets down my laundry basket by my closet.

"You’re kidding, right?”

“well no, your suit at the moment is too small. If you would just stop growing we could stop doing the fittings.”

“ugh. Fine. I’m getting up. But remember, six? I can’t be late.”

I hear her mumble “love” and shakes her head while leaving the room.

I stand up and walk to my closet grabbing my clothes when my phone starts playing “four in the morning heart I am asleep, in your eyes possibility, I confess this is new to me, but maybe this is love…” I finally find the jeans from last night and pull out my phone.

“hello?” I ask hoping she wasn’t calling to cancel or anything. I turn to face the window just as her curtains close. “did you just close the curtains?”

“Paige did. I guess you can’t see me for a couple more hours.”

“oh.” I reply pacing back and forth, “um, so…what’s up?” I ask.

“I need you to do my make-up.”

“but I can’t-“ I start and then she stops me.

“I know, that’s why you’re going to tell Paige a step by step how to do Callies make-up. Got it?”


“great, here she is.” And then the phone gets handed over.

“hello?” paiges voice asks.

“hey, Paige, right?”

“yeah…so, make-up.”

“do I get to have any idea on what she’s wearing?”


“okay, then, silver eyeshadow on top with more of a grey closer to the lashes. Mascara and a light pink blush.”

“that’s it?” she asks.

“yep, that’s it.”

“well, great then. See you at 6”

“see ya” and then I hang up and change into a pair of dark jeans and a normal shirt.

“okay mom!” I yell to her, “I’m ready.” I jog downstairs to meet up with my parents.

“hey bro, what’s up?” I hear mikes voice ask at the doorway and avert my eyes toward there.

“mike!” I scream and run down to hug him. Seriously, give us a break, we’re brothers. “why you back?” I ask once we pull apart.

“mom said something about tux shopping and girls. That’s my area. But first of all, I must see what you did with the room.”

“fine, grab my phone while you’re up there.” I grab a muffin and cut it in half to eat. Mike comes down with my phone open in his hands, “I said grab my phone, not read my messages.”

He shuts it and hands it to me, grabs the other half of the muffin and we head out. “why did you call her Aiden?” he asks about five minutes into the drive.

“she’s my daughter, I have the right…”

“her dad got a restraining order against you!! Do you know what that means?!”

“of course I know what the means mike! I’m not stupid. Her dad got the restraining order. Not Hannah herself. Hannah actually wants to talk to me. so you know what? I’m going to talk to her! Her dad won’t find out.”

“do mom and dad know?”

“off course not”

he pulls into the parking lot and parks at the front. “we moved to get you away from the drama and all you do is find new drama.”

"You’re right on that. we need to hurry because I’ve got a date tonight.”

“with neighbor girl.”

“that would be the one.”

“just don’t get this one pregnant.”


We both get out and walk into the shop. The guy looks at us both and I could pretty much tell he thought we were just getting some cheap tux or something. It’s not like we were dressed as if we were rich. Even though we were rich. I walk over to the clearance rack and stop going through the shirt.

Mike grabs my arm and drags me to the most expensive stuff, “mom would be pissed if you got something cheap and you know it.” I roll my eyes and flip through the shirts. I finally end up grabbing a white undershirt with a simple black jacket and pants with a red tie to try on. The guy unlocking the dressing room looks me over and then looks at what I selected. I could tell that he was nervous but wouldn’t say anything about it.

Mike goes to the front and talks to the guy behind the counter who acted like a manager. The floor guy and the manager guy exchanged a glance and in an instant he was nicer to me.

“do you need anything else sir?” were his first words spoken to me.

yeah why don’t you take that ear piece of yours and shove it up your ***. Of course I didn’t say that though, “no thanks.”

The suit fit fine to me, but the woman measuring it thought otherwise and made a few adjustments. I ended up switching to a blue tie which Mike argued was his signature color (and red was mine) but it looked best so I just stuck with it.

It was after 5:00 when we got back and I instantly crashed on the sofa. My mom came in and sat down next to me, "You’ve got 45 minutes son.” She tells me.

“fine.” I say, pushing myself back up.

“oh, and you have a hair appointment tomorrow.”

“why do I have a hair appointment mom?”

“because, you need a hair cut, it’s getting in your eyes and all.”

“fine, whatever.” There was no reason to fight since I knew I wasn’t going to change her mind. I trudge upstairs and switch my jeans to a darker pair and changing shirts to something a little bit nicer. It was 5:57 when I was finally finished getting ready and 5:59 when I was knocking her door.

Paige answers it looking at me as if I’m crazy, “what are you doing here?!” she flips, not opening the door enough for me to enter.

“um, picking up Callie.” I reply, slightly confused.

“she still has forty five seconds of relaxing.” I had to basically hold my breath not to laugh at that one.

“uh, sorry?” I apologize, still confused. I heard the stargate theme song turn on in the other room and the door opened wide as the tv shut off. “were you watching Stargate?” I ask them as I take a few steps in.

Callie looks over at her friends and then back at me, “um, yes?” I notice Paige and Mollie shaking their heads no, “I mean, no. no, I wasn’t…” now they were shaking their heads as if they just gave up on something, “can we just go?” Callie asks getting up off the couch.

I laugh, “yeah, I think that’ll work.”

“have her back by midnight mister!” Mollie yells after us.

“I really hope you didn’t plan a six hour date.” Callie says and we step off the front porch.

“no, more like three hours tops.”

“hmm, good, I’m wiped out.”

“I’m sure you are.”

“so, what are we doing?”

“going to the bowling alleys.” I tell her.

She playfully (I think) slaps my arm, "You’re not supposed to tell me!”

“huh?” I was totally lost I guess when it came to this stuff.

“oh god. Whenever a girl asks what the date is, every guy responds that it’s a surprise.” Callie informs me.

“well, it’s obviously not a surprise.” I point out.

She laughs, "You’re so not like…” Callie stops talking and sort of hesitates, leaving an awkward silence behind.

“like what?” I ask, taking a quick glance over at her, worried.


“like Logan?” I ask

“well, I was going to say like the guys I usually date, but then realized that that was only Logan and so the sentence wouldn’t make sense. But yes, you’re nothing like Logan.” I pull into the bowling alley and quickly get out of the car and run over to Callies side to open the door. Once we enter the alley I walk toward the tables while she heads toward the bowling area. I slip my hand to her lower back and lead her to the tables

“aren’t we bowling?” she asks, sounding confused


“then what are we doing at a bowling alley.”



“yes, that’s what I said isn’t it?”

“are we bowling at all tonight?”

“no, unless you really want to.”

“so, why are we eating at a bowling alley?”

“best food around.” This place was owned by my ex-step-aunt and her food was amazing. Best home cooking I’ve ever had. She’s the one that taught me everything I knew about cooking, which is quite a lot actually.

"You’re kidding, right?”

“not at all.”

“Aiden, you’ve got to be kidding me.”

“just wait, okay? I promise you’ve never tasted food this good.” I assure her and she sighs giving in.

Melanie, my aunt, comes out and basically freaks when she spots me. “Aiden Baker?! Is that really you?”

I pull back my chair and get up to hug her and then turn to callie “Callie, this is my grandma’s third husbands third wife’s daughter Melanie. Melanie, this is my friend Callie.”

A moment later Callie speaks up, "You used to baby-sit me.” she states.

“well my golly, if it isn’t Calvina Morgan. How are you dear?” Melanie asks.

“just dandy.” Callie replies, smiling. “I didn’t know you owned this place.”

“I wouldn’t imagine you would.” Melanie replies. I knew it was supposed to hurt a little, but that’s just who she is. “oh gosh, I remember babysitting you kids. Best years of my life really.” She tells Callie.

“kids?” I ask, confused at the plural usage.

“Alice and I were taken care of together.” Callie answers instantly

“oh, but there was also-“ I notice Callie frantically shaking her head no, and Melanie stops talking, “so Aiden, how’s ri-“

I stop her quickly as well, interrupting with orders. “I think we’re ready to order now.” Melanie takes our order and then walks back into the kitchen. It was almost like we had a silent agreement to not mention the others random interruption. Which I had no problem with whatsoever. Melanie brings us our food and we just continue talking about randomness.

“so, you going to Christine’s coming-out party next weekend?” I ask about halfway through the meal.

she looks up from her salad, “I usually don’t go to those things unless my parents are home, which they won’t be.”

“aw, come on Callie. You can’t just make me go to it by myself.” I show her my irresistible puppy dog face.

“that’s defiantly not going to win me over Aiden.”

“the pout always wins girls over!” I exclaim and she giggles. “whatever, you’re going whether you like it or not.”

“oh really?” she questions, raising an eyebrow.

“yup. I mean, how do you think poor Christine would feel if one of the upperclassman cheerleaders didn’t show up to her ball?”

“how did you know she was a cheerleader?”

“I did my research,” I smile knowingly

“and why would you do any research?”

“well that’s an easy question. To get you to go to the ball with me, duh.”

Callie leans forward, resting her chin on her hands and looking up at me through those gorgeous, long- "You obviously didn’t do a lot of research.” She breaks my train of thought.

“enlighten me,” I lean back in my seat, “what did I leave out?”

“that Christine is Logan’s Younger sister.”

I chuckle a little“is that supposed to stop you from going?

“uh, yeah, that’s kind of the point I was getting at.

I roll my eyes and lean down to her level, resting my chin on my own folded hands. “If you don’t go to that ball, Logan will have won and you know it.” I explain, “Jame and Mollie will be there and I assume so will Matt and Paige. You’ll have all the back-up you need.” She seemed to have slightly eased up on going at this point, “plus, you get to see me in a penguin suit.” I flash her another one of my irresistible smiles (as I’ve been told), “so, what do you say? Change your mind about the ball yet?”

She smiles warmly at me, “I’ll go, but only to keep you from beating Logan up again.”

“stay close to me and I promise it won’t have to go that far.”

We just sat there a couple minutes staring at each other in silence. It wasn’t an awkward silence, but more of a ‘this is nice’ silence.

“come on,” I finally say, grabbing her hand and pulling her up along with me. we walk to the back and then up the stairs to the roof, my favorite part of this old building. It was luckily a nice clear night out, perfect for just relaxing.

“oh god Aiden, it’s beautiful.” Callie comments.

“thought you would like it,” I tell her and start tugging on her hand, “come here.” We reach the old couch sort of in the middle. I motion for Callie to sit down and then I sit down next to her grabbing one of the blankets that was set on the edge and wrapping it around us.

My grandpa (Melanie’s second step-dad) used to tell me when I was a kid that magic happened under these stars. I never really knew what he meant by that, or really an other wise phrases he’d tell us, but now I think I may understand. Or at least my understanding is better than telling my grandpa that the stars are the same everywhere (which turns out junior year astronomy class teaches you that they aren’t!)

“so, did you plan this all for us?” Callie asks, snuggling into me.

“don’t flatter yourself Callie, it’s not healthy.” She frowns up at me and I can’t help but laugh, “no, I didn’t do this for you, it’s just kept up here so that we can come out whenever we feel like it and just be at peace.”

I wrap my arm around her and pull her closer. We just lie/sit there and look at the stars every once in awhile pointing out constellations. Eventually her breathing evens out and I could tell she was asleep. I move slightly so that she would be more comfortable, “goodnight Calvina,” I whisper, and kiss her forehead before falling asleep myself shortly after.

It was almost eight or so when I felt vibrating coming from Callie. Although it didn’t seem to wake her up so I tried to ignore it as well. By the fifth vibrate though; I was getting a little uncomfortable since it was against me just as much as it was against her. I pull it out of her back pocket and answer it, “hey.”


“oh, sorry, we just woke up.” I tell Paige who was on the other line. Nothing like an overprotective dates best friend to wake you up in the morning.


“no-no we-“ Callie shifts some under my arm and I can tell she’s waking up, “she’s waking up, so I’ll bring her home right now.” I close the phone before I can hear anymore screaming and slip it back into her pocket.

“hey” she mumbles, sitting up a little.

“good morning,” I reply. I had this strong urge to at least kiss her on the forehead but restrain and stick to a smile.

She glances over the city some, “I think Paige is sitting by your front door with a rifle.” I inform her.

Callie turns back to me, "You were supposed to have me home by midnight.” She reminds me.

"You weren’t supposed to fall asleep.” I retort

"You’re too comfy.” Callie complains and I laugh, “anyways, we better go. Paige really would have a rifle at the door.” We both sit up and I fold up the blankets before we head back downstairs.

We were almost out the door when Melanie calls out to us, “good morning!”

“were you here all night?” I ask.

“well I couldn’t just leave you two there on the roof by yourself, now could I?”

I glance down at Callie who was looking up at me and then we both turn our attention back to Melanie, “well, thanks.” Callie says with a smile, “and the food last night, it was delicious. Reminded me why I missed your cooking so much.”

Melanie smiles at this comment, “breakfast then?”

“oh, no, we can’t.” I tell her reluctantly, “Callies friend is about ready to kill me as it is.”

She nods, understanding. “oh alright then,” we turn to leave, “and Aiden, I called your parents, so you don’t have to worry about that.” she called my parents? My freaking parents who probably think I just about got some other innocent girl pregnant. Great. “bye!”

And then we left, quickly I should add. I didn’t speed home or anything, but I was on the edge, pushing the limits I guess you could say. The car ride was silent, which was good. I park in my driveway, run around to open Callies door and walk her up to the front door. Hey, even in a rush I’m a gentleman, give me a break.

"You okay?” she asks at the door.

I run my free hand through my hair, “yeah, fine,” I assure her, “more than fine, but I really have to go too.”

“okay, well, I had a really nice time.” she says, squeezing my hand a little, “now you can go.”

I smile and bend down to kiss her cheek, “I had a nice time too,” I whisper and then let go of her hand and basically sprint into my house.

Both of my parents were sitting in the living room waiting for me. I sigh and walk in, taking a seat in a chair across from them.

“Melanie called last night.” My dad says.

“she informed us that you guys were going to stay the night.” My mom adds. “anything you want to tell us?”

“yes, we went to the bowling alley and had dinner. And then I showed her the view from the roof. I mean, who wouldn’t show someone that, right? We were sitting on the couch and after awhile she fell asleep. I wasn’t going to wake her, that just seemed rude, so we just stayed for the night. That’s it.”

my parents look at each other and have one of their silent conversations before turning back to me, “and if we ask Callie, that will be her story?”

“don’t!” I say too quickly and my parents stare wide eyed at me. I sigh, “yes, it would be the same story. But don’t ask her.”

“why?” my mom asks. I could tell she was a little worried, not for my sake ,but for Callies.

“because, I’m pretty sure Callie thinks I’m a virgin, and since her ex broke up with her because she wouldn’t get into bed with him, I don’t want it to be you guys to break it to her that I’m not.”

My parents have another silent conversation. “okay, we’ll respect your privacy.” My dad says, “just don’t let it happen again.” I nod.

“Aiden, it is okay to wake someone up. I know over the years we’ve taught you not to, but in certain situations it’s usually more appropriate to wake them up than to not. This would’ve been one that could have used a waking up.”

“fine. Can I go do my homework now?” the both nod and I jog upstairs. After about three hours of French, math, and English. I look out the window to see if Callie was home yet. They weren’t so I did some art before making lunch and watching some tv. At noon I go to my hair appointment to which they cut off about two inches. I didn’t’ freak though, since I didn’t have any say in this. After getting home I notice that Callie’s car is in the driveway and I over there. Mollie was heading up the stairs and stopped as Paige opened the door.

"You’re one brave man to come over here.” Paige says to me first.

“hey, you got a hair cut.” Mollie points out.

“uh, yeah, against my will.”

“what? Did they tie you down in the chair or something.” Mollie asks, laughing.

I give her that ‘yeah’ look and she stops, “oh my god! They did?!”

“only when they were cutting off the red. Totally freaked me out.” They both burst out laughing.

“come on in, she’s in her room.” Paige says, letting me in. I thank her and then follow Mollie upstairs.

Mollie opens her door, “hey Callie, can we make cookie dough?” she asks. cookie dough? That’s what she came up here for?

“uh, sure, I don’t care.” Callie replies.

“great.” Mollie turns, smiles at me, and heads back down the stairs. I was about to lightly knock on the door but then she got up to close it. I don’t know what came over me, but once she reached for the handle I push her against the door. She looks up at me and smiles before I urgently crash my lips against hers. About two minutes later I pull away, both of us breathing hard.

“ya know,” she says, trying to catch her breath, “this rough stuff is kinda hot.”

I smile at her, “ya know,” I mock. Her smile turns into a grin when I do this, “I’m usually not like this.” Which was true, I usually wasn’t rough. So I really don’t know where this side is coming from.

“no?” she sounds a little disappointed.


“well that’s too bad.” I start drawing little designs with my thumbs between the waist of jeans and hem of her shirt.

“I guess it is.” I give her a quick kiss and then move down her jaw and to her neck.

She lets out a small gasp that makes me smile, “why have you been like it recently then?” she gets out finally.

“today?” I ask and feel a nod, “it was urgent.” I say between kisses, “I hadn’t kissed you this morning and when I came by later you weren’t home,” I look back up to her “so it was now or never type of deal.”

“I wouldn’t say never.” She responds.

“okay, now or later. I liked now much better.” I pull her closer, if that was possible, and kiss her lips once again. Her hands move from my shoulders/neck to my hair and after who knows how long she pulls back.

"You got a hair cut.” She points out.

“I did.”

“can we dye it red again?” she asks.

“my mom won’t let me.”

“that’s too bad.”

“yeah, I know.”

“well, the hair cut itself doesn’t look horrible.”


“it’s very…nevermind, you’re going to hate it.”

“very what?”

she sighs, “preppy and/or jock. I don’t’ know. It doesn’t suit you.”

“give me some slack, I didn’t have a choice.”

“well in that case. It looks amazing.”

“thank you.” I bend down and kiss her once more.

“so, is this why you came over here? To make-out with me?”


“and the other part?”

“I need help on the biology.”

“well you’re in luck, that’s what I’m working on at the moment.” I step away and let her free from the door she grabs my hand and pulls me over to the desk, making me sit down in the chair.

“where are you going to sit?” I ask her.

She doesn’t answer and instead plops herself down on my lap. I smile and she scans over her worksheet, “okay, so, go ask Alice ten feet tall…” and we begin the dreadful homework.

It felt weird doing this. I have never really had a girlfriend and before they were usually in my bed long before this. The longest I was ever with some one was Hannah. But that was for nine months and it was forced upon by her father who insisted I help out. I do owe that guy a thanks though. I mean, if he didn’t get that restraining order, we wouldn’t have moved, and I wouldn’t be here, falling in love with the neighbor girl.