He was a Boy, She was a Girl

Eleven, Aiden; Did I just say that?

Aidens POV

I could feel Callie turning all night, not getting a good nights sleep, which in turn made it so that I couldn’t sleep. Though I tried. There was a tap on the door early in the morning, way too early if you ask me. Especially since it was dark outside. I sat up a little at the sound of the knock and Callie followed. Then suddenly she practically jumped over to me and ran to the figure at the door. Must be Alice.
“he-hey.” I hear the same voice I had heard one too many times on the phone, “it’s good to see you too, but could you loosen your grip some please?” I bite my lip to keep from laughing and fall back down so that I can get some sleep.
“Ai-den” I hear Callie whisper into my ear, her breath cool on my skin. I groan and grab the pillow next to me, pulling it over my head.
“go sleep on my sofa Alice, I’ll meet you in the actual daylight morning.
I heard a laugh, I assume that came from Alice, “this is the sweetest boyfriend ever?” she asks Callie. I wanted to defend, but was too tired to.
“yeah, well, he has his days.” I didn’t have to open my eyes to know that she was smiling.
“actually though, could I crash on the sofa? I’m exhausted and my parents took over the guest bedroom.”
“sure, go right ahead.” Callie says. It took her quite some time to get the things for her, so I guess she also changed. Which was proven when she got back into bed and her legs weren’t covered in jean material. Callie tossed and turned, but not as much as before. Still though, I wasn’t going to complain about having her in my bed.

It was about eight when I fully woke up. This surprised me since I usually slept in on breaks, especially when I was up half the night before. Alice wasn’t on the sofa, so I guess she had gotten up earlier. Who does that when they don’t have to?
I slide myself out of Callies arms and sneak past her to get downstairs where everybody was.
The first thing that caught my eye was the fact that Mike was here.
“you doing okay dude?” he asks, patting me on the back.
“uh, yeah.” Alice skipped into the room with a bright smile on her face. Somebody’s a morning person.
“Aiden!” she screams loudly.
“hey.” I reply.
“you said we could meet in the morning and it’s morning. So, I’m Alice.”
I was slightly confused, “you, uh, just said my name a second ago, do I really have to introduce myself again?”
“somebody’s not a morning person.”
“not even close, especially before my coffee. Anyways, I’m Aiden. You already knew that though. If you would like, I give you full permission to go wake up Callie, although she’s pretty out of it.”
“no problemo, I know just the way to get her out of bed.” With that, Alice was skipping up the stairs to my room. I scratch that back of my head, tired.
“Alice is very…” my brother trails off, looking for the right words.
“excited.” I finish and Mike nods an agreement. I walk into the kitchen and pour myself a cup of coffee.
“Aiden, these are Alices’ parents, Janet and Grant .”
“nice to meet you two.” I say politely while sipping away at my coffee.
“you too, Alice has told us a lot about you.”
“of course she has.” Speaking of Alice, she came into the room looking down.
“she won’t wake up.” I laugh and set my mug down on the counter, “like at all.”
“just give her some time. It was a rough night for her.” I comment and all sets of eyes stare at me. I roll mine, “not like that, gosh. She was tossing and turning all night. Which by the way, is not that fun to sleep with.”
“welcome to being married Aiden.” My mom comments and everybody laughs.

At about noon I went to check on Callie, although she was still out cold. I decided to give it a little more time even if it was starting to make me nervous. She usually doesn’t sleep this long.
Mike and I put in the movie Push and Alice came in with Joey in her arms to join us. We were all sitting around the living room when suddenly someone sits next to me and leans their head against my shoulder. I look down and see blonde hair, Callie of course.
“hey.” I whisper.
“hey.” She replies, yawningly. “what time is it?”
“just after three.” Mike answers for me.
Alice looks across at us with little Joey on her lap, “you were out cold.” She comments.
I feel Callie shrug next to me, “does everyone know?” she asks. I knew instantly what she was asking. If everyone knew about the crash and her parents death.
“everyone who matters.” I answer. “how about you and Alice go do something fun. I can take care of Joey for a couple of hours.” I offer.
In the blink of an eye, Alice hands me the kid and heads straight for the door. I laugh as Callie leans down and kiss me before heading out with her friend.
“I’ll take care of the kid? What kind of boyfriend are you?” Mike questions, pausing the movie.
“a good one. There’s a reason why I have a girlfriend and you don’t.”
“psh. I don’t need some woman bossing me around, I already got mom. Plus, I want to see how long it lasts once your secret’s out.”
“longer than any of yours have.”
“ouch bro. that was mean.”
I raise my eyebrows, “you’re one to speak. So, what should we do with the kid?”
“I don’t know. You’re the one that took a stupid class on all things baby.”
“fine, lets…” I pause and look down at Joey, he was now sleeping in my arms, “sleep. Sounds good to me.” Mike laughed and I took Joey up to his crib. Mike and I finished the movie and then ate some lunch before Joey started crying loudly.
“well, that’s my cue.” I say, setting down my sandwich. I pick up Joey and cradle him in my arms.
“someone knows what they’re doing.” My mom comments and I turn to see her standing in the doorway.
“nine months of birth classes and a guy learns something, is that so surprising?”
“your dad never did with you two.” I shrug and grab a bottle for Joey. “you’re really great with him Aiden.”
“Thanks mom.”
“why don’t you guys go to the park, it’s a nice day out, wouldn’t hurt anything.”
“sure.” I say with a smile. Joey had calmed down by now and was sucking on his bottle of milk.
Mike decided to come with me on the walk to the park. We were at the swings with Joey when an older woman walked by and smiled.
“I think it’s great what you’re doing.” She comments at us.
“doing what?” I ask, confused.
“adopting a child. Most gay couples, even though they want kids, aren’t able to or don’t’ want to adopt.” She explains.
Mike just about laughs and I elbow his to keep him in line. “um, sorry ma’am but he’s my older brother, not my boyfriend, and the baby is my girlfriends younger brother. Not mine.”
“oh!” she gasps, “I’m so sorry!”
I smile sweetly, “it’s okay, could happen to anyone.” She hurries along her way and that’s when Mike cracks up.
“that was priceless.” He says. I couldn’t help but laugh a little myself.
We spent another hour or so talking like old times at the park and then decided to head back home.
I opened the door with Joey in my arms and Mike behind me pushing the stroller. I heard a shriek and then saw Callie grinning.
“you told her?” I guessed, walking into the room. Callie jumps up and hugs me, “careful darling, baby right here.” I joke.
She kisses his forehead and then takes her from me. “I love you.” she says in her baby voice, poking Joey’s nose. Joey coos, showing off his cute smile. Callie looks over at me and I pretend to be hurt. “and you.” she says, poking my nose. I grin inside and out, “I can’t believe you were jealous of the infant.” She says, kissing me on the mouth this time.
My dad coughs behind us and Callie pulls back, turning around, “oh, like you don’t kiss Cathy every five minutes in front of us.” Callie remarks. And that my friends, is the ultimate girlfriend.
“we’re married. Luckily you two aren’t.” my mom swats him with her newspaper.
“why don’t you two go out for dinner, you haven’t done that in awhile.” She offers. She was right too, Callie and I hadn’t really had Callie and I alone time for quite some time.
“we will defiantly take you up on that offer.” I answer for the two of us. Callie hands Joey to my mom and then runs upstairs. I follow her, a little confused.
“I can promise you that I don’t have any dresses that will fit you. your chest is just, well, bigger than mine.” I say, standing in the door way.
She laughs as she throws a pillow at me, hitting my head.
“you may not have a dress, but my cell phone was up here. Gosh. I’ll see you in thirty, kay?” I nod and peck her lips as she leaves my room.
I quickly change into a dark pair of jeans and shirt before sitting on my bed and watching my clock. Half an house is a very long time, did you know that?
Finally the clock strikes 7:59 and I make my way over there, ringing the doorbell.
“being civil now, are we?” Callie jokes, right after opening the door. I laugh and take her hand.
We got in the car and instantly had the too cliché of a conversation on where we were going.
Finally, I give up and do a u-turn in the road, deciding to go to Melanies instead. She guess that too though.
“we should actually play a round this time.” Callie suggests as we pull into the parking lot.
“whatever you want.” I reply. Might as well make her happy now because in a week when I have to drop the bomb that Reilly is mine, well, I don’t think she’s going to be too happy.
Callie goes first and I smirk, thinking that she wouldn’t be too good at this. Though that was proven wrong when her ball slowly rolls down the lane, in the end knocking down all the pins.
My jaw drops as I stare at her. “you’re turn.” She says, skipping over to the seat next to me.
I, well, wasn’t that good at bowling. Wasn’t bad, but got more spares than strikes in any game. Callie easily won and didn’t let me forget it for about five minutes
We went to the back, looking for Melanie but couldn’t find her anywhere.
“my, my, look who’s here!” we hear her say and turn around at the sound of her voice. Where did she appear from?
“Hey Melanie.” We say.
“what brings my favorite couple here?” she asks, grinning.
“needed to get out.” I answer when I realize Callie wasn’t going to.
“well then, it’s good to see you. take a seat, I’ll have a great meal in minutes.”
We sit down at a small table and Callie instantly takes a sip of her water, she must’ve been thirsty.
“so, you’re living with us now?” I ask, trying to make conversation.
She nods eagerly. “but your parents don’t want us sharing a bed every night.”
“what they don’t know won’t hurt them” I reply.
There was a small pause as we each took a sip of our drinks.
“can we stay here tonight?” Callie asks.
“I don’t think so Callie. Last time didn’t go over too well with anyone and we have two things to plan for.” Callie pouts, trying to win me over. Honestly, it would have in a heartbeat if I wasn’t worried about my parents reaction, “maybe after this all cools off. We’ll come back before the end of summer. Okay?”
“yeah. That works.” She says. “you know what’s going to suck? My parents mermorial. Half the people that are going to show up either were hated by my parents or hated my parents.”
“and the other half will want your money.” I add. She narrows her eyes at me in a playful way. “but lets forget about that for now.”
The food came then and we both dug in. My phone started vibrating in my pocket and I check it, expecting Hannah. Luckily though, it was just Jamie.
We’re at Callies with Alice, where are you guys? He asks.
“the gang is at your house. Want to head there next?” I ask
Callie replies with a ‘sure’ and I reply to Jamie we’re at dinner. We may stop by later.
Melanie came out with a single slice of chocolate cake at which Callie and I just stared at her like she was crazy. One piece? I’m a teenage boy and Callie is no where close to ‘just a salad’ girl.
“what’s with this generation!? You feed each other, it’s romantic!” she walks back into the kitchen after that.
Callie and I both roll our eyes and then take separate bites, “feed each other!” we hear from the kitchen.
I laugh and hold the fork out in front of Callies mouth. She smiles and takes it in.
“this is so romantic” Callie says with her mouth full.
I try to hold back my laugh, “oh yeah, you talking with your mouth full totally turns me on.”
“oh shush it Baker.” She says after swallowing. And then flicks a piece of cake at me, which landed on my forehead.
My mouth drops open, “did you-did you just flick cake at me?” I ask shocked.
“hmm, I think I did.”
I take some cake onto my fork and flick it at her, and it lands into her hair. She gasps.
“you did not just get that in my hair!”
“wanna bet?” I smirk. This started a food fight that didn’t last long since we didn’t have much ammo.
“you’re kidding, right?” we look up and see Melanie standing right beside us.
“it was romantic?” Callie tries.
“what will be romantic is you two cleaning this up.”
“Aunt Mel,” I say, turning on my charm act, “you really wouldn’t do that to us, would you?” I smile up at her.
She laughs at my attempt, “no, actually I wouldn’t. but you mom called Aiden, she wants you two home in half an hour.” So much for hanging out with our friends.
“how did they know?” Callie asks.
“damned if I know. Ready to leave?” Callie nods and after cleaning up a little we head back home
The car ride was silent. I knew that Callie was thinking about her parents and I didn’t want to be nosy so I let it be for now. My parents were at the dining room table when we showed up and Callie and I sat down across from them.
“you called…Melanie?” I say.
“my mom nods. “we didn’t want to interrupt you two.”
“right…” Callie says catching on to what my mom thought we were doing, “so, um, what do you want?”
“well, since you two.” She points to Joey and then Callie, “are moving in, we need to go shopping tomorrow too turn the guest room into the nursery.”
That’s what this was about? Ha, I seriously doubt it. They wouldn’t interrupt our date for that.
“although, the construction people can’t come until the 21st.” oh, that’s where this is going, “to do some remodeling on Aidens bedroom, so you two will have to share until then.”
I glance at Callie and she looks at me, we knew what was coming next and had no way out of it.
“now we trust you both but it still seems necessary that we-“ okay, so Joey? He’s a pretty cool kid. Especially when he bursts into a bloody murder scream in the midst of a sex talk. I think I’m gonna like him.
My mom sighs, “we’ll have this conversation later.” She says and takes Joey from my dad. They both leave the room.
“I want to watch a movie.” Callie says and hops out of her chair, I laugh and follow in suit.
She plops down on the sofa and I toss in the closest dvd. Jon Tucker must Die or something. I take a seat next to her and move her legs so that they’re on my lap.
“what movie did you put in?” she asks.
“Jon Tucker Must Die.” I answer as I skip through the previews.
Callie burst out laughing, “you do know what that movie is about, right?”
“some stupid horror movie I’m guessing.” I say, totally clueless. Callie just laughs harder, “what’s so funny?”
she catches her breath after a minute or so, finally answering, “it’s about breaking the heart of the heartbreaker. Teen girl love story.”
“oh.” What did I just get myself into?
“good movie, didn’t know you liked that kind though.” Callie says, still giggling.
“well if you like it then we’ll watch it.” I say.
She leans up and kisses my cheek then lays her head on my shoulder.
The movie wasn’t that bad. The guy really knew what he was doing. But she was right, it was some teen girl love story.
That was one problem with being a guy. You have to figure out when the best time to tell a girl you love her is. I mean, for me, it’s even tougher. If I tell her now and then tell her I have a kid, she’ll think I was just trying to make it seem sugarcoated. If I tell her after I tell her I have a kid she’ll think it’s just to win her back. It’s a lose lose situation really.
But I do love her and it really shouldn’t be that hard to say those three words. I love you.
“what?” Callie asks next to me.
My eyes go wide. Did I just say that? “did I just say that out loud?” I ask and she nods against my shoulder. “shit.” I mumble. Oh, well, yeah, that’s obviously going to make this better. Swearing after saying them.
Callie giggles, “well, it’s not that bad. At least it’s out there now, right? I mean, you were obviously thinking about it, now you don’t have to worry.” She say quickly. Yeah, I was thinking about it. I was think about how I can’t tell her that yet.
“of course I have to worry.”
“and why would that be?” she asks.
“because you have yet to say anything in response.” Callie laughs shortly and then kisses me. Before it could turn into anything more than just a kiss she pulls back and rests her forehead against mine.
“I love you Aiden Baker.”
I smile and lean in, kissing her again.