He was a Boy, She was a Girl

Seven, Aiden; White Chocolate Doesn't Taste too Good

Aidens POV

I walk over to Callies at about nine to apologize. What I wasn’t expecting was the same guy from last night, asleep on her porch.

“um, hello?” I ask, standing over him. His eyes flutter open.


I grab the key from under the mat and open the door, "You want in?”

“that would be great.” The guys says, I nod.

“just sit on the couch, I’ll go get Callie.” He nods and sits on the couch, turning on the tv. I jog upstairs to Callies room, only to find Mollie walking out of it.

“she asleep.” Mollie says before going into the bathroom.

I grab a soft pillow and slightly hit her with it. she only slightly moved. The second hit though, woke her up. I set down the pillow, “sorry.”

Callie smiles slightly and rubs her eyes, getting used to the light. “for what?” she asks.

“last night. I should have told you when I found out. I was just afraid of how you would react.” I explain to her.

“I may have overreacted a little.” She then looks around the room, “where’s Mollie?”

“in the shower.”


I sit down on the bed next to her, “so, how about after the game on Wednesday I take you out?”

“uh, sure.” She says, sitting up.

“great.” I say, and stand up to leave. “by the way, there was a guy on your porch when I came over, so I just let him in, he’s sitting on your couch right now. Said he wanted to talk to you, sounded kind of urgent too.”

“WHAT?!” she screams, jumps off the bed, and blocks my way from leaving, “stay here, do not come downstairs until I come and get you. And under no circumstances let Mollie come down. Got it?”

“uh, yeah?” I was a little unsure for my answer but agreed anyways.

“just stay, please.” She closes the door then and probably heads downstairs

I sit back down on her bed and turn on her radio. Then my phone starts ringing. “hello?” I ask, wondering who would call me so early in the morning.

“Aiden? Oh god, I’ve been trying to get ahold of you for days now.”

“Hannah?” I ask, confused a little.

“yes, I need to talk to you.”

“I figured that part out. What’s wrong?”

I hear her gulp, “I have to give up Riley.”

“what? Why? I thought your dad was all about keeping her.”

“yeah. he was. But we were talking about college for me, you know how I’m a senior and all and anyways, he doesn’t want me to go off to college with a kid.”

“makes sense.”

“so, I was wondering…want your kid?”

I just about choke on my own spit, “um, honestly? No, not particularly. But I also don’t want her going to strangers or anything, so yeah, I’ll take guardianship.”

“oh my god! Thank you so much Aiden! I honestly don’t know what I would do if it was any other guy that got me pregnant.” She comments.

“yeah…” I say, a little uneasy.

“okay, well I have to go. I’ll send you the paperwork and we’ll work out a date. Bye!”

“bye.” I shut my phone and stare at it, “riley is coming here.” I mutter to myself.

“the riley?” Mollie asks from the doorway. I jump, not knowing she was there.

“don’t sneak up on me like that Mollie!”

“sorry. So riley, she’s coming here?”




“I wonder what Callie’s going to say.”

“I’m wondering that too,” we both look at the door as we hear the front door close.

Then next came, “Jamie Mooreford, get your ass up those stairs!” and the stomping of feet, suddenly, Jamie opened the door.

“it’s him.” He says.

“yes it is.” Mollie replies

"You know?”

“opened the door last night.”


“my words exactly.”

“what the hell are you guys talking about?!” I interrupt.

“Callies brother.” Jamie says like it was nothing and then covers his mouth, catching his mistake.

"You dumbass!” Mollie slaps his arm.

“forgot, sorry.”

“Callie has a brother? But she said she was an only child.” I was confused now.

“technically, she has a brother, but he left when he turned eighteen and honestly this is the first any of us have seen of him in about five years.” Jamie says. My phone vibrates and look down at the text.

Dude, we need to go pick up your car before I head back to the school.. where the hell are you??

“okay, I have to go pick up my car. So, I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” I tell them and before they can stop me I open the bedroom door and start my way downstairs.

"You don’t know how?” I hear Callies voice raise, “It was one thing that you left when you were eighteen, it was another to fake your death years later. She fucking blamed herself, you know that? no, you don’t, because you were dead!” she screams at I’m guessing the guy that was on the couch.

“I said sorry,” the guy says, I’m now at the top of the stairs, staying silent, “what else do you want?”

“I want you gone.” Callie spits and I trip a little down the first few steps. Callie hears me and turns around, “what are you doing Aiden?” she asks.

“Sorry, I have to go though. My brother is in town and we have to go pick up my car. It came earlier than we thought.” I somehow speak, still confused about what was going on. I quickly glance over to who I was told was Callies brother and then back down to Callie before continuing my way to the front door.

“aren’t you going to introduce us Calvina?” the guy asks and I freeze at the door. Callie looked like introducing us was the last thing she wanted to do.

“this is Aiden, my neighbor,” I was slightly hurt she didn’t even say friend. But then again, she probably just hates this guy. “and Aiden, this is Tristan, my” Callie pauses, “brother.” She says ‘brother’ in a whisper.

“nice meeting you.” Tristan says.

"You too.” Although I wasn’t looking at him and honestly didn’t mean it. Whoever put my…good friend through this much pain really shouldn’t come anywhere close to me, “I’ll call you later Callie.” I tell her and then disappear before she even responds.

I meet Mike at his truck and just before I slide in I see Tristan leaving. I tried to get in before he saw me, but I wasn’t fast enough.

“Hey, Aiden, right?” the guy asks. Mike looks at me like ‘what the hell?!’ and I just shrug, turning toward Tristan.


“why were you at the house so early?”

“um, why is it any of your business?” I ask in reply.

“She is my sister and since she’s home alone I think it’s my business to know why a teenage guy is going into the house so early.”

“first off, she may be your sister by blood, but nothing else. She has made it damn clear she wants nothing to do with you and if I knew that you existed at all then I wouldn’t have let you into the house. Except I didn’t know you existed because she thought you were, oh, what was it? dead. And second off, even if you were around, it’s still none of your business. And since Callie, Jamie, and Mollie all don’t seem to like you, it’s pretty much decided that I don’t like you either, so, if you could just go back to where you came from, I don’t think we’ll have any issues.” I slide into the truck and close my door. Mike drives off before Tristan could say anything in reply.

“explain.” Mike says as he slows down to the speed limit.

“Callie has a brother that I didn’t know about cause she told me she was an only child. Well truth is, she does have a brother. Older brother, and he left when he was eighteen and what I got was that he like pretended he was dead or something.”


“oh, and Hannah called.”

“Aiden…” Mike says sternly.

“she called me, and her dad is making her give up Riley.”


“something about college and having a kid. Anyways, I said I’d take here.”


“I don’t have a choice Mike. She’s my kid and I’m not going to let her go to some foster home. I know mom and dad wouldn’t either.”

"You know what? You’ve messed up so much over the past couple of years, yet your still the favorite child. How in the world is that possible?”

“hmm…I think it’s the fact that the police have never given me a ride home.” I tell him.

“yeah, yeah. it’s not like I got some senior girl prego.”

“oh shutup and drive. I want my car.” It was another hour drive and with our luck, there was an accident making it longer. We finally drove up to the dealer closer to one pm.

“okay, so just sign on this line and it’s yours.” The guy says in the office. I smile and nod, putting down my signature. “great, here are the keys and your paperwork and receipt. Enjoy your very nice new car.”

“oh I will,” I tell him and walk out to my beauty.

“I think I should drive her home,” mike says, walking up next to me.

“I think not. It’s my car, not yours.”

“fine, I have to get back to school anyways.”

“right. See you later gator.”

“later.” He says and drives off in his truck. I slide my hand across the surface of the leather before sitting down.

I drive up and park in front of Callies house instead of pulling into my own driveway. I pull out my phone and call her.

“what?” she answers grumpily.

“well someone’s not in a good mood.” I comment, chuckling a little.

"You interrupted my dinner and I haven’t had any food all day.”

“oh, well then, let me take you out.” I offer.

“nope,” she says, popping the ‘p’, “if you want to eat with me, you’ll have to come here.” And then she hangs up on me. I get out of the car and walk into her house. The first thing I spot is an opened and emptied box of Family-size mac n’ cheese on the counter

“hey, so-“ I start and then stop when I see Callie on the couch with an almost empty pan of mac n’ cheese. I laugh.

“what’s so funny?” Callie asks after swallowing.

“there’s a Family size box on the counter, and I walk in seeing the pan almost empty.” I say, sitting down next to her on the couch.

She hands me the pan, “finish it.” she says, getting up.

“aw! I was kidding Callie!” I follow her into the kitchen, setting the pan on the counter and watching as she bends over into the freezer. I mean, not watching just- oh, whatever.

“did it look like I cared?” she stands up with a small tub of Ben and Jerry’s, “I just wanted ice cream. And seriously, finish it, because I don’t want to make room in the fridge tonight,” I finish the pan of Mac n’ Cheese and then go back into the living room where Callie was sitting. “so,” I say, trying to think of something to say, “how in the world is that stuff good?” I ask, looking down at the container of white and brown ice cream.

Callie gasps, "You’ve never had New York Chocolate Fudge?!”

Actually I had, and it was one of my favorite ice creams of all time. But if there’s one thing I learned from being a player in the past, is that you can make almost any situation with ice cream romantic. Say, in this case, feeding each other it. and girls like romantic.

I look at the ice cream with disgust. “uh, no, I haven’t.” I lie.

“well, then, we’ll just have to fix that,” she attempts to hand me a spoon to which I refuse.

“white chocolate doesn’t taste too good.” I say, making up excuses.

Callie takes the spoon into her hand and scoops up a little of the ice cream, then holding up to my face, “now open up.” She orders me. see? I told you it would involve feeding each other.

I oblige and open my mouth wide enough for the spoon to slip in. Callie lets out a small giggle and blushes.

“so?” she asks, taking to spoon back.

“it’s not too bad,” I reply. I take the spoon from her hand and take another scoop, “open up.” I tell her. She rolls her eyes but does as I said.

"You know, there was a clean spoon right there.” Callie tells me, pointing to the spoon on the table.

“yeah, but why get another one dirty, this way worked too.”

“some people don’t like sharing spit Aiden.” She informs me. I smile.

“is that why you keep kissing me?” Callie slaps my arm for that comment, “kidding, I’m only kidding.” I say, putting my hands up in surrender.

“hmph.” She crosses her arms and pays attention to the T.V. I snake my arm around her and pull her closer to me.

“why didn’t you tell me?” I ask, softly. I wasn’t about to tell her of the encounter I had earlier.

“he isn’t a part of my life anymore.” She replies

“do you want to talk about it?” I ask.

“not right now.” She shifts a little against me, “incase you were wondering, that’s what I’ve been hiding from you.”

“I figured.” I tell her, intertwining her fingers with mine, “wanna go see my car?” I ask, changing the subject. Callie smiles and nods a yes.