He was a Boy, She was a Girl

Eight, Calvina; Another Fight, Another Day

It was five A.M. and I was staring out my window, watching Aiden sleep, wide awake. Creepy? Yes. But I was bored. Suddenly my front door opened and closed and I heard voices. Who the hell was here? I wonder and slip out of bed, tip toeing downstairs.

The voices got clearer and I recognized them as my parents.

“mom? Dad?” I ask, walking into the kitchen where they were.

“hi.” My dad says. Nothing else, just ‘hi’.

“what are you doing here?” they weren’t due back for another week or so.

“came home early, decided it would be better for the baby.” I was still getting used to the fact that my mom was pregnant.

“oh.” I simply say.

“and well, someone got a hold of us.”

“so?” I ask, wondering why it was any bother to me.

“turns out,” my dad tells me and I could see ‘tears’ start in my moms eyes. Oh no, he didn’t, he couldn’t! “your brother isn’t dead after all.”

“what? No? how could he not be dead?” I fake my shockness and my dad clearly can tell.

“Calvina, this is not a sarcastic matter.” He says sternly.

“actually, dad, it is.”

“he said you gave him the number, so I don’t know why your so upset about this.”

“he said what?!” oh no he didn’t, “damn. If he’s not dead now, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was by tomorrow.”

“was that a threat?”

“I don’t know, was it?”

“Calvina, what has happened to you?!”

“um, I’ve been like this for quite some time, it’s not my fault you two were never a part of my life.”

“that’s so not true.” my mom finally chimes in.

“it so is. I know you two probably haven’t noticed, but this is the first “conversation” we’ve had that didn’t include guests or extended family in, oh, thirteen years.” My parents fell silent after that. “yeah, have fun thinking about that.” I say, grabbing an apple for breakfast and skipping back up to my room, “oh!” I stop in my tracks and turn back to them, “don’t you dare think about letting him back home. He has no place here.” I say and continue my way back to my room.

I pack up my backpack and walk out to my car before my parents can say anything more. The hour drive to the cabin was probably the longest hour of my life. Not wanting to actually go into the Cabin, I walk down the path Aiden showed me the first day and lay down in the grassy field.

I’m not quite sure how much later it was when my eyes fluttered open and I was conscious, but when that did happen I was in for quite a surprise. My fingers were intertwined with someone else, and that someone else was laying very close to me. I turn my head a little and see Aiden laying on his back, looking up at the sky. I squeeze his hand a little to let him know I was awake.

“morning gorgeous.” He whispers, turning to face me.

I blush a little, “morning.” I mumble, resting my head on his shoulder. “how did you know where I was?”

“I didn’t.”


“I came out here to think about some stuff and you had gypped my spot.”

“your big secret?” I ask quietly.


“can I know yet? It can’t be that bad.”

“it is. I totally understand why you didn’t want to tell me about your brother and I’m fine with the whole ordeal. But this, this is different. You may understand why I kept it from you, but you won’t understand why I did it. and you will defiantly be pissed at me. Plus, there’s some issues going on at the moment and, let’s just say the secret may just show up like your brother did.”

I nod slightly, “okay.”

“so, what brings you to be trespassing on my property?” he asks, half jokingly.

“thinking about my life.”


“why uh-oh?”

“I have found over the years that when girls think about their lives they tend to think about the guys in their life. If you think too much you’ll probably think I’m not a good addition to your life.”

I laugh, “thinking about my family life, happy?”


“After you left, I told Tristan to get out and then went upstairs. I guess he snuck through the phonebook quickly cause he got a hold of my parents. They came home early and are very grateful that Tristan is not dead. It’s like they’re blind to the fact that he faked his own death.”

“well, most parents would rather have their child alive than dead. Although, if it were my child, they’d be in big trouble. And I would make them pay for the funeral, reception, and all that. Plus, isn’t it illegal to fake your own death?”

“I don’t know. Famous people do it all the time to make more money don’t they?”

“money was the last thing your brother wanted.”

“actually, not exactly.” I turn fully onto my side and rest myself up on my elbow.

“what do you mean?”

I take in a deep breath, preparing myself for the story, “it all started back when Mollie first moved here. My brother, 17 at the time, decided to be the regular player of his type and get Molly to fall for him. To my dismay, it worked. Not only did she believe all of his lies, but she truly thought she was in love. Maybe she was, I guess I’ll never fully know. But I do know for a fact that my brother was not. The instant after he graduated he ran off and we didn’t hear from him for quite sometime. Mollie had actually gone out with him that night, or so she says, and didn’t get back until early the next morning. But she has yet to tell me where they went or what they did. When he did send word, it was only a short letter with no return address, basically telling us that he wasn’t dead. A couple years later we get a notice that he died in a car accident. And then, tada! He appears to be alive.” I sigh, “Imagine that.” I add on. Tears started welling in my eyes and turn so that Aiden wouldn’t see me cry.

Thankfully though, he pretends not to notice my small gesture and moves closer to hold me in his arms. I wasn’t balling or anything serious, just a couple tears down the cheek. Still though, not something I normally showed to people, friends or not.

“hey, you hate the guy, why are you crying?”

“I didn’t always hate him. It may seem hard to believe now, But Tristan and I were very close as siblings. After my dad got the promotion and our family separated, Tristan and I only had each other.”

“that makes sense.”

“he had to go and date Mollie. That’s what truly ruined our relationship. That’s what truly ruined my friendship with Mollie. After graduation, she slowly stopped being my friend, come high school we were pure enemies. She feels guilty about something, I can tell. I just wish I knew what she was hiding from me.”

“why do you think she feels guilty? She seems perfectly normal to me, not that that’s a good thing, but still, she hasn’t changed much that I can tell.”

“I saw it when she didn’t tell me your secret.” I whisper. “it was on the tip of her tongue and then she looked at me and just backed down. Her eyes seemed apologetic about something, but not about keeping your secret. Before she left the cafeteria she asked what I told you and I told her that I said I was an only child. She told me to talk to you. And when she stopped by later, before the party. She seemed, nervous. Mollie actually felt bad and apologized for everything. But still, I don’t know what went on that night. Whatever it was though, was big.”

“life’s big. But compared to the universe, it’s merely nothing.” His whisper was hot on the side of my neck where he rested his head. I don’t know what came over me, but the feeling of his breath on my skin there made me shiver in delight.

“kiss me.” I say in a whisper that I swear was barely audible.

“what?” Aiden asks. I don’t know if he asked from not hearing or surprise, either way, I answered.

“kiss me, right there in the crook of my neck.” I whisper a little louder.

Aiden moves just enough to gently and quickly press his lips to my neck.. “there.” He whispers, pulling away a little.

I didn’t say anything in reply and he must’ve gotten the hint because before I knew it his lips were back to my neck, this time doing a lot more than just a quick peck.

A small, hidden moan gets lodged in the back of my throat and I swear there was a burning sensation from head to toe. He kisses up my neck, my jaw line and then pauses right before reaching my lips.

He looks down at me while I look up at him and at the moment I think he’s going to fully kiss me on the lips, he pulls away. Aiden stands up and starts pacing in front of me as I sit up.

“what the hell was that about Aiden?!”

He looks over at me and stops walking, “we’re starting over, remember?” he states more than questions, “plus you’re vulnerable at the moment, I don’t want you agreeing to something you would later regret.”

“I would not regret a kiss.”

“I’m sure you have and I’m sure that you will.”

“well, you obviously don’t know me at all.”

“precisely the reason we were taking this slow.” He says, “and you know what? I have some serious issues to figure out at the moment, I don’t need this in the middle.”

“oh, I’m sorry I’m such a distraction!” I shout at him.

“that’s not what I meant Callie.”

“sure sounded like it.” I remark.

“okay, seriously? I came here to get away from everything but it’s only gotten worse.”

“once again, sorry for the inconvenience.”

“once again, not what I meant. Will you stop twisting my words?”

“when you stop saying them.” I storm off then, heading back down the path. Aiden chases after.

“Callie!” he calls, getting closer. “Calvina!!” he yells again and grabs my shoulders, turning me to face him. I don’t look him in the eyes as he continues to talk, “I love you.” He says and my eyes instantly shoot up, “in the best friend type of way at the moment. But that doesn’t mean it won’t turn into more and I really hope it does. The point is that I really do care about you and I’m glad you shared with me all that happened. I’m sure that wasn’t easy for you. But I have some family problems going on right now that includes the court and paperwork and the whole deal. I Promise I’ll be there for the date on Wednesday and I’ll be a friend up until then, but I still have a bunch of personal things I need to get through before I can tell you anything of what’s going on.”

I nod slowly, not saying a word.

“see you tomorrow?” I nod again and Aiden kisses my forehead before letting go of me altogether and walking back to the field. I on the other hand, walk to my car and sit there for a few minutes before driving back home.


“so, where are you guys going tonight?” Paige asks as we change out of our cheerleading uniforms.

“probably just back to one of our houses. It is, after all, a school night.”

“wow! That’s exciting!” she remarks sarcastically.

“thanks.” I reply equally sarcastically.

“it’s just, you guys are neighbors, it’s not that big of a deal to go to each others houses.”

“yeah I know. But we have to stop by mine anyways, so it’s just easier.”

“why do you have to go to your house?”


“they care?”

“no, they don’t care. Some stupid guy who calls himself my brother had to blab. And now they insist on meeting Aiden.” I explain, grabbing my bag to head out.

“well then, have fun!” she says, trying at least.

“thanks. I’ll see you tomorrow”


I give a short wave goodbye and walk out the back door to wait for Aiden.

“Ready?” Aiden asks behind me and I jump slightly at his voice. “did I really just scare you?” he questions, laughing.

I turn to face him, “I just wasn’t expecting you to come up behind me. And yes, I’m ready.” I had told him this morning about meeting my parents and he didn’t seem to mind at all. Which for some reason just bugged me more.

“so, do you want to change when we get to your house or are you wearing that?” Aiden asks as we drive to our houses.

“why? Is this not okay or something?” I look down at my frayed jeans and vintage Doors t-shirt, worried now about my attire.

Aiden didn’t say anything in reply, “are you going to answer my question?” I ask.

“I feel as if this is one of those times where no matter what I say you’re going to flip.” I laugh and he pulls into my driveway. Aiden gets out first and then goes around to my side and opens my door.

My parents were sitting at the dining room table when we walked in. They almost looked…normal. Before we said anything a car door closed and the front one opened next to us.

“sorry to whoever was parked on the left, I scratched it a little.” Tristans voice rang through the hallway and I froze. What was he doing here?

Aiden squeezed my hand really hard but other than that didn’t react to Tristans words, thank god.

My parents look up though, at Tristan, “oh, hey honey.” My mom says. I silently pull Aiden into the side room.

“I can’t do this Aiden.” I whisper.

He holds both my hands in his and looks down at me, “yes you can Callie” Aiden tells me. “Tristan’s just pushing your buttons like any older brother. It will be okay. I promise” I nod a little and he kisses my forehead before dragging me back into the hallway

“hey Calvina, you guys going to state this year?” Tristan asks about cheerleading.

I was about to reply with a snide remark but Aiden stops me, “act normal.” He whispers in my ear.

“regionals are next weekend, we’ll find out then.” I say, which was the truth.

My parents turn to me, like I just walked in the door or something. “oh! I didn’t hear you two come in.” My mother comments. What the fuck?

“well, now that you did. Aiden, these are my parents Richard and Bridget. You guys this is Aiden Baker.” They nod an acknowledgement.

“so, we’ll be on our way then.” Aiden says and we turn to leave.

My moms voice stops us though, “But we have a family dinner tonight.”

“we have a what?” my jaw tightens and I just about clench my fist.

“Family dinner. Why did you think Tristan came here?”

I wanted to punch something, someone. Luckily, Aiden answers “We can stay then.”

“right. I mean, you are family and I rarely see you two anymore. Aiden and I can go out any other night.” Sarcasm dripped from my voice and I knew at least Tristan noticed. I glared at him for a moment before tugging on Aidens hand, “Come on Aiden, I’ll show you my room.”

We walk up stairs quickly and go straight to my room. The moment I close and lock the door, I freak out on him. “We can stay?! What were you thinking Aiden?!”

He bites his lip slightly, “you were too busy watching your parents that you didn’t notice Tirstans smirk. He planned it all out like this Callie. He wanted at least one of us to freak out. Plus, I was being polite.”

“pfft. Polite. There is no way I’m sitting through a family dinner with those three.” I tell him and then pace a little, “oh god, I need to hit something or scream. Actually I need to hit something and scream.”

Aiden grabs me from the waist and pulls me back to him, “hey, hey. Calm down a little. You’ll survive tonight.” He whispers into my ear. Aiden gives me one last squeeze and then lets go for a moment. He looks around the room and finds what he’s looking for.

“what are you doing?” I ask as he walks away from me.

He smiles and holds up Apples to Apples, “cards?”

I smile back and nod my head vigorously.

Throughout the game, we were laughing and joking around. Having fun like any couple should be doing on a date. I slid the box of cards aside and laid back on my bed, Aiden followed, wrapping his arm around me.

“so,” he starts, “my parents are adopting.”

“really? That’s so exciting.”

“it is. Her names Reilly and she’s just about six months.”

“let me guess, teen pregnancy?” I ask.

“most likely.” I could tell he was slightly nervous about something.

“you going to be ready for a younger sister? I’ve heard they’re quite a handful.”

“oh really, you wouldn’t happen to know this from experience, would you?”

I fake a gasp, “me? A handful of a child? Never.”

Aiden laughs, “I’m defiantly ready for a younger sister. But you see-“ there was a knock on my door.

“hey you two, dinner.” Tristans voice rings through. I stick my tongue out at the door and then burst out laughing.

We get out of the bed, “ready?” I ask Aiden.

“how bad could it be?” he questions back.

“bad.” We walk out of my room and at the top of the stairs I make a random decision.

“what are you doing Callie?” Aiden asks as I climb onto the banister.

“having some fun.” I reply and then lift my leg and slide down to the bottom.

I hadn’t noticed my parents that were standing right there. “CALVINA!!!!” my dad roars.

I smirk, “father, guests.” I say and he shuts his mouth. Aiden comes down behind me and we sit down at the dining room table next to each other. Everyone else follows. The salad is served and my parents start talking about their last trip. By the time of the main dish, Tristan switched it to Aiden. Asking him questions right and left. Everything from his age to his previous schools.

“And do you love our daughter?” my mom asks. I just about spray my water across the table. Aiden grabs my hand, which was sitting on my lap, and squeezes it. He was obviously as nervous if not more nervous than me.

“of course. Why else would I be here?” another squeeze of the hand as my parents exchange glances with one another.


“that’s good.” My mom says, smiling. Sigh, we got over all of that awkwardness.

After dinner, Aiden thanks my parents and I walk him over to his house. We stop on his front porch.

“Friday my parents are at some company meeting. Want to come over then?” he asks sweetly.

“of course.” I lean up and give him a quick peck on the lips before turning and heading back to my room.