He was a Boy, She was a Girl

Seven, Calvina; Taking it Slow

Callies POV

We stood there staring at the door for about ten minutes.

“should I open it?” I ask, my hand on the brass handle.

“isn’t he dead?” Mollie replies.

“obviously not!” I yell at her, glancing away from the door. Mollie flinches, “sorry, just stressed.” I tell her, calmer now.

“maybe we should just go to bed, he’ll be back tomorrow I bet.”

“good point.” I head upstairs with Mollie and we go too sleep. Or, at least she does; I just lie there staring at my window.

A soft pillow hits me in the head and I move around. Another hit and my eyes open to find Aiden standing there holding one of my pillows.

“sorry.” He says, setting down the pillow.

I rub my eyes, getting used to the light, “for what?”

“last night. I should have told you when I found out. I was just afraid of how you would react.”

“I may have overreacted a little.” I look around the room for Mollie, “where’s Mollie?”

“in the shower.”


The bed moves a little as Aiden sits down next to me, “so, how about after the game on Wednesday I take you out?”

I was still tired, but was at the start of waking up, remember what happened later last night, “uh, sure.” I tell him, sitting up and pushing the covers off me.

“great.” He stands up and is about to leave, “by the way, there was a guy on your porch when I came over, so I just let him in. he’s sitting on your couch right now. Said he wanted to talk to you, sounded kind of urgent too.”

“WHAT?!” I jump off my bed and run to the door, blocking him from leaving. “stay here, do not come downstairs until I come and get you. And under no circumstances let Mollie come down. Got it?”

“uh, yeah?” he says, sounding a little unsure of his answer.

“just stay, please.” I tell him before closing the door and slowly walking downstairs. I stop at the bottom and turn to see him on the couch, feet on the table, watching TV like he would have been five years ago.

“what are you doing here?” I ask coldly from the stairs. He turns around and looks at me.

“can’t I just visit? It’s been what? Five years?” he smiles the smile I used to give into. "You with that kid Logan yet?” he asks.

“he cheated.” I inform him, "You faked your death.” I state dryly.

“girl, one of us needed out.”

“then get out. NOW.”

“now, now, that’s now way to treat your-“

“don’t you dare relate us. We may have the same blood, but we will never again be family.”

“Come on Cal, don’t be like that.”

“and why not? You left me! with them!!”

“and I’m back, aren’t I?” I turn to stomp off when he continues talking, “at least let me explain Calvina.”

“why should I?”

“Because, I know you want an explanation.”

I sit down on the bottom stair, out of his view, “talk.”

“has it never gone through you head that you just wan out?” he asks, “ you’re seventeen Cal, not six. Your life should be controlled so much. That’s why I left the instant I turned eighteen. I could let them continue taking over my life.” We were both silent for a few minutes.

“I was eleven. Did it ever cross you mind that I needed you?”

“I was focusing on my and my future.”

“then why the hell are you back?” my eyes were tearing up and my voice started to crack.

“because I realized that there is more to life than just yourself. Basically I realized that even if I didn’t need my parents, I did need you.”

“Mom’s pregnant.” I look up at him then and his eyes are wide with shock. He was defiantly speechless.

The door bursts open and Jamie walks in, “Hey Callie, Aiden still-“ he stops talking and walking when he spots Tristan on the couch. Jamie looks at me and then back at Tristan a few times before focusing on me. he opens his mouth to speak but I stop him.

“up!” I say, pointing up the stairs.




“Jamie Mooreford, get your ass up those stairs!” I scream at him and he nods, sprinting up the stairs.

“when did that happen?” Tristan asks.

“she called me about three weeks ago. They’re still on a business trip.”

“oh.” He paused for a second, “how’s Mollie?”

"You know you’re the reason she and I fought for the past three years.”


“really? You don’t know how? It was one thing that you left when you were eighteen, it was another to fake your death years later. She fucking blamed herself, you know that? no, you don’t. because you were dead!”

“I said sorry, what else do you want?”

“I want you gone.” I tell him. I heard footsteps above me and turn around to see Aiden coming down, “what are you doing Aiden?”

“sorry. I have to go though. My brother is in town and we have to go pick up my car. It came earlier than we thought.” Aiden glances over to Tristan and then back to me, before continuing walking to the door.

Just before he reached the door, Tristan decides to interfere, “aren’t you going to introduce us Calvina?” he asks.

No, I wanted to say, but with both of them looking at me, waiting, I had no choice. “this is Aiden, my neighbor, and Aiden, this is Tristan, my” I gulp, “brother.”

“nice meeting you.” Tristan says.

"You too.” Aiden glances over to me, “I’ll call you later Callie.” He says and then he’s gone before I could even nod.

Silence once again filled the room, “so, was that the same Jamie as before?”

I nod.

“what’s he been up to?”

“he and Mollie are together now.” I watch as his jaw clenches a little and laugh. “oh get over it.” I tell him, and for once I stand up, “I have stuff to do today, so if you could just leave now, that would be great.” I tell him. Without looking back, I walk upstairs and to my door. Before I enter the room, I hear the front door close.

“so?” Mollie is at my side the instant I enter my room.

“he’s defiantly not dead. And also isn’t all that happy that you’re with Jamie.”

“I swear next time I see him he will be dead.” I laugh a little.

“Aiden knows now.”

“and…?” Mollie wonders.

“and he said he’d call me later.”

“is he back?”

“I don’t know.” I tell her, them, “what I do know is that if I don’t ace the Biology test tomorrow, I’m going to have to do some major convincing to the administration to stay on the team.”

They both nod, getting the clue. “we’ll talk to you tomorrow.” Jamie says and they leave, closing my door behind them.

I close my curtains, lock my door, and crank up some studying music before hitting the books. It was Eleven now and I stayed in my room until five, which was when I decided I had had enough of Biology.

I go downstairs and turn on the TV before making some Mac n’ cheese for dinner. I plop down on the couch with my pan of food and watch Ghost Whisperer. Right as I’m about to take a bite of food, my phone starts ringing.

“ugh.” I set down my pan and answer the phone, “what?” I ask, and not nicely either.

“well someone’s not in a good mood.” I here Aiden chuckle on the other line.

"You interrupted my dinner and I haven’t had any food all day.”

“oh, well then, let me take you out.”

I laugh, “nope.” I say, popping the ‘p’, “if you want to eat with me, you’ll have to come here.”

I close the phone and pick up my pan of Mac n’ Cheese and start to eat. I hear the door open and then close.

“hey, so-“ he stops when he sees me, and then laughs.

“what’s so funny?” I ask, once I’ve swallowed.

“there’s a Family size box on the counter, and I walk in seeing the pan almost empty.” He says, sitting down next to me on the couch.

I hand him the pan, “finish it.” I tell him, before getting up and walking toward the kitchen.

“aw! I was kidding Callie!” he says, walking in behind me and setting the pan down on the counter.

I was bent down, digging the ice cream out of the freezer, “did it look like I really cared? I just wanted ice cream.” I stand up, holding the Ben and Jerry’s New York Chocolate Fudge in hand, “And seriously, finish it, because I don’t want to make room in the fridge tonight.” I tell him, grabbing two spoons from the draw and walking back to the couch.

“so,” Aiden starts, sitting close to me this time and putting his arm across the back of the couch, “how in the world is that stuff good?” he looks down at the white and brown ice cream.

I gasp, "You’ve never had New York Chocolate Fudge?!” I ask, shocked.

“uh, no, I haven’t.” he says, still looking at the ice cream with disgust.

“well, then, we’ll just have to fix that,” I hand him a spoon but he refuses.

“white chocolate doesn’t taste too good.” He says, making up excuses.

I dip the spoon into the ice cream and scoop up a little bit. “now open up.” I tell him, and surprisingly, he obliges, opening his mouth enough for the spoon to slip in. I giggle as I think how stupid this is. I mean, I’m force feeding him ice cream for gods sake.

“so?” I ask, once I take back the spoon.

“it’s not too bad.” He says. He takes the spoon out of my hand and takes another scoop, this time telling me to open, I roll my eyes and do as he says. To me, the ice cream was amazing. "You know, there was a clean spoon right there.” I tell him.

“yeah, but why get another one dirty, this way worked too.”

“some people don’t like sharing spit Aiden,” even though, I wasn’t one of them. But I wasn’t about to tell him that.

“is that why you keep kissing me?”

I slap his arm playfully, “kidding, I’m only kidding.” He says, putting his hands up in surrender.

“hmph,” I cross my arms over my chest and watch the TV, which was now playing Criminal Minds. Aiden wraps his arms around me and pulls me to him so that I’m sort of sitting on his lap.

“why didn’t you tell me?” Aiden asks. I can tell we just switched from talking about ice cream to talking about my brother.

“he isn’t a part of my life anymore.” I tell him simply.

“do you want to talk about it?”

“not right now.” I say quietly, “incase you were wondering, that’s what I’ve been hiding from you.”

“I figured,” he said, interwining his fingers with mine, “wanna go see my car?” he asks, totally changing the subject. I smile at how easily he can do that and nod my yes.