He was a Boy, She was a Girl

Nine, Callie; Cause I love the way you lie

Callies POV

Today was the last day of school, meaning I had to be dressed in my cheerleading uniform and school colored ribbon in my hair. I was adjusting the ribbons when Aiden starts yelling at me to hurry up.
“Callie! You can fix them in the car. We’ve gotta go if you’re going to make the assembly!” he screams through his bedroom window and into mine. Obviously not the most private way of communication, but since I wasn’t answering my phone, he used his last resort.
I turn around and stick my tongue out at him before grabbing my bag and running out the door. “bye mom, bye dad!” I call out as I close the front door behind me. Aiden was leaning against his car, waiting for me now. I walk up to him and quickly kiss him on the lips and slide into the passenger seat.
“excited?” he asks as we pull out of his driveway, a little fast I may had.
“ecstatic.” Truth was I couldn’t sleep last night. At the assembly today they cheerleading coach was announcing next years captain and I’m basically crossing my fingers hoping that it’s me.
Aiden grabs my hand and gives it a little squeeze, “you’ll get it.” He says in encouragement and I smile.

Since the game last October, Logan was kicked off the varsity team and Aiden got on. Samantha broke up with Logan the next day and he’s been sort of depressed since then. I didn’t want to add any more drama to the school year, but vowed that after the last day of school I would go talk to him. Which would be today.
Jamie and Mollie are still going great. Mollie and I even worked out basically everything between us. Paige is still my main best friend though. Tristan, ha, well there’s the big issue at the moment. He’s still lingering around like he has a right to be in the family. We don’t fight anymore, and I know he’s trying, but I still haven’t forgiven him. My parents though, I did forgive and we’ve been communicating a lot better these days. My mom is due any minute now, I’m just waiting for the phone call.

“and now, I will be announcing the Captain of our state champion Cheerleading Team!” all of us run out in our purple and white uniforms, cheering like we’re born to. I scan the crowd and find Aiden sitting right in front of me with the rest of the football team, grinning like a fool.
“okay, so it was a very close call between two outstanding girls. Not only are they both great cheerers but would also easily lead the team. In the end though, only one can win. So, let’s give a big ‘round of applause to…” she pauses as she opens the envelope. That was only for show, we all knew it. “Calvina Morgan!” The gym erupts in cheers and clapping as I walk up to her to accept the pin. I couldn’t help but let a few tears roll down my cheeks.
After a few more announcements, school was officially let out. Kids filtered into the hallway throwing paper everywhere and screaming “FREEDOM!” I laughed as I searched for Aiden. Suddenly there was a small smack on my butt and I turned to tell the person off. Only, it was Aiden standing behind me. I slap his arm, “butt-smacking is totally not appropriate nor is it charming. Didn’t your mother teach you anything?” I say.
“sorry.” He says apologetically, it was cute when he thought I’d break up with him, “it’s just, that skirt makes you look so-“ I raise my eyebrows at him and he stops.
“so what?” I ask.
“so not going to finish that sentence. Wanna get out of here?” I laugh.
“actually, I have something I need to do right now. So I’ll meet you at home, okay?”
“yup.” He kisses my cheek, “bye Calvina.” He says before catching up with a group of skaters.
Calvina, the name I used to hate started growing on me after Aiden kept using it. People still call me Callie, but Aiden usually calls me Calvina, especially when we’re alone. I spot Christina in the crowd and call to her. She looks up and sees me, then runs at full speed into a hug.
“HEY!!” she screams.
I laugh at her enthusiasm, “hey.” I reply.
“I knew you would win! But I wonder who came in close second…”
“you really have to guess? It was either you or Paige.”
“hmm, can’t argue when you give me such compliments.”
“exactly. Have you seen you brother?”
she eyes me warily, “why?”
“I need to talk to him,”
surprisingly, Christina doesn’t ask any more on the topic, “he skipped today, so he’s at home.”
“great, thanks.”
“Callie, just, be careful.”
“what are you talking about?”
“with Logan. He hasn’t exactly been stable these past few days.”
I nod and start the long-ish walk to Logans house.

About 45 minutes later I ring the doorbell and take a couple steps back.
Logan opens the door and looks at me for a second before slamming it in my face.
“Logan! Open up the door this instant!!” I exclaim. One of the maids opens it this time and lets me in. I didn’t have to ask which way he went, I knew he would be in the music room. Aside from football, Logan was an amazing musician. That’s something most people don’t actually know about him.
I heard the guitar in the room playing and slowly open the door. Logan stops when he sees me and then looks away.
“what do you want?” he asks hastily.
I sit in the chair across from him, “to talk.”
“you’ve already ruined my life Callie, what more could you want?”
I was slightly taken aback by this comment, “I ruined your life? Would you like to explain how?”
“you beat me up at the party, and your stupid boyfriend takes my spot on the team.”
A small laugh escapes my lips, “did you ever think that you brought that upon yourself?” I sigh, “look, Logan, I didn’t come here to fight with you.”
“then why did you come? Your boyfriend not satisfying you?”
“really? You know what? Be by you fucking self. See who cares! I thought I would be the better man and be there for you but you just have to ruin it.” I stand up and start to leave.
“wait, Callie. I’m sorry, that was uncalled for.”
I turn around to face him, crossing my arms in front of my chest and leaning against the closed door, “you know. I really wanted to stay your friend Logan. How could I not. We were friends for so many years before we dated and we dated for so many years. But when not only do you cheat on me, but didn’t even give me a small sorry. I decided that it was totally over between us.”
He didn’t say anything in response so I continued, “you break up with me, and then your girlfriend totally goes out of line and tells the whole damn school I’m a virgin. Then your drunken ass, for whatever reason, wants me back and you simply get your ass kicked for that. And for some out of this world reason, you decided to pretend to be the victim at your sisters party, once again, resulting in you getting your ass kicked, twice. Do I need to continue?”
“no.” he mumbles.
“would you like to explain any of these situations.”
I hear him sigh, “what Samantha did wasn’t okay, I admit. And I probably should have stood up for you.”
“should’ve, could’ve, but didn’t.” I add on.
“right. And for the other stuff…” he trails off.
“you’re not going to like the answer,”
“Logan, would I be here if I thought I would like this talk? No. so just say it.”
“I was jealous.”
“of me?”
“sort of. Of you and Aiden really.”
“you were jealous of our relationship…um, why?”
He shrugs, “you guys just seemed to work and for some reason it really pissed me off.”
This time I really laughed, “we seemed to work? Logan, Aiden and I have had more fights in the seven months we’ve known each other than you and I have had in the 17 years of knowing each other. We’re not even close to working.”
“you guys seem fine at school.”
“because we usually work things out by then. Even if we haven’t we still don’t hate each other.”
There was a silence after that. Nothing more to be said. Logan was staring at his guitar and I was looking out the window. There was one question though, that I needed answered before I left. “why?”
“why what?” He asks, looking up from his guitar.
“why did you do it? Why did you cheat on me?” I ask.
“I was quarterback and people started talking about me. Especially the seniors, and they didn’t have nice things to be said.”
“you should have let them just talk Logan. Is this any better? Locking yourself up in your house because you have no friends at school. I hate to say it, but you would’ve been fine because you were with me. Everyone at school respects me, they like me. Unlike me, you weren’t exactly the nicest kid around, so obviously they’d pick on you. But after you cheated on me, nobody liked you for it. You were better off being the loser virgin then cheating on the good girl.”
“yeah, well, I learned my lesson the hard way.”
“That’s the other thing the Aiden does, he talks to me. If this had happened he wouldn’t have just gone and cheated on me, he would have talked to me about it first. I had no idea you were being picked on Logan, none at all.”
“you’re saying I was supposed to just walk up to you and tell you that we needed to have sex? I’m sure that conversation would have gone over well.”
“no. well, I guess that may have worked. You should have told me what was going on. Like when I would ask how practice was, you could have said that the guys were teasing you.”
“That even makes me sound like more of a wimp.”
“well, I’m just saying. Communication is key in any relationship, friends or more.” I explain, “plus, you never know until you ask.”
“what are you saying?” he asks.
“I’m saying just that. You never know somebody’s answer until you ask the question.”
“you’re the one that wouldn’t even let me take off your shirt.”
I smile, remembering back to the days when he’d get mad just because I said no. “I only said no because I wanted my first time to be romantic. I didn’t want you just tearing off my shirt in the heat of the moment. Anybody’s first time shouldn’t be just quick, it should be a very slow, very passionate moment of two people becoming one.”
Logan raises his eyebrows at me, “that was seriously the cheesiest description of sex I’ve ever heard.” He says, laughing at me.
“shut-up.” I reply, but I couldn’t help but smile myself. “I’ve got to go though, Aiden’s going to start wondering where I am if I’m not back soon.”
“oh, now I see the great communication you two have.” He says sarcastically.
“if I told him where I was going before I went, then he wouldn’t have let me. I’ll tell him the instant I get home though.”
“I’m sure you will.”
“whatever. I’ll talk to you later Logan.” This time I actually open the door, ready to leave.
“of course. The only reason I didn’t talk to you before is because I didn’t need any more drama tossed into the school year.” With that I walk out of the room and back out to the streets.

I started the long walk home. It wasn’t as bad as the walk from school, but still pretty lengthy. Suddenly there was the sound of a honk behind me and I turn, expecting it to be some creepy guy. Instead, I get something worse, my boyfriend.
The car slows down in front of me and without any words I slide into the passenger seat.
I decide not to talk. He was the one that needed to say the first words in this conversation. Ten minutes into the drive, he does. “What the hell were you thinking?!” he yells, “actually, what the hell was he thinking?”
This wasn’t exactly what I expected him to say. “um, what do you mean exactly?”
“If he cared even the tiniest bit about you he would’ve given you a ride home. There is no way you should be walking around looking like that,” he waves a hand over my body, “by yourself.”
“right. Now that that’s over, could you tell me what’s really on your mind?”
“your safety is always on my mind Callie.”
“I’m sure it is.” Another silence fell over us and before either of us said another word we were finally home. One thing I love about Aiden is that he can be pissed off and still be a total gentleman, it’s kind of funny actually. Like at the moment he just slammed his door and is now practically stomping over to mine to open it. Once it’s open he gives me his hand to help me out and then, again, slams the door. We walk up my steps, since his parents were home.
I plop down on the sofa ignoring Aidens outburst as he paces the length of my hallway, muttering incoherent words under his breath.
“what were you doing there?” he asks, slightly out of the blue.
I turn to face him and see that he’s standing right behind me, “I was talking to him.”
“Callie, most girls don’t just go talk to the guy who cheated on her.” He explains.
“you know better than anyone that I’m not most girls. And Aiden, he needs a friend, everybody hates him for what he did. I can’t take it seeing him this way. He was my friend long before we dated and if he had apologized in the beginning he still would be my friend. Logan played his cards wrong, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t get a second hand at some point, right?”
Aiden sighs, knowing that I’m right. “okay. I get it. I just-“ he stops, staring out my window.
“just what Aiden? Just don’t want me hanging out with him?” my snide remark got him out of his thought-train.
“what?! No! I don’t like the guy but I’m not going to tell you who you can and cannot hang out with.” He says. “I’m just worried about you. Sometimes you can be too nice to people. Not everyone deserves to be forgiven Callie.”
“I haven’t forgiven my brother yet.” I point out.
“I know. But that’s one person out of a lot.” Aiden looked full-out worried and it was slightly scaring me, “There are people out there that will pretend to be sorry just to get to you. Not everyone is good in this world and you really need to understand that.” Somehow this came out more personal then I thought he intended. Was he one of those people I’m supposed to watch out for?
“well like you said, you don’t want to control who I see and don’t see.”
“you’re right. I did say that. I don’t want to be the boyfriend tell you who to hang out with. But I will tell you that I really don’t want you hanging out with him.”
“that’s the same thing.”
“no it’s not.”
“yes it is.”
“no, Callie, it’s not.”
“you don’t want me seeing but you won’t tell me not to. Same thing.”
“If you asked me, I would tell you no. It’s still your decision in the end though.”
I sigh, “why do you hate him so much? You two actually have a lot in common.”
“oh, thanks. That’s exactly what I want to hear.”
“seriously Aiden.”
“why do I hate him? He hurt you, that’s one thing.”
“that was almost a year ago.”
“yeah, still doesn’t make a difference.” Aiden thought about more excuses, “he dissed my car, and when I first came here he was just really rude to me. Actually, he’s just been rude to me the whole school year.”
I smile, “he was jealous of us.” I say.
“and you believe that?”
“why shouldn’t I?”
Aiden comes around the couch and sits next to me. I follow him with my eyes and then lock with his when he sits down. “Aiden, what are you not telling me?” I ask
He takes in a deep breath and his eyes were filled with worry. I don’t think this is something I’m going to like.
“That game on Wednesday, before our date. Logan said something that really got to me.”
“Logan has said a lot of things.” I joke slightly, trying to ease up the tension.
“Callie, this is serious. Jamie and I were talking about the date and were joking about meeting your parents. Logan came up and basically interrupted our conversation, telling me that Tristan had very high expectations of his your boyfriends. This worried Jamie and I since we didn’t know that Logan knew that Tristan was back so Jamie asked why Tristan would even matter. Logan told us that he was back in town. And then, what really hit Jamie and I was when he said, and I quote, ‘turns out he wasn’t dead after all. But I guess some of us knew that without him being seen.’” My face dropped, literally. I didn’t know how to handle this. Could Aiden be lying about it? Was he jealous or something? “Jamie said I shouldn’t mention it to, so I didn’t. But I really don’t trust that guy enough to have my girlfriend around him.”
Aiden thought Logan was part of it. But, that doesn’t make sense. Logan was my friend at the time. And a good friend at that. He wouldn’t have done something that effected me that bad. Jamie knows that. How could Jamie believe that Logan would do that? He’s known him just as long as I have.
“you’re lying.” I say quietly.
“what? You can’t actually be saying that.”
“Aiden, I think it would be best if you left right now.” I get up to go up to my room.
“Callie. Don’t runaway from this problem.”
“I’m not running away, I’m just not believing you. Logan wouldn’t have done anything like that at the time. He couldn’t hurt a fly.”
“Calvina, please, just trust me on this one. I have no reason to destroy Logan, I want you safe though.” He runs his hand through his hair nervously, “Jamie knows, Jamie would back up my story.”
“You guys are best friends now, of course he would back up something you said against Logan.”
“Don’t do this.” Aiden begs, “I-“
I don’t let him finish that sentence, “Aiden, just go.” I finish my walk upstairs and to my room before hearing the door slam down below.
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sorry it's been so long...I'm updating all the chapters right now.