He was a Boy, She was a Girl

Twelve, Callie; I run to you...

Callies POV

Finally, it was the 23rd. I was so excited to meet Hannah and the baby, or course it would be slightly weird, but still fun.
Hannah, from what Aiden had told me, seemed like such a sweetheart. And her kid, Reilly, was adorable looking (I saw pictures). I even woke up early today for to make a big breakfast.
“callie?” I hear Aidens voice as he yawns, “what are you doing?”
“making breakfast” I answer without turning around.
He wraps his arms around me as I mix the batter, “may I ask why?”
“it’s the 23rd sweetie, I thought I’d surprise you! you’re getting a sister today!” Aiden tenses up next to me. I wonder why. He drops his arms from around me and goes to the fridge. “is everything alright Aiden?” I ask cautiously.
“of course it is.”
“you just seem worried.”
“you don’t have to worry Calvina, I’m fine.”
Even with those words, I was still uneasy, “okay…” I say although I didn’t believe him.
Everyone came down finally and I finished the big breakfast. Afterwards, Aiden went to take a shower and Cathy and Robert went to do some last minute shopping. Hannah wasn’t supposed to be here until one, and it was already noon.
I was sitting on the couch watching spongebob when the doorbell started ringing. Aiden hadn’t come downstairs yet so I answered it, expecting Jamie or something.
Instead there was a girl standing there, holding a baby.
“oh, um.” She says, nervous, “I think I have the wrong house.” I was a little shocked but got out of it when I noticed her leaving.
“wait, you’re Hannah, right?”
“um, yes?”
“Aiden’s just upstairs. He should be down any minute now.”
“oh! You must be Callie!” she says excitedly entering the house then.
I smile sweetly, “yeah, and this must be Reilly.” Reilly gives a cute baby smile at me and then turns away.
“she’s just a little shy.” Hannah says.
“come on, I’ll show you around.” She follows me into the house more. “this is the living room obviously and then the kitchen and dining room. Although we usually don’t use the dining room except for holidays. That’s all for down here…” I lead her to the stairs and unlock the baby gate thing before heading up. “the master bedroom is to your right and the baby’s room is across the hall, “I open up the door to show the light purple room with a white ceiling. The white then had stars painted on it in different colors. Joey has in his crib awake and playing with a stuffed animal. I walk over and pick him up, “and this, this is Joey.” I say, walking back over to Hannah.
“you really know your way around.”
I shrug, “these houses are built all the same.” I comment.
“yeah, I saw that. You lost your baby weight fast I must say. Did you not gain a lot or something? Because, I mean, it took me months.”
“baby weight?” what was she talking about, “oh! Joey! No, no, he’s not mine, he’s my brother.”
“oh, why is he here then?”
I had forgotten all about this situation obviously. Everyone around knew that I was staying with the Bakers because my parents died, it was a common fact. I didn’t plan on meeting someone who didn’t know. “my, uh, parents got in a plane crash last week and didn’t make it.” I say a little softer, “Cathy and Robert took Joey and I in since the only other family we have live in Tennessee.”
I set Joey back in his crib and step out of the room. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know. Aiden didn’t mention any of that when I spoke to him last.”
“It’s alright. I’m just not used talking about it since everyone who knows me knows what happened.”
“of course. So, finished with the house?”
“oh, no.” she follows me to the end of the hall to what is now Aiden and my rooms. I open the first door that enters into a hang out area and then over to my door, “this is my, well, bed basically, and a desk. Where your standing is really our room and all.” Then I walk over to Aidens door and knock slightly. There wasn’t an answer.
I knock again, “Aiden, sweetie Hannah and Reilly are here.” I could hear him playing his guitar so I knew he was in there. I slowly turn the knob and crack it open, “one second.” I whisper to Hannah and she nods understandingly. I walk into his room and watch him play for a moment. He was sitting on his bed with his eyes closed sing softly to a song he wrote.
“Aiden,” I say walking over to him. He looks up then, surprised. I sit down next to him and he sets down the guitar. “you okay?” I ask.
“will you stop asking that?”
“when you stop lying to me. Aiden, Hannah and Reilly are here right now, but you seem really down. Is there something we need to talk about before you go out there?”
“uh, no, we’ll talk about it later.”
“you sure?”
“I’m sure.”
“okay then.” I stand up and walk over to the door, “and this is Aidens room with Aiden currently in it.” He was standing next to me with his arm around my waist. It was awkwardly silent between everyone until Reilly started crying.
“here. How about you two catch up, I’ll take Reilly and Joey downstairs for some lunch.” I chime in. Hannah nods and hands Reilly over to me. I walk out of the room and into the nursery to grab Joey.
After grabbing some bottles I sat down on the sofa with the two kids and watched Seseme Street.
About an hour later, Aiden and Hannah come back down. I know I probably should have been worried, but I wasn’t. nothing was going to happen between them. Aiden walks into the kitchen and Hannah walks into the living, looking at all the pictures.
“I’m assuming you’ve met Mike.” I nod, “he’s such a sweetheart. Nothing compared to Aiden of course. But still, Cathy raised two great sons.” I stand up and join her. No matter how many times I had been over, I had never really looked at the pictures.
“she did,” I reply.
“Aw, I remember that day.” I look at the picture she was pointing at and notice it was a baby that had a lot of resemblance to Reilly, “we just got home from the hospital and Aiden insisted on taking a picture. I of course was wiped out so he just took it of Reilly sitting there on the carpet.”
“you guys were close, huh?” I ask. Aiden didn’t talk much about his old life, so I took upon this opportunity to get some scoop on who he really was.
Hannah shrugs, “I guess. I mean, living together for nine months kind of forces you to be close with someone.”
What? “you guys lived together?”
“of course. My father insisted that Aiden stay the whole nine months, he didn’t want the father running out on me. But then, after Reilly was born, Aiden talked back to my dad and was kicked out.”
Her words played over in my head and I froze, father? I got back to my senses and grabbed my jacket, quickly walking out the door and to my car. Father? I push my keys into the ignition and start the car, cranking my music up loudly. My breath came out in short spurts, I was hyperventilating by now. Fucking father?!
I needed away, out, but where? Everyone was friends and would talk and I didn’t need talking, I needed clearness. I turn my car in the direction of Logans, knowing that no one was home. I’d stay there for some time at least.
From the first day
That I saw your smiling face
Honey, I knew that we would be together forever
Ooh when I asked you out
You said no but I found out
Darling that you'd been hurt
You felt that you'd never love again
I deserve a try honey just once
Give me a chance and I'll prove this all wrong
You walked in you were so quick to judge
But honey he's nothing like me
I'll never break your heart
I'lll never make you cry
I'd rather die than live without you
I'll give you all of me
Honey that's no lie

Finally my phone went to voicemail. Of course it was Aiden who was calling, who else would it be? But I wasn’t going to answer, I couldn’t answer. Actually, I need to change that ringtone the instant I get to Logans.
After that Alice’s ringtone started along with every other friend of mine. One after another. They all wanted one thing from me; answers that I wasn’t going to give.
I pulled into the driveway and got out of the car. I was right, no one was home. I grab my stuff and walk over to Logans window where there was a tree. I had done this so many times that it was like breathing. That easy.
I open his balcony doors and walk into his room. It smelled of him and frebreze, and mix that had disappeared from my senses but was quickly recognized.
Quickly, I change Aidens ringtone to something more hating.
Here I am, once again
I'm torn into pieces
Can't deny it, can't pretend
Just thought you were the one
Broken up, deep inside
But you won't get to see the tears I cry
Behind these hazel eyes
I told you everything
Opened up and let you in
You made me feel alright
For once in my life…

Yeah, I think that just about sums it up. I sigh and plop down onto Logans comfy bed. Tears started flowing then and I couldn’t hold it back. Soon I was mess a and had turned Logans white comforter black in some places.

“shit!” I hear a scream and a crash. That’s what I woke up to. I must’ve cried myself to sleep. Where was I?
oh yeah, Logans. I open my eyes and see Logan with his pajama pants on lying on the floor next to the bed. His whole facial expression just made me burst out into laughter.
“everything alright Logan?” I hear a maid asks.
“of course Mary, just slipped.” He covers and then stands up, taking a few steps away from the bed. “what are you doing here? Everyone’s been looking for you for like ten hours now. Why haven’t you been answering your phone? What the hell are you doing in my bed? And how in the world did you get in here? No one was home.”
“I’m sleeping obviously. I don’t care. Didn’t feel like it. Again, sleeping. And come on, you really have to ask?” I glance at the balcony and then back at him. “done with the questions?”
“Callie, I think you need to go back to Aidens house.”
“and I don’t think that’s going to happen.”
“at least call Cathy and tell her you’re alright. Everyone is worried sick about you.”
“she lied, they all lied. They can worry all they want.” Logan sighs and grabs his phone, dialing a number I could guess to be the house.
“Cathy?” he asks, “yes, it’s Logan ____, yes Callies ex. Um, she’s at my house right now, sleeping. I don’t know, she must’ve broken in. right, I’ll do that. Oh, and can you just tell Aiden that she’s okay? We don’t need to cause more drama. Of course mrs. Baker. Okay, I’ll call you tomorrow.” He closed his phone and walked back over to the bed, sitting down on it and grabbing his shirt that was on the floor next to his feet. He pulls it over his head.
“what are you really doing here?”
“I needed to get away and this was the only place I knew was going to empty.”
Another annoyed sigh came out of him, “you can’t just break into my house whenever you want to.”
“it’s not like I’ve done it that many times before Logan. Plus why are you the one who’s mad? I should be pissed off right now, not you.”
“really? Because I just spent ten fucking hours looking for you Callie, everyone did. When I decided to call it a night, Alice, Aiden, and Jamie were still out there searching every open building and street. You can’t just run away like that!” he yells at me.
“I obviously didn’t run away. If I did I would be in the next state by now, not at your house.”
“you should’ve told somebody.” I stayed silent, not wanting to answer that. “will you at least tell me why you left? Aiden seems to be the only one who knows why and doesn’t want to tell anyone.”
“he’s a dad.” I say simply.
“who’s a dad.”
“Aiden! Aiden Baker is the fucking father of his new ‘sister’ Reilly.”
“the girl Cathy and Robert are adop-“
“YES!” I scream.
He scoots farther away from me, “okay, first off, calm down. Second off, are you sure?”
“no Logan, I just made the worst decision of my life because I wasn’t sure.”
“if it’s your worst decision than why are you-“
“when are you going to stop talking!?”
I turn my back to him and cross my arms quickly falling back asleep.

“Logan, sir, it’s time to get up.” There was a knock on the door. Logan? Shit! I was still at his house. I try to move but something was wrapped around me, pulling me closer. Ugh, Logan.
Even if I did get out, where would I go? I couldn’t go back anytime soon.
“logan.” I say turning over to face him. He opens his eyes instantly and then jumps as far away as possible.
“that didn’t happen.” I laugh at his reaction.
“what didn’t happen?” I ask innocently.
He combs his fingers through his hair. “you in my arms in the morning. Never happened.”
“Aiden and I are over, you have nothing to worry about.”
“that’s not true Callie and you know it.”
“it’s over. We’ve had one too many fights. One too many secrets kept. I can’t do it anymore. You and I were a much better couple.”
“I cheated on you.”
“at least you told me.” Logan sits back down beside me.
“weren’t you the one that told me the only reason you and Aiden worked was because you actually talked?”
“that was then, this is now.” I say.
“it’s still the same Callie. You really need to talk to Aiden.”
“Logan, you’re wrong. I need to forget Aiden.”
“that’s gotta be hard since you’re living at his house.” I didn’t want to talk any more and only knew of one way to shut him up. I run the back of my hand up and down his arm. He looks at me, knowing what I was trying to do. “that’s not going to work Callie.” He says.
“oh really?” I lean over and kiss right under his jaw where his sweet spot was.
“Callie-“ I bite down a little and Logan moans. “we should-“ I cover his mouth with mine and he ultimately shuts-up.

My eyes flutter open to the bright sun. I feel the cold air against my skin as if I just walked outside in the pouring rain, naked. Looking down, I notice that Logans sheet is only covering half of me. The room was scattered with a mix of my clothing and Logans. My bra was laying comfortably on the bedside lamp while every other piece of clothing was either on the floor, chair, or dresser.
My phone vibrated next to me and without thinking I read the text.
I love you it read from Aiden.
I drop my phone and it makes a big clunking sound when it hits the hard wood floor
What have I done?